How does one actually reform islam?

We all know thats the solution. Killing all the terrorists wont do a dam thing, an ideological war has to be fought ideologically, so how do we reform it?

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a well placed nuke


with smug


Haha as if.

Listen to this kike if you believe that fantasy is possible.

It is impossible because it is against islam to reform or change the religion in any way.
One of the main reasons I stopped believing in it. It leads to cultural stagnation.

The reformation has already started. It's gradual, and we won't see any changes for at least a hundred more years, but it is inevitable.

Take a look at the Westernized Muslims. Hijabis that wear makeup and tight jeans, and all the gay/transgender/queer Muslims. A rarity now, but soon there will be more and more of them. Western culture corrupts. And they will push this brand of corrupted Islam back to the homeland. I guarantee you in about 150 years we'll see gay pride parades in Mecca.

Work with Gulen

It's impossible because Islam is written to be the final abrahamic religion.

When Muhammad came around, he said that Judaism and Christianity came before and now Islam is the 3rd and final revision of the one true faith, and that he was the final prophet (people like Abraham and Jesus were also prophets, in the islamic view).

They took this so far that people who claim to come after Mohammad and claim to be prophets, receiving the word of god, can be executed under islamic law.

This mindset means that they have written into the faith that the 1st draft of Islam, written centuries ago, is the final true word of god.

This is why Islam is not reformable. Some people are secular muslims, but they don't prey or attend mosques. They're essentially atheists who style themselves as muslims either for necessity or for other. This is where most of your Iranians and Caucasian muslims fall.

You can't reform Islam. You can get people to leave it or ignore it, but you cannot be a devout muslim and want to reform the faith.

By reforming the followers into compost.


You actually need someone influential enough like Erdogan to make changes. There are some respected clerics who can modify hadiths.A spy of this scale is unheard of.

>Want to destroy the last non-degenerate religion

Why Sup Forums? what other hope then Islam you have?


So only the muslim community can accomplish this, is what i understood from these comments if it was to be reformed.

You have to convince them that Salafism is idolatry (which it is).

Salafism is the belief that the first three generations of Muslims (including Muhammad) were the only ones that got it right and everyone should try to live just like them.

The reason Saudi Arabia is exporting terrorism around the globe is because the Wahhabi Salafist church which is their official religion made a pact with them hundreds of years ago to support their monarchy so the Salafist clerics there will completely turn a blind eye to anything unIslamic that the royal family does while using their religious police punish the people for doing anything wrong.

What is lacking is money. We need to put as much funding behind an anti-Salafist propaganda effort as they are putting into promoting Salafism.

Either way, the end of Saudi control over the Arabian peninsula would be necessary. As far as terrorism, the US has officially backed the wrong horse in supporting Saudis over the Iranians.

same way we reformed Shinto

You have to give them some time to work things out.

Christianity is 2000 years old, Islam is only 1300. Give it another 700 years and maybe it'll be like Christianity today.

it cant be reformed it was written by degenerate pedophile rapist sand nigger that was high on some skunk dune drug. A*abs just have to become fucking normal people or America should just nuke those shits down

I think its to late.

Its Jihad resurgence is spreading and Islam has become to violent.

the lyrics say enough.

THIS. It's always been them, vs everyone else and it won't stop until everyone who isn't a muslim kills them off before they do the same to us.

The problem is people seem to think that Islam=Christianity=Hinduism=Judaism etc.

Its a byproduct of our philosophical underpinnings of equality

they find it so hard to come to grips with what you just said.

We kill them or they kill us.

There is no middle ground, there is no compromise.

Yep. The more of them there are and the higher the concentration, the bigger the problem. There is over a billion of them and until the last 30 years they were pretty localized and stayed out of the western world's way. But now it's become a real problem, and only a total world war on islam will stop it. It WILL happen sooner or later. The khafir is not a pussy. They just need to be pushed hard enough to push back against the PC bullshit and fight back, and I'll be damned if the Muslim's haven't been doing that the past year thanks to Obama.