Seriously, how do we solve the gun problem in the USA? It's getting ridiculous

Seriously, how do we solve the gun problem in the USA? It's getting ridiculous

spread a plague through america so there are no more americans which means no gun problem in america

how do you resist tranny then

Education solves most social issues. This and jobs for educated people ofc.

Make it mandatory for everyone to have a gun.

>expecting >American education to solve anything

Over 60,000 people died of opiate overdose in one year

Get everyone more guns, so you can shoot the shooter.

Why not? They can make it better with some relatively small effort.

It will never be fixed because Americans are just fucking stupid. They honestly think they can beat the government with a Bushmaster.

ban pistols except 22.
pistols a main tool of crime

Some of our states are actually very intelligent. If we were allowed to pick and choose regions for international tests like China does, you would see for yourself

Increasing education quality? Looks like something that would impact corporate profits, no way!

You don't have a gun problem.
You have a crime problem.
You have a nigger problem.

>Some of our states are actually very intelligent

My State IQ is huge, very very huge, one that was never seen before... everybody is impressed

More guns.
Seriously though, a required "The Good Guy(goim) Training" to legally get guns could do wonders. People with guns would be better at fulfilling the role put for them in the constitution with some actual training with firearms, more ready to defend innocent against the "bad guy with the gun", and less likely to give toddlers the guns.

>Looks like something that would impact corporate profits

ahh yes, let's remember all those mass shootings in Africa


You need more guns

instead you have mass rapes and mass cannibalism because mass shootings can't exist when the norm is constant warfare

If Pearson actually produces good quality content it will increase its costs and reduce shareholders dividends.

explain yourself instead of posting memes you inarticulate piece of shit

Build refugee cities for those who are willing to give up their guns. Then have super tight Israel-tier security all around the cities to keep the guns out.

Just like they say on the radio in GTAV, the nuclear option, "Mandatory Concealed Carry For All".

You don't, just let natural selection play its role.
You just have to be lucky to don't get caught in a crossfire

I’m serious. Look, here’s a map of the states and which country they share a level of education with.
Doesn’t seem like any share your education, France. But if we’re going off the PISA score chart that gets posted here a lot, quite a few of our states are actually surpassing you in education levels.

>You don't, just let natural selection play its role.
If we add evolution, murricans will become bulletbroof in someday in the future

>southern america is africa tier
not surprised at all

>You just have to be lucky
That's not how natural selection works.


With more guns

make restrictions like you can buy a gun but must be at an specific age or like you can only own a specific amount of ammunition