Be me

Be me
> Caramel skinned cause dark skinned mom and caramel skinned dad
> Grew up in white suburbs and schools
> Can't relate with blacks but do relate with whites and have been told I sound white
> Have only ever had crushes on white girls
> Have identity crisis

You get to decide Sup Forums am I a nigger, a coon, or white?

Don't say fag. Fag is a given for anyone here so don't say that.

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Other urls found in this thread:

You'll never have an identity.

Also, fag.

> You'll never have an identity
> Fag

Y'all so easy, gg, I'm done here

You're a mutt

Just be black what’s wrong with that?

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No shithead that’s not what being a mutt is that’s feeling more comfortable with another culture despite not being from that culture

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It's not genuine. Sometimes I'm online watching videos of these white people trying to hard to be black and even though I'm laughing, deep down I know the only difference between me and them is my skin color.

>Be me
>Be like you
>Don't care cuz I like who I am
>Get over yourself mixed fag
>Meet people who treat you like a human cuz that's who you are

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All that stereotypical “black” stuff is bullshit anyways, just be comfortable in your own skin. Being black doesn’t mean you have to speak in a type of vernacular or enjoy hip hop music/culture.

He’s got it exactly right >>>>>

Get your HS freshmen cringe off of my board right now you MASSIVE fag.

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I messed that up I meant to OP

>sound white
Why do niggers and other undesirables think that talking properly without ebonics is a white thing?

>i was just a pertendo to been reatardo xD

but muh culture

wuz kangs

>my board
zoomers running wild

kys nigger. You'll never be white, you're a shitskin.

Not mixed. Parents are black and grandparents were black. Probably a drop of white in there somewhere but it probably wasn't out there consentually.

See that's the surface level shit. That's not a big deal. The problem is when you get to shit like how I've only ever liked white girls or how some of my views are a bit more right then left. Now I'm on some Uncle Tom shit.

Alright I just realized I'm almost 21 and still dealing with high school identity bullshit so you can all upgrade from calling me fag to faggot.

thug is our culture nigga, we ain't finna talk "proper" like faggots

It's not fucking rocket science everyone wants to live with white people. They're generally more pleasant, nicer, better looking, smarter, more rational, and clean up their own communities. They they're literally more evolved beings. The only people hating on whites are jealous non-whites. Name one good thing about living with black people, I'll wait.

>Parents are black and grandparents were black
>Am I a nigger, Sup Forums?
Jesus fucking christ, can't make this shit up

We don't. I said I went to white schools, so who the fuck would be saying I talk and act white?

Don't say that we haven't decided if I'm white or not yet.

Hey whoa whoa now, they might be more pleasant, better looking, smarter, more rational, and clean up communities better than us but uhhh... what was the next thing?

>caramel skinned

you're a nigger.

Sounds like you’re a nigger to me

>who the fuck would say I talk white?
>have been told I sound white
Right in your original post, nigger

You know I live with black people right? My family is black we just live around whites. Lemme educate you:

Black parties are fire. You got ya soul food and everyone gets to take some home. Bitchin music. Blacks keep it real.

No David Duke, not all white people neighborhoods are great trailer parks are filled with disgusting criminals. I’d rather live in a wealthy brown neighborhood than a poor white one any day of the week

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Do you know the difference between a nigger and a coon?

No duh. I said I have been told I talk white, but who the fuck would be telling me this? White people told me this.

Alright I'll keep tally

It doesn't mean shit nowadays. All niggers want to date white girls.

Nah fuck that, I'm mixed race myself and the black side of my family are the only ones who give me shit for "talking white"

also checked, fag

Bro that didn't even answer the question. Do you know the difference between a nigger and a coon? I'll keep it simple for you cause I don't wanna overload your brain but the niggers were in the fields and the coons were in the houses. The niggers fought hard for freedom and the coons didn't mind staying.

Fine, fuck it, pick an answer to the damn question I'm tallying the results.
> Nigger
> Coon
> Whitey

Different regions, different meanings.

Used to mean blacks who want to date white girls.

In some areas of the world, it means the blackest of blacks. In Australia, coon is a worse insult that nigger.

In France, coon is any shitskin who immigrates and pretends like they've been there forever.

In Britain, a coon chases trucks around the port area trying to steal shit out of the trailer.

I'm guessing you're american, so you only have your little cotton-picking plantation urban-dictionary bullshit definition.


Fuck off to /bant/ of course I'm using us definition this isn't /bant/

I don't know how you did it, OP, but you're a Mexican now. Have fun with that, faggot.

Trips checked. Someday it won't be such a gap in identity. Sorry you're ahead of your time, Just do what's comfortable for you. You're leading the way.

Alright thanks have a good night babe

I do like nachos. I'll add to the tally.
> Nigger
> Coon
> Mexican
> White

Thx user. I dedicate my next fap to you

Nothing in your original post said anything about the US. You just said you were a shitskin.

>fuck off to /bant/
It isn't a containment board for the rest of the world, dipshit. Fucken nog logic.

Wanna come around and rim my asshole? My balls are extra smelly

My vote is nigger btw

/bant/ is a containment but clearly it isn't working. Anyway lemme teach you kids a lesson. Rule #1: Always assume America. We're self-centered, but have you considered fuck you?

Thanks for the vote by the way I'll add it to the tally and give your prostate a tickle.

I wanna use your shit as lube and give you a blumpkin

You'll never know how truly awesome this board gets each night once you faggots go to sleep lol.

Btw, that's not even close to Rule 1. Fucken zoomers.

pretty sure you got your answer already, dindu

You're a nigger, congrats

Don't lie to me lol it's still degen. 80% porn threads, 10% copy pasta, 8% long ass green text, 2% grab bag of almost interesting content.

When are you available to have your prostate tickled and lickled?

You guys make good movies, I'll give ya that.
But, why do you spend billions on your military -- more than the next 25 spending-nations combined -- when the last (and only) time you won a war against a nation other than yourselves was 75 years ago? And even then, only because you threw bombs from across an ocean? I'll never understand.

Thank you, I'll add to the tally.

Lemme ask y'all though I know I'm not mixed but do you claim your mixed people or are they niggers too?

Sup Forums was never good, it's just better when the (((americans))) are sleeping.

Obama was the first black president right? So mixed people are niggers too!

Nah, mixed people are alright.

Bro you ask like we think it makes sense lol. We could spend half of that and still be scary as fuck. Meanwhile Flint's fucked up, our justice system is fucked, our healthcare is pricey and our schools aren't doing our kids enough good. I legit can't answer that question you got me.

Blacks are auto-niggers. Mixed people are trickier, and judged by their merit.

If you don't get yo ass over to /bant/ and let me tickle your pickle I swear to God...

Alright I take it back, you're not a nigger. Throw a point in to your tally wherever you'd like it.

Merit? Like what? Does it matter which parent was white? I knew a kid with white mom black dad growing up and he was godlike at basketball. Do you claim him?

>tickle your pickle
Sure do love the (((idea))) of a black cock ramming into my white anus. Aren't there like ten threads on /gif/ we could retire to, alone?

I can't undo tally submissions sorry. I'll just add one to Mexican. I'm not Mexican but I do like qdoba.

The merit of their actions - regardless of their parents. Nogs don't get that leniency, as the outcome is always the same.

He could be godlike at baseball, but still beat on a bitch and rob his local gas station. It's up to him. Mixed races teeter on the scales.

You're black cuzzo. Just a richer shade. Don't call yourself a nigger. You should really go and see how the other side is living but you're fine as you are, king. Ima leave you with a quote from Blue:

"At some point you gotta decide for yourself who you gon be. You can't let nobody make that decision for you."

It's good bro but I told you these white people love the word this the only reason they checked the post.

All nigs and nogs aside, I agree. A richer shade of melanin makes you a king.

I can imagine your perfect black ass shitting logs all over yourself, and nobody would even know. You could walk around town, with literal shit smeared on you.

People would wonder the smell. But they'd never know you're the offender. Because you're so dark, so black... so fucking shit stained.


Yeah, but fuck what they think. Despite what you may believe your existence isn't defined by them. They could all drop dead and you'd still be you, young blood. Do some introspection. Realize that you are who you are, figure out what you like, figure out what you want. You're the only one in the world with access to your deepest desires. Only you can define yourself.

My deepest desire is to fuck white bitches with them thick thighs white girl things get me fucked up, thanks chief.

Oh hush, I don't have the time to tell you that it's okay to be yourself. Whatever expectations your family and friends put on you aren't you. And all sorts of positive affirmation towards valueing yourself and realizing your worth comes from yourself. And a lack of knowledge doesn't mean you're worthless. You can gain it. It might not be easy but you have the capabilities. You are worthwhile.

But I don't have the time so, fuck off.

Do what you like

Nah, you cool man. You're like the James Charlies of niggers.

Whites don't want to claim you. Fags don't want to claim you. Fems don't want to claim you. Trans don't want to claim you. But you're still here, because you're being a massive fucking attention-whore on a social platform.

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Your kind has no place here, decent friendly person

I'm just being me and speaking from the gut

You're a mud/shitskin and should never ever be seen as or equal to whites

Everybody would know its you that smell since you're the closet nigger around smd if something smells, its usually a nigger

Do you claim your mixed people? Was Barack one of us or one of yours?

my nigga...

it's true. always gonna be a nigga. embrace it

Race is social construct, it really doesn't matter

>closet nigger around smd if something
Can we get a mixed translator in here

Exactly! The only difference are geneti- I mean, social and economic issues!

It means he is concealing his 'blackness' to appear as if he is a member of the white race, an action causing the commenter to smd, shaking my dick.

Be a Caramel Skinned guy who acts white.
Live in the "White World"
And be the best you that you can be. For you.
You can be "White" because everyone that society does not want, is already White.
The Media made Kim and Kanye into White People.
George Zimmerman is a White Man now.
You can be White too!
Welcome to the Social Construct.
We have World Domination, Absolute Power, and people bending over backwards to be mad at us for how fucking amazing they think we are.
There are statues of dead white people that scare black people.
There are people who claim that White People invited Time, to oppress Non-Whites.
Fuck man, be White.
You Invented Time.

We're all just humans. Don't let them make you believe we're not all the same.

How other races not our own are generalized is a social construct (stereotypes, etc.), and let's be fair, some people are just full of shit. And some communities accumulate shit, e.g. trailer parks, the ghetto. There are racial differences, anyone who denies that is an imbecile. But so is anyone who only focuses on that.

South Africa fag her. I can't stand racism. I know black families, and being white, obviously white families. As much as each race is in denial about it, there are good and bad people on either side. Skin colour does nothing for morality, social situations do. And even then individual situations do more.

TL;DR There's a whole spectrum of good and shitty people out there regardless of race.



Man, becoming an interesting person in your own right is more of a foundation for who you are, than using something like racial background for your personality. Try not to view this in terms of race, just be awesome my dude.

>Caramel skinned
No such thing: you're a dirty, filthy, thieving nigger.

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Lmao niggerape wants to be white lmao godie

Nigger coon etc. is a lifestyle, it doesn’t matter. I play the racist game because I find it funny but when things are more serious, race doesn’t matter. If you don’t see yourself as a black or caramel whatever because you don’t act like them, then don’t identify as them. Identify as whoever you feel most comfortable as. Just keep in mind your actual biological race, never throw that part of you away, race might not be very important, but it comes in handy in certain situations.

Whatever bro. Be you and fuck all this race shit.

Fuck niggers

You're a nigger... Not because of any racial shit.. Just because you are a fruit eating naked island dweller whomst now eats corpses, chemicals and shit... And thus instead of being superior fruit eating evolve.. You are degenerate, broken brained, nigger.