Cringe/fail/ylyl/whatever thread

Cringe/fail/ylyl/whatever thread

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Woody you cuck

cringe you say?

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fake and gay

of course it's fucking gay, it's about having a toyboy twink slave. Lip Sync hing to Disney Songs while tap dancing on a rainbow dressed like Liberace is about the only thing gayer

It's good to have goals in life, follow your dreams user.


its not gay if he has a feminine penis

god i wish that were me

My dreams usually involve me being forced back to school to finish some test I'm really stressed about, and a sovereign, free, and democratic Transnistria
Oh right, I forgot about the feminine penis, because that's totally not a meme
You should follow your dreams like that other user said

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Pretty weak start

not that you could contribute anything better

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fuck off

You sound upset user, whats the matter? Your wife’s boyfriend locked the bedroom door with you outside again?

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jokes on you i don't have a wife

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Contribute wieners

Back to soc madhead

don't fuck with me kiddo seriously this is your last warning

Sorry, husband.
Forgot you’re a cock craving homo.
Just craving the cock its all you think about. Big thick veiny warm throbbing cock.

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cringed hard

coming through girls

Attached: faggot cyclist eats shit.webm (720x1274, 1023K)

Attached: faggot clown.webm (426x240, 1.5M)

You misspelled “creamed”

this gave me a boner. fucking hate cyclists

Attached: blow it out your cunt.webm (268x480, 747K)

lost to this retarded shit

Best cringe in the thread so far. Can we beat this?

you just did.


Back to your pics you shouldn't share thread

>being this butt hurt
oh dear

>this gave me a boner. fucking hate cyclists

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that guy could be paralyzed or dead. This guy isn't cycling on some city road congesting traffic, lmfao.

woke up sheeples

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>gets paralyzed
it was just a prank bro

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Fuck off m8

who cares lmao

Your mother will die in her sleep, no chance to stop it this time

Cringe maximus

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I'll be back tomorrow, pretending candid photos of girls I took from here are girls I lust over in real life and personally know or some bullshite as part of some giant online mass-fap with other borderline faggot LARPers, but here's one more random image for the road.

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epic troll

Fuck that fat bitch

eta on dying mother? sooner the better

The only thing evil there is cops pulling people over for trivial bullshit like making phone calls while driving. The bootlick who made that meme got brain damage from too much shoe polish.


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you must be black because you don't understand the meme.

it's eviil because it wastes the cops time because they think the guy is talking on his phone while driving (which is illegal) but he's actually just holding a cookie that looks like a phone lmao

They put so much effort into that tho

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About this picture, Accidental nudes like this are nothing to be ashamed of. If your a woman and a porn of you gets out, dont fret it. Someone is furiously jacking off to you. Your making someones night someplace. My only issue with this pic is the "bitch face" she is making. Who sends a pic of beautiful tits while scowling at the cam like I shit on your rug?

It's not evil because cops need to die, or at the very least not waste people's time over BS. Not everything that is illegal is actually wrong, bootlick, and vice versa. Things like purges in the Soviet Union or the Holocaust were also legal according to those who did it.

So progressive. A true intellectual.

Here is your medal, sir.

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Seriously, tell me she doesnt look like she is about to slap the shit out of someone?

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looks like the same face most girls make after seeing my dick. feels bad man

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you had no punch or line. you suck. fuck you

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Any women who takes nudes or let anyone else take nudes of her is a slut and should be shamed into suicide.

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Let's be honets here buckaroo. We all know no woman has seen your dick user. We're not here to judge, however why lie on a Thai basket-weaving forum?

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cringed so hard my anal cavity collapsed

you caught me. meant to say men, my bad

Nah Woody likes the sheepgirl, he is simply a buisness man making some money on his bff and a slut

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kek, but theyre doing 8 years...

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Thats actually the height of stupidity and a great way to get yourself pointlessly killed. Im an old fucker but when I was a teen my control freak father lost his shit if I didnt call him to say I got home safe. He would call the fucken cops to "Check in on me" Thats the height of stupidity. and a great way to get my head blown off. Ill never forget this news article from years ago. Teenage kid being the typical jackass that is normal when your a teen, argues with mom about being grounded, grabs her car keys and storms out. Mom, going to "Show him" calls the cops. My sun stole my car. Cops blew the kids brains out. Mom was surprised. WHAT DID YOU THINK WOULD HAPPEN

Can someone post this pic with better quality? I cant read it

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best post in thread

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More of these?

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nice to e appreciated. Thanks