What does /b think about White Pride?
What does /b think about White Pride?
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I don't think about faggy cringe bullshit. White is not an ethnic group, you cannot have pride in a skin color in the absence of a culture. Armenians and Australians can both have white skin but they are not the same.
racial pride of any kind is for tossers with no real accomplishments to be proud of
when they say white they mean anglo-christian not slavic
> being proud of your people, heritage
> faggy cringe bullshit
but it's OK for literally every other race and culture, right? KYS yourself, faggot.
White pride, black pride, asian pride, Indian Pride, Jewish pride, Native pride, Aboriginal pride, Pacific Islander pride. Any pride that creates barriers between us is bad. Humans are humans. Once we are visited we'll all figure that out.
Faggot we was vikangs shit for brailet losers with no personal accomplishments of their own to take pride in.
It’s cringe, I used to be into the whole racial/ethnic pride bullshit when I was younger and I’m glad I strayed from it, looking back it was like I was retarded or something, and so were the people involved with it, and that’s how they look from my perspective now
I’m happier off without all that trash too
Same guy
this includes “pride” from all groups, like blacks, muslims, gays, Jews, whatever
It literally says worldwide you retard
Pride in a '''''culture'''' is kinda a shit goal to strive for. Id rather have a nice quite normal life with out bothersome dirt people inserting themselves in my business. I see them as no better then black lives matter.
what the fuck do white people have to be proud of? seriously
idk meat loaf is pretty good. the food and the musician.
if it was more about how celebrating Copernicus, Aristotle, Mozart, and DiVinci, Goethe and others I could get behind it
is that david byrne?
We'll never be visited. While I do believe extraterrestrial life exists, I doubt they'd have the means for interstellar travel.And even if they did, there's still no planets out there that we've found that can support life, so star systems with life, intelligent or not, are likely few and far between.
and even if they can get here they will prob stay away like we keep clear of some tribes in amazon.... 'not to disturb their culture'
Insecure manchildren that need to turn to their race to make themselves feel special
White culture has a lot to be proud of, and I think that white pride is important in todays sjw liberal white man bad society, especially since everything "white pride" associated is automatically deemed racist (even though in fairness a lot of it is, but so is brown pride or whatever and that is perfectly acceptable).
I am proud to be a part of the group(s) of people that changed civilization for the better and lifted modern man out of sustinence living, and theres nothing wrong with that.
Unfortunately I could/would never be a part of any movement because professional suicide and the idiots I would be forced to associate with. Make no mistake, white niggers exist. OTOH I hate antifa and these people are getting out there and taking shit from le reddit fags, so I appreciate them for that.
I think whites have more than earned the right to be proud
I don't think it is hate speech to say white pride or white power depending on the context..
I'm tired of them ruining rekt threads.
Especially because you know they just want to fap to
This, but the fact that white people can't have pride, is highly subversive and telling.
Heil Hitler!/10.
except there are plenty of holidays and cultural festivals that celebrate white heritage
go back to stormfront
I think it's retarded to be prideful for shit you literally have no involvement in.
t.black dude who really just wants to see all pride months go away so whitey will stop whining that all eyes aren't on them 365 days of the year
It is similar to gay pride or pride of country you are living.
It is for people who have nothing else going for em
Why do ethnocucks always use this shitty justification? Where in the anons statement did he say it was ok for other races? He's right, "white" isn't a culture and you're sacrificing your actual heritage for some gay failed Nazi ideology.
Go back to Africa. Oh wait a minute. You’re welcome you baboon.
Thanks, mutt. I appreciate it.
There's no reason to be proud of something you had no hand in. If there's a movement for people to be proud of something, be it race, sexuality, or ethnicity, chances are it's not something to be proud of.