YLYL: Wednesday edition
YLYL: Wednesday edition
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worth the long watch
I remember when YLYL threads were funny.
Yet there's always people whining instead of contributing.
If you want it to be funny post something funny, jackass.
k boomer
No you dont
Holy shit really?
Omg it's been forever since any oldfags that actually remember how Sup Forums used to be have been on here. Could you stick around & maybe answer questions, tell us about some old hijinks you used to get up to? Also maybe some funny pics would be great.
every ylyl since 2009 has a faggot whining about it and not contributing shit
>member when it was funny
Ylyl were never funny
They've always been funny, you just have been a depressed sack of shit all of your life
Fucks sake man that's honestly a bit too much.
source on that girl
God i'm sick of wannabe edgy fucklords like you fuck off
Shut your fucking degenerate cock hole. Nobody cares about what you have to say.
Consider the following:
yes yes it is
Fuckin newfiggs.
I eat your mother's cunt for breakfast & shit better offspring than you. Have fun raping as a means of getting laid the rest of your life.
>actually using lol.
OK zoomer.
You clearly have nothing to had to this civilization. All you are able to do is follow like the perfect gentile that you are.
How's your cubicle?
Don't you have actual life goals?
>>actually using zoomer
What are your goals here user? You are taking time out of your day to pick arguments on Sup Forums. You respond with images that no doubt reflect the pillows you fall asleep with & dream about raping if you could manage to lift your 2 inch dick with all the muscle your couch-ridden carcass can muster. Why so sad?
funny and relatable
Meant for
This shit can't be for real... and why did I lose to it?
This one is funny
>wasting time on argumenting with some btard
I'm bored as fuck user. Those arguments are the only lights of my day.
>why so sad?
Because this civilization has failed us. We have failed ourselves.
>body pillow.
That would be my shotgun.
Have a good day faggot, thank you for the shitty yet entertaining conversation.
Too soon.
Gawd damn it Bobby!
Wait I know that gay blowjob!
That boy ain't right, I tell you hwut
Go to your room bobby
go die in a fire faggot
okay, i lost
Fag u couldn't drop it out
Only newfags care
>to had
who is this?
Probably put there to trigger the newfags.
Jesus christ dude too soon
Post something funny then faggot
Why does this make me feel ill
I recognize that gay blowjob!
A staged death that ppl here treat as real for some reason
hate that game. way too hard.
Hair Chips
Frog jumP!!!!!!!!!
Maymays about doggos
Mlem or blep?
bump xdd
window licker *ʖ ͡*
Catto F
very good poste
big yikes
top oof
Fuckin kys already.
fuccing beech