As a dark skinned male...

As a dark skinned male, these bbc obession threads and eradication of the “white” race is cringey and I do not support it.

Inb4 i get asked to show my dick

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Based wholesome nigger user

Both black and white thread are cringey af

Just spreading this from time to time. I have no problem with people’s preferences but shoving down people throat is annoying.

Also makes me look bad and people automatically think whenever I post I must hate or trying to put down white men lol


Agreed, imagine justifying your self worth based on the color of your skin and not the merit of your actions. Yikes.
Also fuck shills and glowniggers

What’s a glownigger?

I just been called a regular nigger lul

Ahh the rare based wholesome black

Though if were being honest here, we all know the "black cock is superior cock give up your women and be assimilated into the dark skinned ethnostate" threads are most definitely made by 2inch dicked white cucks

That’s true too lol

Federal agent, CIA, FBI, etc sowing discontent among the general population




show ur dick or u are a fake nigger

as a black guy
>not a race traitor or uncle tom

the bbc threads are just cringe. me and my white nigga Jeremy double team bitches all the time and we both have the same size dick.

shout out to my boy Jeremy

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That’s pretty gay, dude

i don't give a fuck

I'm pretty sure it was either a black woman or fag making those threads for a while based on my interactions with them. Got really triggered when you mentioned IQ. Also, jews, possibly russians trying to start a race war. Lets not forget asians/tenda spencer either.

Race in general is cringe. Imagine basing your entire personality on the amount of melanin in your skin. I've even seen people go so far as to change the way they talk when they are around other high melanin people, that's fucking cringe.

Based nig bruh


Lol imagine being this much of a faggot. Imagine thinking if you take the melanin out of a black guy he's suddenly a white guy. Wow.

Fuck off glownigger

Imagine being someone that goes their whole day thinking about black dick.
