Anyone here ever thought about just buying a plot of land and a mobile home and just bumming it in the middle of...

Anyone here ever thought about just buying a plot of land and a mobile home and just bumming it in the middle of nowhere? Sounds kind of comfy...

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Sounds comfey, till the niggers show up to get what you owe them

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I would choose a place with no niggers. Simple.

Yeah. Except I'd build a home on that plot of land. Raise some cattle/crops for food. Shoot a few elk/deer/moose each year. Maybe some asshole birds that taste good. Because fuck partridge are dumb. But god damn are they tasty.

You're on your way to a good idea OP. You just need to think it out a bit more. Planning out where you get that plot of land is critical here. I'm thinking on a lake with mountains in view kinda thing with no one around for 50-100 miles.

> on a lake with mountains
> raising cattle
> building a home

Nigger I'm not that rich

I think about it from time to time. But, I'd be thinking that it would be a bit boring, and I have a lot of shit to do, so I probably wouldn't do much with that.

Maybe buying a plot somewhere out of town and using it as a project to do a DIY cabin

Land in the middle of fucking nowhere is cheap.
Buying a few calves is an investment, admittedly. But we're talking building this up over years instead of just jerking it in my trailor in the woods for a while. Start with a few chuckens. Work your way up. Bullets and hunting are cheap and you only need a few large game animals to have enough meat for the year.

As for accomodations, start DIY if you're poor as shit. Once you get a bit of excess from your basic bitch crop and your lame ass chucken hut you can sell that shit in town and make a buck to improve your shitshack.

It's all relative. I'm guessing you live somewhere urban right now? I work in a city... a small one... and I drive 25 minutes to the country to my 40 acres of privacy. I don't know how city-dwellers don't go mad.

every fucking day. I want to work the land and learn new skills and get away from the Capitalism grind which is turning me and everyone I know into slaves

I want to enjoy my one life.

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t. native oregonian

A lot of people do that, it's not uncommon but can be pricey.

Frien. You are slave. But slave known as serf. But name of serf changed to citizen. Same shit in end.
The lords who own the land and we work for are the political class.
Glory be to pseudo monarchy disguised as democracy!

Yse, I live in the city.

Looking at cheap plots (around 1k) in Michigan right now, which is where I'm from. Would love to just have a little cabin in the woods where I could work on ambient music... That would be comfy as fuck.

Nigger I live in Portland..

This, I'm tired of working and I don't want to pay rent. I'd rather pay off a mortgage so I could actually own something in the end...

I'm a city dweller soyboy, what would you recommend? How do I learn how to hunt? I don't have a dad to teach me.. Looking at around 1k land in the middle of nowhere in Michigan. Any advice on buying land? I don't want to pay a bunch of retarded hoa fees and these plots all seem to be part of some weird old people community.

I feel like reality is slowly being taken away from us. Every new day pulls us into a even more unrealistic, empty, insignificant world.

I've known this for years user and I can't take it anymore. I've learned enough, I've studied enough, I've practiced enough - I can see the bullshit that the entirety of Western culture is buried under and I need to escape it as best I can. I can feel my brain failing me the longer I stay in this hell. I have a good sized group of friends and, starting August, we're going to start taking steps to living communally and off the land together.

I need this. I've always been a adorable hippy fag but now I'm seriously looking to go the full 9 yards and live off the land

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Tune in user! Don't miss the next big thing! Don't miss what the Kardashians are doing! Don't miss that next waaaacky political headline - wow can you believe [president] did [action]?! Make sure to subscribe, and consume, and don't forget to buy that product, you ugly motherfucker, because without it.. well... you're ugly!


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Best of luck friendo

What are the downsides in buying a 1.5k half acre in bumfuck nowhere Michigan? Even if I don't decide to build a house there, the value will appreciate, right?

I don't need luck, I've got determination!!! :D

and very supportive parents tbh.. that'll help a lot


Been there. Most relaxing, stress free two years of my life. Do it.

Oh yeah, watch out for coyotes and thieving spics.

this user talking like he knows lol. Yeah go ahead go buy some dirt cheap hunting land and try and put an RV or something on it, itll be weeks before youre in front of a city inspector pleaing 'b-but the ad on the internet from the realtor said i can put a house on here" and all your neighbors who own land say something like they wanted to keep the land open and they gang up against you.

In Brazil, if you buy land and do not occupy it, it may be invaded by squatters. Justice and law will give squatters reason and you lose the land.

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Midwest is very cold for 6-7 months each year. I live in Wisconsin right now. You'll be stuck inside for the majority of each year unless you like snow and -65 with wind

why only 2 years?

I come from a family of homesteaders. The one thing I'll say is that it is incredibly difficult to produce enough food to fed yourself and/or a family. So, you must have money or a source of income.

We aren't going to try to live fully off the land for a long time, if ever. We're going to rent our land to local festivals and shows to host concerts and stuff for extra income. I have experience hosting events so I think that would be a solid idea. I've been to plenty of festivals that were on a little farm/commune

i appreciate the honest advice

Good luck with that. The whole mortgage part. First, land with homes thats cultivated and not just raw land will be like 10k an acre or more. Not to mention even a tiny home cabin on that land would be appraised at at least 100K. MFer so unless you can already afford to buy a house(im guessing no from previous comments), then how are you going to buy a house on land thats probably over twice as expensive to maintain and over twice as much taxes? and if you want ot build a house on raw land you bought then there is no mortgage. you either have the money or you dont. Youll be lucky if a bank lets you borrow 30k to build with, but to even get that 30k theyll want your 80K truck as collateral. and thats with a 800 credit score. And thats that grown man 800 credit score, not that 'oh im 18 and just got my first credit card and suddenly my credit score is 760' credit score.

holy shit really? my experience has been the complete opposite. ive only ever ran a half dozen of this and that and maybe 10 of those plants and did about half of my .008 acre backyard and i have to say, holy shit i never knew 1 tomato plant would produce so much or one berry bush would give so much. I didnt know vegetables grew so fast and tasted so much better home grown and never frozen. But everytime id harvest another of my backyard crops, id have just buckets of whatever it was, be it strawberries, grapes, just buckets. my fam and I never ate half of it, and we basically lived off the stuff i grew lol. The only thing i think we ever finished completely was the watermelons and the weed.

AAAAAAAAAAA this sounds so fucking comfy I cannot wait to have the land and space to grow again. I miss picking cherry tomatoes off the stem each morning on my way to class. So delicious

It's my land, I can do whatever the fuck I want with it and if they try to bully me I'll sue their asses.

Except youll already be under suit from them? I'm guessing youve never sued anyone? And itll all (likely) be in the fine print on the contract that youve signed. I'm guessing you dont have that kind of money anyways, to buy land, build a home, start an ag business or sorts, and pay for layers to not only defend you vs the county and you vs the people of X county, but also to go on the offensive and to sue back? for bullying of all things?

Best keep doing your homework, I can tell this is something youve only recently started looking into. It does sound nice as a daydream, in reality it can be kind of a nightmare. Best do your homework. Every county is different. Chances are, if you do buy land, most of your neighbors that also bought land there will be wealthier than you are, already bosting nice estates and the likes, the last thing they want is a bunch of, or even 1, young people moving in buying little ass half acres plots and putting up little shitty half finished sheds all over and then not working and trying to live in them and trying to farm out of them, like all there is to farming is planting a few seeds then waiting like everything all good for everyone. No one really wants new farmers or AG peoples arent them either. New Ag and homesteaders pop up everywhere and think they want that life, but they dont realize its a hardcore roughneck life especially if youre doing it on a budget, and if you dont have what it takes, youll be 40 minues away from anything, youll probably wash soil and chemical fertilizers everywhere on the surrounding lands, you might get a bug infestation and say fuck it oh well to bad for you and let it ruin your crop and get out of hand but then the bugs move onto your neighbors crops after your little half acre of nothing is gone and cause some real damage. Also your soon to be shack is a fire hazard to everyone else. Or at least thats how some of them will see it. These people that need to protect themselves from all this riff raff that makes its way out of the city and tries to homestead (usually because theyre too poor to live in the city) will often times do so by lobbying things that increases the cost of construction or living or the cost of permits or something like that, to discourage and make it less possible for the poor to come along and potentially ruin their community.

All im saying is really best to do your homework.

This is informative, thanks user. Id not considered a lot of this

is she ok?

The festivals thing is kind of a dumb idea unless your "rural" area is legit 40-50 miles outside of an urban center.

You're going to need investors to bring big shows to the location, to actually bring money that you can live off of. Some guy playing his guitar for 5 people wont cut it even if you do it 300 times a year. Unless you have some big connections in the music industry I'd say steer clear of this. You're also forgetting all the other stuff you'll have to provide: Proper shelter for emergencies, INSURANCE for your company for when one of these fucknuts gets drunk and falls and sues you because he tripped on your land, a legit company that hosts these events (you can't just be "some guy with land".. you'll need to create an honest to god LLC at a minimum), you may even have to invest in stages, gear, etc. Depending on the land you may also need to invest in construction to level the area so its safe, etc. Porta potties,.... you get the idea.

AND find music connections in the industry bringing big shows. It's a pipe dream unless you know people and already have a lot of money to make it happen. Which, hey, everyone has a dream - but I'm guessing if you had $$$ you wouldn't be living off the land.

Other anons have described why living off the land isnt' so easy or great either, so I digress for now; but I'll say: Why not chase money instead? Eat shit for 10 years, get rich (somehow) and then you can live comfy however you truly want to.

Sounds kind of like you haven't thought this through


Start a business or something user, I'm not gonna get into the nitty gritty of how you are personally going to get rich. There's too many variables

If only I'd thought of that, just get rich, simples. Why didn't I just do that before?

Because you lack the skills and are trying to run away from reality instead

Weed helps.

Fuck off Pikey scum.

I truly believe everyone has their place and their skills. You can make it user, you just need to put the work in. As dumb as that fucking "JUST DO IT" meme was, its unfortunately true.

You can make almost anything work (including getting rich) if you.... just do it. Get out there. You're gonna fail over and over. Keep going, never stop, never give up and you'll make it. It's the modern day version of survival.

user I understand your concern, but I am a professional musician with tons of ties in the industry (not like top40 level, mind you) but I have good friends who currently run festivals, I have good friends who do the lights, good friends who do the sounds, good friends who do the management, the security, and I'm good friends with performers who are headlining some shows

it's less of a fun idea and more of, we've got the resources and it would work

Communism is bad word!!1