I want beer but not 21, any tips? Don’t say some dumb shit I’m serious

I want beer but not 21, any tips? Don’t say some dumb shit I’m serious

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find a homeless with an ID ask them to get you something and then tell them to keep the change. They have nothing to lose

Fuck yes okay keep it going what else

Actually good Idea, they get something, have something to do and you get your beer.

Alternatively, don't live in a weird country like the US.

But the Homeless idea is great.

Whats stopping them from saying "fuck you kid" and keeping the beer or just keeping the money and leaving

brew you own, dont need to be 21 to buy barley, hops and yeast

See if you can find a older man that always worked for me and try to be humble 23 bottle of black seal give him a thirty keep the change, just bring cash don’t let them catch you and find your phone or cards or something

Visit Germany, we can buy beer legality ate the age of 16

It’s a fucking homeless wait outside for them to bring it if they try to pull something who’s someone goin to believe a young man or a vagrant?

Imagine living in a 3rd world country where you have to be 21 to buy alcohol hahaha.


just walk in and try to buy some at as many stores as you can until they don't ask specifically for ID. some just ask your age (lie), your birthday (lie), or if you're over 21 (lie). if they ask for your id just sit the beer down and leave.

>I want beer but not 21

Then just buy five or six?

The fuck are you talking about shitweed?

Whatever you do, don’t try and give your cash to some old nigger and expect to get what you asked for. Did that 25 or so years ago and it didn’t turn out well then. Nowadays it would probably go even worse.

I agree with finding a homeless WHITE person and letting them keep the change.

When I was younger we used to just find the sketchiest corner shop and blag something about my mom being an alcoholic stuck in the bath wanting vodka, I don’t think they ever actually bought it but it always worked.

Saying that though I’m from the UK so the Pakistanis owning these shops essentially didn’t give a fuck at all unless you were clearly very young.

I’m mexican tho soooo it might go in my favor possibly???

underage b&

Just wait until you are 21 you Gen Z cunt

Living in Germany under an insane dictator that lets foreigner Muslims and niggers rape underage girls and perpetrate violent crimes, only to charge citizens with hate crimes for demanding the government stop the insane policies...yeah, no wonder you krauts drink so heavily.

Shut the fuck up and let me get plastered boomer

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Listen kid, the first few times you drink beer it will taste like shit until you get used to it and can enjoy it, and being not used to consume alcohol you'll puke and feel like you want to die, are you sure ur sissy ass can handle that?

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Based and kraut-pilled

My guy I’ve had beer before, I enjoy drinking I’m just tired of not being 21 man

I’ve only had mexican beers tho and some licor, nothing too fancy

pffft get someone to buy it for you or buy real drugs

That's just propaganda
Sure there are some cases but it's not as epidemic as you implied

Come in Belgium you can drink beer at the age of 16

I smoke that good old mota too but thats easier to get in my opinion

This is your best option. We called it “Hey mister”. Because it usually started with “Hey mister if you buy us some beer we’ll give you extra money to get some for you”

A homeless person or a Mexican are your best two options.

Best idea, just find a drunkard not a fucking psycho or crackhead and you'll be fine.


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Go to Europe

Just make some friends you fucking autist. Go to parties or something shit.

Let the boy have his fantasy



Just make beer

Negra Modelo is really good.
It sucks you need be 21 so nanny state can allow you to buy a beer.
I recomend using drugs until you can buy beer. Ever tried heroin?