What are the cheapest US cities with decent public transit?

What are the cheapest US cities with decent public transit?
>don't want to be a coward and run away from my country, even though I could get work in Japan through my dad
>can't drive, so rural US is out
>non-whites hate me, but I'm essentially forced into cities because I need public transport

The cities here are not good, seriously. You'll have a bad experience seeing as you seem a little introverted/kind. They'll just seem mean and tear you apart.

Go to a cute semi-unknown ski resort town. It's cheap in the off-season and has beautiful nature with nice people. Hell they'd probably suck your dick if they learned you were from Japan, that's downright interesting.

Stop making awful threads, Debito-kun.

You could very easily get everywhere by walking or a bike.

Probably Chicago.

>tfw that's actually my japanized name
Who the fuck are you?
I'm not Japanese.
>you'll have a bad experience seeing as you seem a little introverted/kind
This applies to the entire world though. Obnoxious assholes get ahead faster, at least superficially.
I just want a small, cheap city with decent trade school/blue-collar jobs, and no driving requirement. I'd prefer Mexicans over negroes.

New York, Boston, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Washington D.C., Philadelphia, and Chicago are all not cheap.
You're right about Chicago having the second or third best public transit, though.

real life sucks losers dry
if you wanna fuck with the eagles, you've gotta learn to fly

One man with an idea is equal to ninety-nine who have only interests.

Chicago and Philadelphia are many times cheaper then any of the other cities there, and really aren't much more expensive then your average one.

New York, Boston, Los Angeles, San Francisco are containment areas for liberals. You should generally avoid areas with a history of unrest or terrorism. Liberals love getting terrorized, it makes them feel alive

Most places in Texas are pretty cheap except Austin

>you should generally avoid areas with a history of unrest or terrorism
The United States was founded by liberal terrorists though.

Is Chicago really that cheap? I know it's cheaper than Boston, which is cheaper than New York, but I thought it was still within the most expensive cities.

Philly I might look into, though.

>public transit

Public transit in the US is awful especially out west. Probably only DC, Chicago, and NYC have decent metros. Chicago or DC may be cheaper but any city with decent public transit will be more expensive.

Are there any cities in Texas where a car isn't needed?


this. You need a car to live here unless you live next to or in the same building you work at.

Stupid of him to mention Texas when my OP said I was looking for public transit.

Why not just learn to drive?

I'm American, I grew up in the suburbs of New York City. (Which actually have the most extensive bus system in the US outside of a city.) I almost killed my roommates, so I went to Japan to live near my dad for a while.

I want to move back, but I'd rather live somewhere cheaper than New York.

Distance vision is too bad.

What about Portland?