Your daughter brings home her black boyfriend for the first time

>Your daughter brings home her black boyfriend for the first time
How do you react?

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lmao fuck outta here cuck faggot

She wouldn't, because she's been raised properly from birth and taught to distrust the degeneracy of the eternal Jew.

Have him fuck my wife for me too.

Worship the BBC

Pack her suitcase

As if her shit wouldn't already be packed beyond her wildest dreams.

Lots of retarded racists and retarded cucks here. Just analyze the niggers to see how closely he holds to hood thug culture. If he's too close, I make daughter break up with him. Simple.

LOL you retard, niggers are not to be trusted.. Nigger lover

Do you spy on them from your cuck shed?

>Implying that anyone on Sup Forums will produce offsprings

If he was of legal age I would suck his cock

Considering my Gfs black, there's a chance my child will be black too. Even if he wasn't I dont think I would treat him any differently. I mean I'm not a father so I cant say how I'd react to my child dating.

Cause nuance doesn't exist. Fucking faggots.

Ah, so have your wife fuck them and report back to you. Very clever and nuanced, user!

Be thankful she brought home a hard working black dude wearing a MAGA cap & work boots, instead of some far left lispy queer wearing a man bun and skinny jeans. Hell, prob offer to pay for their wedding if they elope right now before the fella realizes how much a pain in the ass my daughter is.

Theres always a chance he is one of the acceptable humanlike ones or has revitaligo. Test him for niggerish tendencies and if he passes let it go. If he cant tell you about Atlas Shrugged then its you put him and your daughter down in the usual body dumping ground and get to work on a new kid

Kek! Best answer so far.

I love how I called out the cucks in this thread for being cucks, and yet you wanna act like I'm a cuck. What's the matter, you got some deep seated feelings you gotta project on people with a brain to make yourself feel better?

Calm down, champ. Slurping black men's creampies out of your wife is making you a bit aggressive. Probably not used to such potent testosterone levels.

This. Most black guys are hard working, good people who've struggled to get where they are, know the far left and far right are worthless ducks & are loyal to their family - the complete opposite of your typical gender-confused whiny bitch weak ass white Democrat "male" that cries about being "oppressed" when their mommy makes them get a job and help pay bills.


And sucking big nigger dick is turning you into a literal faggot


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>Black boyfriend
You mean another nigger for the hanging
My daughter wont be raised as a cuck soy boy

Is he at least Jewish?

ask him if he can keep it on the down low

Show me your daughter on wick

NEVER HAPPEN, you see, shes not stupid.

Wicker me

Pray the spy cams are still functional

warn her about the danger

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Out of my house. Phone stays behind, car is in my name so it stays too, any credit card is now empty and cut off as well. Nope, you can't take 'your' clothes or 'your' furniture (which are actually mine as well), just gtfo with whatever you're wearing and don't come back. If mommy has a problem with that, then mommy is leaving too. Of course, this stance would have been made clear from birth, and I couldn't imagine my girl making such a dumbass move. But if she did, that's my reaction.

Sup Forums has taught me that anyone who says things like "niggers are not to be trusted" are secretly cucks and want a bbc down their throat

If you take a stance like that, you're daughter would probably fuck a black guy as soon as she got into her rebellious phase.

congratulate my child on successfully completing gender reassignment without me finding out

yeah its pretty much guaranteed


I feel bad for your daughter

Tell him we don't eat chicken. Hand daughter a tissue as he runs out the door.

She's welcome to, if she wants. She also took a 'rebellious' phase and slammed her door after refusing dinner. So I removed the door, it's simple.

Absolutely. All kids rebel, as did I. I wanted to run away at 9 years old. So dad put my shit in a box, threw me out the house and locked the door. I learned pretty quickly not to test him, and couldn't want to get back to the room he let me live in .

You shouldn't. She's strong and intelligent and has been raised right and can shoot straight, and would never date a nigger or jew.

Your daughter is going to die a crack whore on the street and it's literally going to be no ones fault but your own

ok boomer

Because I won't let her date niggers? Or because I won't let her skip school when she wants to stay home? Or because I don't let her eat cake for every meal like she'd like to? Or because I make her do her homework and put her on restriction if she fucks up? Which one of these methods of discipline will turn her into a dead crack whore, user?

I'll be completely honest I think I would rather have a gay son, than a daughter who dated a black guy.

Fuckin-A. I'd have a big problem with it, but not as bad as my girl dating a nigger. Of course, if Junior had nigger gay lover, that'd be 1000x worse than for the girl. I'd run Junior and his nigger feet-first through a woodchipper, whereas I'd only kick my daughter out of the house.

Parade that nigger away from my daughter, my daughters not going to be on welfare

I would accept that my son wants to be referred to as a daughter.
But it is what it is

grab gun
shoot them both
wipe prints off of gun and put it in niggers hand
fire off a few rounds into the walls etc
"officer officer - this nigger invaded my home and shot my daughter to death"
"thanks mr. good citizen, you're free to go"
go home, give my wife a good beating for fun
wife cooks chicken casserole for dinner

just joking - wife knows better than to cook chicken casserole. she cooks me a steak.

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She doesn’t and so I don’t. I enjoy how you assault this board with 4 threads at a time though, not bad.

hope that she is happy with who she has chosen to date and support her, like a normal human being.

>kill my daughter and marry the nigger

Tell him it's a pleasure to meet him, shake his hand, feel the alpha power in his hand shake, then go to my room and jerk off with the same hand I just shook his with as I think about him fucking my daughter with his huge thick black cock

Then go tell my daughter it's ok if he wants to stay the night in the hope me and my wife will be able to listen to her cum on his BBC

Shot both of them with my shotgun.



My daughter would kill the nigger like I raised her

culture doesn't matter. i've watched them flounder at all levels of college even if they're the most well adjusted and have proper levels of class. i would expect him to be a failure regardless.

>some nigger shit
>calls other people niggers
>enjoy your nigger daughter, nigger

>your daughter makes this tiktok

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This. You'd have to be extremely fucking dumb to think black = nigger. My girlfriend is a college educated black girl who was a virgin when we met. Please, feed me your hate. It keeps me warm

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