I need ideas for workplace sabotage

I need ideas for workplace sabotage
>already planning on replacing coffee with decaf
>set microwave to lowest power setting
>what else?

Attached: bigstock-Sabotage-Concept-43281568-900x675.jpg (900x675, 50K)

magnesium shavings
that is all

Get really crazy...
Turn off the ice machine!

>replacing coffee with decaf
absolutely savage

Place whoopee cushions everywhere

class act m8

stapler in jello

Find the number to the break room or other unoccupied number. When you walk around set every phone you can get to call forward to that number.

This is a paranoia that I have almost daily. I don’t trust those minimum wage fucks pouring my coffee at Mcds or filling the pots at the gas stations

Turn your coworkers into a human centipede then pour bleach onto it and set it on fire, record it and post it here for the Sup Forumsoys to see.

Air horn can under seats.

Replace sugar with salt.

Remove screws to some desk or chairs .

set all the staplers to staple outwards i.e the weak setting

do you really want to sabotage or just play a prank ?

Set the clocks back


Unhook the chain from the stopper in the back of the toilets. Turn or the water at the wall.

Shit in the toilet cistern.

Attached: 1pm59h.jpg (602x400, 44K)


Tape down the little handle that you use to adjust rolly chair height to the base of the chair so when people sit down it compresses all the way down and they fall

Turn the gaslight down a bit when (((nobody))) sees.

Does your work do drug testing? Put some heroin in the coffee so that everyone will fail it.

what's this mean?

it means go back toreddit

convince some office printers that they have a4 paper instead of letter,
flip if eurofag

Everyone's gotta start somewhere, oldfag

Need specifics here.

What is your work environment?
Do you want pranks or sabotage?(damage company)

With these answered, creativity can start to take place.

its a factory
either and or both

Here are some things my crew did:
> superglued the receivers to the the phone base
> packing peanuts in desk drawers
> rubber cement the base of office chairs and the wheels
> wireless mic’d the men’s bathroom stall to the intercom
> randomly placed black dildos in desks
> ordered gay publications to the business in manager’s name
> lubed desk drawer handles
> placed dead fish in HVAC
> switched Men’s and Women’s bathroom signs
> randomly glued quarters to surfaces
> put folded paper inside vents (this caused the burglar alarm to go off at night)
I hated being on the wrong side of these pranks, but I miss those guys.

kill yourself brutally in a machine that looks unsafe.
osha comes in and finishes the prank for you.
much lulz to be had
not you though
you ded

The best way to sabotage a factory is to damage machinery. Follow a wire bundle until you find a bulkhead where it goes through. Break a wire in the bundle. Dont cut, too obvious. Anything that makes the line shut down damages the company.

Anti seize on door knobs, phones, lockers, basically anywhere. Shit gets everywhere.

Prawns/shrimp in the AC

Helping yourself to someone else's lunch, soda etc in the breakroom refrigerator is always good for a laugh. People get PISSED!