Distance from New Zealand to Australia

>Distance from New Zealand to Australia
4,155 km

>Distance from Newfoundland and Labrador to United Kingdom
3,439 km

Distance from europe to africa


No, its like 1,500km.

>The distance from my heart to hers

shut up f*Gstralian, clearly I checked the first result and didn't realize that it was measuring from the centre of each country.

Still much longer that i expected

>Leaf education

Almost as big a distance between one side of your mums pussy to the other


Another great Canadian post


what was that? I thought I heard a non-existent landmass speak

feel sorry for Canadians sometimes

Distance from North America to South America

0 km

>cuckstampio thought he would get a (You) this time


The worst part is that they are completely oblivious

>The distance from amerifats arms to their feet.

>a ton of fucking FAT.

me too


go away ,normie scum

>Distance from your moms pussy and my penis

-20 cm

Good thread нeнe


>australia somehow manages to embarass itself in this thread

>this thread