Social worker here. I see fucked up things all the time. What do you want to know?

Social worker here. I see fucked up things all the time. What do you want to know?

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Shit, me too. Detroit, MI.

Tell us your most horrific story.

What's the saddest case you've ever took part of?

inb4 all the dead beat parents come in here to bitch about how "gobment took mah chillins!"

Stupid fucks.

Did you want to help niggers when you were growing up? Why Detroit?

Rural Maine here.

what would you do, if you woke up one day, and bam!, you were blacker than your house slave?

I once had a kid disappear off the face of the earth. Also, the girl whose father's biker club gang banged her.

ever dealt with some sicko like cheese pizza crap or some sort of like gang kid rat?


OP, what does CPS look for in cases. My parents are complete shit shows. House is something out of horders. Cat piss smell that's over powering. Siblings leave the house smelling like cat piss. Drugs throughout house. Unstable parents. However the answer I keep getting from law enforcement & CPS is if they aren't in immediate danger then there's not much they can do. Are they only looking for physical abuse?

Why does cps wait until children are hurt until they act? If I'm feeling like i can't handle the stress of my children i have no recourse but to wait till i flip out and hit one of them before the gov. Will take them away. I can't simply tell someone i believe I'm going to snap at them and give them up. There's no where safe place to send them and uncle Sam doesn't give two shits until someone beats a kid. So yeah. Why is that? Not enough money in America?

do you have any fucked up stories from recently? feel free to tl;dr it in one sentence. thank

some people don't have any parents at all shitbird. suck it up, working for cps i can tell you we don't help negros

All the time. CP guys are usually pretty dumb. One I knew got caught by a friend fixing his laptop. Another let the goddamn FBI look at his computer without a warrant. Idiots.

I want to know why people care more about animals (see all the commercials) than our children from the U.S.. This disgusts me to no end.

Plenty of money, we just don’t want to waste it on you. Quit being a bitch and raise your fucking kids.

No, not really. I've always wondered why one of those guys did not give dad the beating he deserved.


Just green text some rape cases.

Share your address I would like to chat with you

Long ago, yesterday, they're all the same. What kind do you want?

How do you become a social worker?

OP just give us some fucked up stories already.
Nobody gives a shit about your pandering.

How did it get reported?

Go to school, application for a job. Same as anything else.

Okie dokie...

One kid I worked with, she ate light bulbs. Why? Easy tickets to the ER, and away from her parents. Why? Mom was a whore, and made her daughter watch and learn. Then participate. Kid went into foster care, but kept eating light bulbs for years.

After a couple years of that sort of scenario, mom reported it. She knew all along, of course. Only reported it as a way to get rid of dad once she was tired of him.

How do you manage day to day? I work with vulnerable and disadvantaged adults, a lot of spousal abuse, drugs, exploitation and prostitution and after a particularly hard day or when something has went really badly (my worst was probably a woman who moved here from Russia that was forced into prostitution by her husband, somehow he found out she had talked to us and a few days later she turned up dead knife wounds and a bruises all over) all I can do is cry and drink. Is it worse when working with children? Do you start to become numb to things like this?

One kid I worked with, he liked to put his glasses up his ass. Insertion play is a fairly common trauma response, but I could never figure out why he had a thing for his glasses. Just the wrong size and shape, you know?


Definitely get numb. Also drink a lot. And I guess something inside of you just turns off...

One kid I worked with, she got a scratch on her ankle. That got infected, to the point of oozing green pus. Her mother tried to treat her by putting salt in it and covering it with bubble gum.

And then Mom abandoned the kid, who was by then fucked up in the worst kind of way. So yeah, not a sexy story at all.

stupid bitch it wont heal without a prayer or two.

looking at this thread, perhaps eugenics isnt that bad after all

I don't work in your field but I knew of a woman who was abused by her father. She ended up cutting herself a lot. This behavior carried over to her daughter.
My only guess is the mother was fucked up in the head (obviously) but thankfully the kid is still with her.

Why did you send me away but close enough to be haunted by my birth family?

Both of you are children or Fucking retarded.
Being able to admit you cant handle something and trying to protect it by giving it to someone who can is a lesson i wish every dog/cat hoarder, or terrible parent would learn. If you dont know what you're talking about shut your god damn mouth.

I could go on all night with "the worst," but what is worse than that is the low level pervasive abuse and neglect that people dole out to their kids.

You're technically violating privacy laws. I hope to god you don't tell other people about these cases unless it's your supervisor.


Little secret here... Most social workers are kind of fascists. I firmly believe people shouldn't be allowed to reproduce until they can prove they can handle it. That shouldn't be too hard...

Actually, I'm not...

It’s been 20 minutes OP!
Tell some more stories!

CPS is a joke and the punch line is dead kids. As a teacher I've made shit loads of reports over the years only for CPS to give kids back to pesos drugged up fucks and people who use them like punching bags. CPS needs gotten rid of they do literally nothing.

Do blacks abuse kids more than whites

No stories because cps dose nothing but keep ignore kids unless the show up on the news.

Q What's the difference between CPS and a Pit Bull?
A With the Pit Bull you eventually get your kid back.

A Pitbulls leave kids alone CPS keeps kids with pedos even after 6 reports