Is there a man more redpilled?

Is there a man more redpilled?

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Sargon is love, Sargon is life

I think Gilgamesh was more redpilled.

sargon is entry level.
he has his uses for normies

> sargon
> red pilled

yeah, sure

>Egalitarian scum

Almost as bad as leftists

Bitch, he put out a video saying that the reasons blacks commit more crime than any other group on average is all because of poverty and culture and didn't even mention race or iq at all. He's pretty far from red-pilled.

>is there a man more pseudo-intellectual and edgy?

Why does Sup Forums fear this man?

He's a leftist, he just doesn't like political correctness.

I like him, he has a good way of approaching things and makes a good argument.

Eh unless he's mocking retarded feminists and SJWs (low hanging fruit) he's not really anything special.

He's a gateway-type to the red-pill.

The jury is still out on what it is we are actually measuring when we do an 'IQ' test. This data is useless until we can define what we're looking for. This is 'muh wage gap' level of ignorance. While I personally believe the numbers are indicating something, to use that 'something' as conclusive evidence is beyond retarded. From personal observation, I'm willing to accept that genetic differences in race lead to a variance of IQ. You have a far stronger case to argue your point economic/crime data. Stop using this stat, you are making anyone with half a brain cringe.

For a board for of people claiming to be rational skeptics, the degree to which bastardise these findings is mind boggling. Worse than normies.

He's a bit like an uncensored Rubin.

Plenty, but he's a good introductory dosage redpiller.

Donald Trump, perhaps. But I like Sargon. He's really good.

how is he redpilled? He thinks blacks commit crime solely because of environment


Is this bait?

He won't admit the left is just toxic and insists on being called a leftist

And you come off as a pseudo-intellectual. IQ is a legit measurement and it correlates with income and decision making. IQ is a measure of your g-factor which underlies all intelligence.

He's good for understanding the ideologies that the SJW operate on, but he ultimately fails in understanding that these people need to be physically removed for society because if they listened to reason, they'd be on his side already.
These people can not be looked at as intellectual equals and having an intellectual argument is an impossibility, they need to be repressed.
Also he likes the idea of equality, but no two people are equal. Should government treat people equally? No, it is not it's job. It's job is to protect property rights, that is universal, but it can not be equally done.

He has his strong points and his weaknesses. He has interviewed some pretty interesting people; for instance I really enjoyed his livestream with Tommy Robinson.

I think one of his better points is his use of history (which he seems to have a better than avg grasp of) to illustrate and provide evidence for the conclusions he is driving towards. It can be a very effective tool, and with Sargon it often is.

Additionally he brings a lot of issues to light that normally would fly over people's heads, largely in part because his followers are constantly bringing them to his attention.

That being said, he does have drawbacks. While I can admire parts of his Classical Liberal (basically libertarian) mindset, as a conservative I think that a lot of his positions are pretty weak and delusional.

So in conclusion, he's a good entry level redpill, and he continues to provide unique perspectives on varied issues, but if you want to get into something with real substance, you'll have to expand your circle of fringe media sources.

> Argue's for minimal government.
>Argue's for physical removal of SJW's

Who the hell is going to do that if not a government? What would this action look like? What sort of social effects/scarring would that have on a society doing the ejecting? Do you really want to live in that society? If you remove one whole segment of society then you are not democratic and you are removing diversity of intellectual ideas. I hate SJW's too but this is basically what they want to do with you.

This isn't well thought out.

lead does contribute significantly.