How do gay dudes know they wouldn't enjoy fucking a girl in the ass?

how do gay dudes know they wouldn't enjoy fucking a girl in the ass?

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Bro, there's more to someone's sexuality than the act of sex itself. Being gay is who you get aroused by, when you're talking to them, flirting with them, dancing with them, holding hands with them, etc., even before sex happens. Gays are not gays because they enjoy butt sex, having butt sex is just consequence of wanting to be intimate with someone they got aroused by and had feelings for in the first place. I've heard from some of them that they did enjoy vaginal sex (duh, because vaginas are much nicer to slide in than butts), but they felt no connection to the partner during sex.

This. Being gay comes with all the same tropes of being hetero. Just that person giving you "butterflies" or "sense of worth" happens to have the same genitalia as you.

post more dogs pls

gay pieces of shit

How do you know you wouldn’t enjoy fucking a nice twink in the ass friend?

>Never even seen another guys penis
>Comments on what it means to be gay

Its 100% about sucking and fucking. People who get married are taking it too far.

She might have a butthole, but she has no dick.

Source = I suck dick.

because that's gay nigga

This is what aids smells like.

Man you really identify as guy who sucks dick. I bet you’ve manned a glory hole at a seedy sex shop before.

lol k

Little known fact that smell is just shit and splooge
Aids is to stealthy for smell, that shit will fuck you in the ass when you least expect it.

Why would anyone go to a glory hole? That's for closet queers. I'm gonna suck your cock and look directly in your eye while your best bud pounds away at my asshole.

Ah see this here is one of em city queers.
They are open about their cock suckin. All proud n shit They dont be knowin the crazy shit goin down in a ole small town Glory Hole.

.....go on....

I've tried it out of curiosity, didn't do anything for me because I just couldn't get turned on by a woman

I love these morons who don't follow through on there Venn diagram of gender neutrality. If you are a straight man, men have lips and hands too, why aren't you fucking them?

cause girls are ugly lol

It's because they don't actually believe in any of that garbage


They do. Cause it's irreconcilable that ANYONE perfers men. I cant believe women do. They are morons. Men stink. They idea that you have internal knowledge about what men are, and still like men, makes you the stupidest creature in the history of the universe.
But that is a positional stand. It also the most objectively true, so as intellectual cowards they hide behind that. Cause more broadly, philosophically, these hetero condesenders, aren't men either. A man faces reality. And the reality that other people aren't exactly the same as you, is no exception.

I meant that as in more of a they just say it but don't apply it to themselves. I know plenty of people believe it, I grew up around that garbage