Israeli on vacation

Israeli on vacation


What do you plan on seeing in America greatest ally

>supports trump
why i am not surprised?

Do you think it's normal to be a dual citizen?

Send me a hat, merchant

I pay you good shekels

You seem alright friend

Are you jewish? Are Israeli jews like American jews or more like arabs?

Welcome to the states.

What is a reasonable APR for a loan, and which bank does your family own?

Already been to a lot of places in manhattan
Im in DC now, im going to the niagra falls (and the fucking leaf's side) and then stopping at itaka to sleep there on the way to the airport
Im not actually, the belgian passport is my father's only sadly
Depends, I guess the most in america are ashkenazi, like me, which are the europeans, there are the mizrahi who are jews that are arabic and the like

I don't know, still live with my parents, wtf is apr

Annual percentage rate, referring to interest rates.

You should be ashamed, Abraham!

Anyways enjoy your vacation and when you go to Canada make sure to try their poutine.

why so many israelis are incredibly racist cunts?

I have more than 697 until I need to take care of my own money
And luckily I dont have a full on kike israeli name (its still biblical)

where from israel

When arabs stab/shoot random people in the street and there are rocket alarms it just happens
But dont think that we dont have western leftist shit in the last generation

Are you a Zionist?

A small town near tel aviv

Um, idk, been questioning myself a lot about that.
But I want to move to the states. I think...

Only cool lsraeli is sagi.

is refugees welcome really spreading in israel

Why are Israeli kikes so based and non-Israeli kikes so piece of shit?

Are you aware that jews in Europe and America are affecting the image of Israel?

>israeli on vacation
>literally mossad

Are you an art student?

Better poutine stateside, I don't think they even have a single Michelin-starred restaurant

Can you weigh out a pro/con of being a Zionist for you? I'm really interested in seeing how an average Jew views it, since my opinion is mostly on the higher-ups and rabbis.

You would certainly have a better life in the states. Also, what is your opinion on Jesus?

its pretty nice here if you dont go to big cities like new york or la

the countryside of any state is the best place in usa to be imo

Ive heard it does a bit in tel aviv
But i dont live there or go close to where they are
I know non based israelis, no point in generalizing.
But it sure looks like that on pol
No, Im in the army now, i will probably do some stem

are you that guy from the discord

Not sure if im your average guy
Idk, I dont feel like a zionist, or into this jewish country idea,
I believe they converted somewhere down the line do it doesnt really matter.
But as jews are here, its better than giving it to palestenians.

I dont have much.
Is judas a traitor?

> (You)
>No, Im in the army now, i will probably do some stem
Boy... That flew right over your van. Zoom!

In my experience israeli jews are much more likely to be alpha and actually open minded (not teh liberal idea of open minded), so I could see a much higher percentage of them being for trump

What MOVING COMPANY did you use?

what makes you nonaverage?

Where should Jews be? Should Jews have their own state? If so, should there be Christian-only states?

And Judas was certainly a traitor, though at least he had enough decency to hang himself for his crimes.

What do other Jews think about Jesus, and of Christianity?

Not your personal blog, fuck the shit off with this useless post.

Dude, relax. He's been chosen...