What happened to the west, Sup Forums?

What happened to the west, Sup Forums?

Leftists user, leftists.

Can we fix it?

The industrial revolution

Daily life got too easy and people became weak and naive.

It moved further west across the Atlantic.

>thinks the west is still alive in america


Even if someone else argues "da jew" it's the jew using a leftist rhetoric in any case.

>What happened to the west, Sup Forums?

cultural marxist

the jews

the west will rise again

It is the richest, most technologically advanced, most liberal and least religious place in the world. Plus it's becoming more multicultural i.e. becoming even better.


Two world wars killing millions upon millions of redpilled men.

>thinks multiculturalism is a good thing. Prob because he shits in a hole in the ground.

I usually feel like it's unwarranted but not here


The enfranchisement of women.

The stratification of the military.

French post-modernism, everything was rosy until Marxism Lite became the vogue in the late 50s/Early 60s. Atleast in the UK Enoch Powell tried to stop up but he was derided as a crank.
McCarthyism was extreme but it helped keep shit like post-modernism away, well until LBJ incorporated elements of it into the Great Society in the late 1960s


Democracy, and caring too much for the weak. As Christianity introduced a more docile, weaker version of the Canaanite god, Yahweh, the people started a form of egalitarianism which allowed all people to feel accepted. This led to modern democracy.

What is needed now is a form of neo-feudalism which allows for industrialism. I propose a technocratic system which leadership is based on skill.

The world wars.

They were inevitable but they lead to over reactions in many areas which made for overcompensation when tried to fix untill the teettertotter finally broke the balance and left this over baring liberalism as the last public unifier

Liberalism... A mental disease that should be fumigated out along with Islam.