Everytime I order a pizza with pinapple on it people bitch, but guess which one is gone the fastest...

Everytime I order a pizza with pinapple on it people bitch, but guess which one is gone the fastest? The pineapple pizza. I get like one or two slices and it's fucking gone. It's a god damn meme. Most people love it, but they're too much of a bitch to admit it.

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I know right? Fucking plebs.


You have people to share the pizza with ? Fuck out of here you chad


Welcome to the day and age where memes are more a part of people personalities than their actual opinions.

I threw out the box because OP delivered faggot

This. Fucking sad world we live in ain't it


There are other pizzas better than pineapple

It’s fucking gross and I will pick that shit off every time.
Most people do not like it.
You filthy son of a bitch

I respect the fuck out of China these days, NGL.

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It’s an acquired taste. I’ve had it with Canadian bacon, Wana try it with anchovies.

What does that have to do with memes

Jalapeno and pineapple is pretty good tbh

pineapple is based, its just a meme to bitch about things like toppings and whatever.
some of the mindless bickering people do to subconsciously avoid thinking about their lives and find some catharsis in a trivial argument.

woah, so true

They protect their children from becoming retards by blocking memes lol.

People will actually complain about pineapple pizza while putting bbq sauce instead of tomato sauce on their pizzas. Those people need to be set on fire

i love hawiian pizza

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