Post your cock rings Sup Forums

Post your cock rings Sup Forums

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Well thats a nice cock

Give me some recommendations man. I've been using nitrile rubber band so far.

Go to your local sex shop and look around

Just bought one last week my dicks too small but my friend it fit just right it was fun to suck when its massive and veiny like that!

Does it feel good to squeeze your balls like that?

Start with one like this

Attached: CB163-3.jpg (500x350, 22K)

Well I manage to find a site that sells those, around $25. I don't even know what size I would need. Guess they sell set similar to try for cheap?

measure your dick and look on amazon nigga


Do straight guys wear these?

Little guy here. Got these silicone rings for like 4 bucks at a sex shop in weho.

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Yes it does. Makes orgasms 10x better

I'm thinking getting something like this. Looks like its super stretchy and seems it getting good reviews. Should I pull the trigger or keep searching?

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It ain’t much but it’s honest cock

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go for it, you faggot

nice balls

Dont need one

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Ew what a gross cock.

Those balls aren't even that big.

fucken jew spammer nigger cock

Samefag, like wow it’s so obvious. Wow, like lol holy crap

My big cock

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I use my sister's hairties

Check out some of the soft stretchy ones from oxballs.


I like it.

Why thanks