Do you have any personal experiences with communism? Why do you abhor it so excessively?

Do you have any personal experiences with communism? Why do you abhor it so excessively?

decades of cold war propaganda

Have you experienced it?

Kind of, I spent 10 years of my life in communism and 10 years in a weird mix of socialism, capitalism and pseudo-fascism.

I live in a communist shithole.


And are you reminiscing about it?

what did he mean by this

Life was good, but our way of doing it was unsustainable.

It all went to shit once Tito died and the US came knocking for its loans.

If you purchase a house here it is not yours, you just bought the right to live there for 70 years, after that the gov can kick you out of it anytime they want.

I have to use vpn to get decent fapping material.

Internet gets censored a lot and everything humanities related are filled with garbage propaganda, you'll have to be very careful not to show your disagreement

They subvert everything they get their hands into, the most recent target for them here is higher education, dark period of extremist leftists indoctrination in the youth of the country, they grow into uncaring or downright hostile elements.

>>why do you risk you and your family's life for mere shitposting.


And people here are without moral principles, the amount of power/money you possess correlates so much with how people see you, if you get enough of them you'll be seem as some kind of higher beings. I mean I lived Europe for several years I know they mind statues too but not to the point that it gives you permission to treat others like shit and be praise for it. It's more of a Chinese thing than a Communist thing tho I suppose

I can’t tell if China is comfy or a living hell.


The Idea itself is based on an equality of people.
I don't think people are equal.
Also a goverment run distribution of goods couses a massive beaurocracy what makes everything inneficient and comparably expensive.

Parents had dealt living in a Communist country, I lived a bit in a post-Communist country and now I deal with Communist LARPERs in uni semi weekly.
You asked for ancedotal evidence so pls dont be rude.
Parents had a hard time growing up , mom had her mom to take care of as her dad passed away. She was in poverty as dire as you can imagine, but had her own house --rebuilt after WW2. She received no assistance from the government(what could you assist from anyway?) and she only finished highschool because no scholarships nor government loans existed. Dad had it easier as his parents were richer and finished technical school for a trade. Stores had nothing but alcohol and vinegar, and chewing gum was chewed for over two weeks (parents living abroad was the only source).
Living in a post-Communist state is generally miserable. We got lucky that the government actually sought some significant change rather than merely a re-branding Ukraine style. It's still bad, and a lack of prospects for me and my family forced us to move here.

t. Slav.

Is either Argies or Chileans keeping the Ceron meme alive, how does it feel to know that your digital activities revolve around a balding unfit manlet?

I should add that I never expect those buildings will last 70 years anyway. A civilization that never invented cement and would rather die than using stones for building materials. Only a handful of shabby huts from Tang Dynasty survived as our oldest structures. Build things not to last, I suppose that's another Chinese thing rather than a Communist thing

My family was bullied by communists and denied study and travel permits. We were also sickened with party hypocrisy and propaganda.
We got off relatively easy, though.

Don't risk your life for Sup Forums, honorable China man.

you work, big brother think for you
very easy

its alright


Outside of the main cities they pretty much are.

so, outside the big cities farmers own the farms and workers own the factories they work in?

Because people on the far left (commies, socialists, social democrats, etc) as well as capitalists (regardless of how unhinged this capitalism they advocate for is) have no respect for culture and everything else that is good with the world.

Plenty of farms but almost no factories outside.

I don't abhor it, i've read works by socialist thinkers such as Lukacs and Gramsci for getting an idea of it. I think that some of the criticism Marx made of Capitalism is valid, but his ideas for a revolution and a new order are quite utopian, considering the average worker doesn't give a shit about some proletarian unit, and his main concerns are watching the last Showbiz or enjoying his 3-day vacation in the beach

I don't abhor it but its followers are omega autists which is why it fails.

20+ years living in one you can consider communism country but in reality, we are part socialism, part capitalism, and part nationalism.