*smashes your reich*

*smashes your reich*
pssh...nothin’ personal, fascist

Other urls found in this thread:



>look mom I posted it again

It is not Sup Forums.

I like music and aesthetics desu

every single g*rman dog must be murdered, germany should be partitioned

Leave us alone!

za rodinu za stalinu

>Nazi Germany

American education

Beside the racism, what is the difference between facism and nazism?


1. Swedish empire
2. Napoleon
3. Gitler

We'll smash your empire.

I posted this literally one ther time a month ago you ass blasted faggot. Are you mad that I killed off one of your shitty “another day wasted” spam threads?

In Italy, they distinguish between fascism, which to them means homegrown Italian fascism ie Mussolini before 1943, and “nazifascism”, aka German style fascism, which was also imposed on Italy after their surrender in 1943 and the Germans installed a puppet state in the north. At least I think it’s like that.

You post it everyday though, and you're the one who constantly cries about spam.

In what way have I been postinmg this every day? I think you’re on damage control because you know everyone wants you to be permanently rangebanned.

Same response every time as well. Seek help for your autism.


4. Soviet Union

4. Russian empire
5. Soviet union

Go into archive and show me the hundreds of threads I made. And turn off the proxy, Zhang.