Why are they so ashamed of their colonies on Sup Forums and real life? They are their creations...

Why are they so ashamed of their colonies on Sup Forums and real life? They are their creations. Spaniards should be proud of them.

>being proud of 3rd world socialist countries full of shitskins
>being proud of shitholes that are more violent than African countries

Because Spanish America is too butthurt. They are really annoying.

Proud of what?

why is Finland so ashamed of their colony of New Jersey?

Because they're they don't know how to colonize

new jersey is italian clay

Because they*

New Jersey being overwhelming Italian is a meme, there's probably more Irish and Scots-Irish here

besides a lot of the Italians here are or were rural farmers and are decent people

Have you ever seen a spic? They are lame to put it bluntly.Getting associated with a 5'3 brown midget that weights 250 pounds and has the voice of low test female is pretty embarassing

Jersey is a Finnish colony?

Fuck Spain


I’m Jack’s colon

You have to hurt your loved ones sometimes

just look at those former spanish colonies and you will know why

Because we bully them for their shitty dubbing.

They actually bully you a lot

Why would you be proud of latin-america, this fucking place is complete shit, full of shit people who run shit governments, and countries are barely capable of sustaining themselves or adding something of value to the world.

For the same reason we're ashamed of having been defined (shaped) by those uncultured and savage animals: contempt

There is nothing to be proud. They backstabbed us when we were under Napoleon's boot and from being rich and well administrated they turned into hellholes.


t. texANO


is the contrary, they want to built their own historical and political narrative and any interaction always is seen as some short of low key imperialism

the spanish caribbean didn't, yet when spain recovered they sent largest expeditionary force ever in latin america and slaughtered many in their caribbean colonies and committed atrocities so bad usa eventually intervened and fought an anti-imperialism war against spain in the caribbean

Did the Finns colonize America?

yes the swedes brought mostly finns to the colony

That's the product of Sp*nish-style country leadership, managment and development strategies.

Colombia has been dominated by the same cast of criollo vermin since its "independence" and see how it is now. Those animals are the worst kind of ruling elite you could ever find. It's surprising how this hellhole hasn't gone enconomically bankrupt yet.

Do you remember Cadiz Courts? Criollos who defended and organized resistance against Napoleon in exchange for rights?

Is not our fault you never were clever or good administrators. People were upset, so nobody wanted to still be subjugated to a country in the other side of the ocean.

Your decisions and economic retardation on American colonies made lives poorer than any other European colony in America.

Spain won't never admit all was its own fault.

Hispanic America is just united by language and the shame of being part of Spain in the past.

cuba and puerto rico were good bois

puerto "rico"

>rich and well administrated

te pasaste con el hachis Paco?

400 000 cubans were put in concentration camps, cuba was loyal to spain you pos

how could you do that to cuba

Because they raped this continent with their precious civilization and religion. Fuck Spain a thousand times.

pay reparations for the 400 000 cubans you killed




Completely valid criticism of Sp*in


are you that chicano "muh 100% iberain heritage"?

kek that was a cringy faggot.


No me quedaban loros

eres big zero?

Because even if we tried to do good things in our colonies, it wasn't enough and we failed.
Nobody wants to know the shame that Kraut Spain already set an expirement date on the Spanish Empire.

NO,Dios me libre y me favorezca.

>and committed atrocities so bad usa eventually intervened and fought an anti-imperialism war against spain in the caribbean

i really hope you are a latin american zurdito

Your fault for trusting criollos. You indians are so gullible.


Do you seriously try to devoid the issue of the casta system you imposed? The only ones with rights to property and education were criollos, so no the problem was created and prolonged by you.

The only ones who cared about indigenous were Catholic missions, especially Jesuits. Fuck your sneaky and felon blood.


Si Pedro Williams Gonzalez, los castellanos de hace centurias son la causa de todo mal que aqueja al poderoso pueblo sudamericano.

Si veis el loro por ahi me pegais un toque y os lo cambio por espejitos de los que os gustan :^)

Para que el oro si te lo vas a dejar quitar por cualquier pirata britanico borracho en el caribe?

Esto. Y luego explotar más del oro en América para que una pequeña fracción llegué a España y lo demás a anglosajones.

>or adding something of value to the world

Speak for yourself.

One country doesn't change anything, but Brazil is not related to Spain.

>those red points.

Your menstrual period is not that impresive Brasil. You have to bleed more.

La mente del amerindio resentido no conoce limites a la hora de contorsionar la logica.

Su cerebro, falto de nutrientes a causa de una dieta basada en "papas", frutas tropicales que forrajea en huertos de laboriosos criollos y loros sin desplumar, ahuyenta la culpa como el aceite ahuyenta el agua.

Al verse protagonista de una vida miserable, rapidamente mira a su alrededor, señala, y profiere las palabras que lo hacen tan caracteristico: "EL HORO MANOLO",

Eso me suena a los manolos y su obsesión con los británicos por su decadencia.

Aprendan a aceptar su condición.

Chile HDI >>>> moortugal HDI
Also, argentina is whiter, and has more nobel prizes than moortugal.

that explains a lot actually

like why N*w J*rsey is such a shithole

But we fucked more natives than you?
You actually massacred them?

In Spain is illegal to be proud of their achievements, so they can't be proud about owning most of one continent

>esa estructura
>forrajea, ahuyenta, manolo

si, sin duda un post escrito por un español

sin duda

>argentina is whiter than Portugal

Turn off your proxy, please, niggentinian

Prestó á la humanidad algún servicio la conquista? Los españoles introdujeron en América, los toros, asnos, cerdos, carneros, caballos, muías, animales indispensables para la civilización de un pueblo; introdujeron el trigo, el uso del fierro; pero introdujeron á numerosas hordas de voraces y lujuriosos frailes, introdujeron el uso del aguardiente, extendieron el uso de la esclavitud para toda la raza india, introdujeron las leyes embrutecedoras de India-i, introdujeron toda su ignorancia cargada de milagros, su idioma cargada sólo de desprecios para el vencido, su religión cargada de odio, contra el progreso, su patriotismo cargado de horror contra la verdad y en vez de emplear los millones de brazos en construir obras importantes de irrigación semejantes á las que los árabes construyeron en España, espoliaron el trabajo de millones de indios haciéndoles construir, millares de iglesias y conventos.

Los tesoros de América, le sirvieron á España para levantar ejércitos y oponerse enérgicamente al triunfo completo del protestantismo en Europa. Si existen el Papado, y naciones católicas en 1899, es debido únicamente á las minas de plata de México y el Perú. Sin ellas, la revolución religiosa planteada en Inglaterra, agrandada en Alemania, extendida en el Norte, y en Francia y en la Confederación suiza, habría salvado al mundo europeo que tendía á civilizarse, de tres siglos de monarquías absolutas que no existían ni podían existir antes de la conquista de América. Son las minas de plata de Perú y México las que hicieron peligrar á la civilización, haciendo las monarquías absolutas, inauguradas en el siglo XVI y derribadas por la Revolución francesa. Sin las minas de plata de México y Perú, Felipe II no hubiera podido levantar hasta doscientos cuarenta mil hombres de ejércitos, que para la época equivalía á cuatro millones de soldados, soldados que sirvieron para deshonrar á la humanidad.

Francisco Bulnes

Estos panchitos son son unos sinvergüenzas.

Hey, at least we don't shoot up schools and churches that often.

No decía que fuera Manolo por su escritura, sino por lo que decía.

¿O no les gusta decir que todo esto fue obra de los ingleses para quitarles su hegemonía? Y que nosotros los odiamos porque ellos nos lo indujeron.

No puedes ser tan ingenuo.

the panchit knows

shut him down


This translation is only work of a Spaniard LOL

Monolo, los Amerindios son superiores a los europeos. Asúmelo, chimpancé apestoso.

Quiero pediros perdón en nombre de mis antepasados.
Realmente tendrían que haberse puesto a cavar regadios para sus olímpicos señores del nuevo mundo, y enseñarles a comer con tenedor.
Ojalá se hubiesen traido a todos los indios a europa y perteneciesemos ahora a esa vibrante raza.

Lo siento, amo Amerindio.

Asi que estas de acuerdo con la superioridad Amerindia? Bien por ti.

Are you proud of Moldova?


No estoy arrepentido de nada. Solo quiero volver a matar a los HOL*NDESES

This, Perú and México would've probably remained in the Empire if the 1812 constitution had been upheld.

>Fernando VII
¿Por qué?

It's been ages since I saw this one.

Latin Americans have exactly the government they deserve. They just can't get over historical FACTS that no longer hold any relevant moral judgment value. The people living now in LA are not victims, yet they live with this mentality all their lives; they are entitled, immature, cowardly, and lack discipline. As much as they boast warmth and comfort between them they are plagued with envy and sadly they are incapable comprehending camaraderie.

I once met a Chilean guy that said that in their country they praise a quality called "viveza" which basically comes down to cheating the "system" in order to get ahead of everyone else. In Mexico they have a similar thing called "La ley de Erodes" (and there's even a movie about it) which also boils down to fucking people over in order to survive.

Now I know these criticism is a broad generalization, and there are obviously a lot of people that are aware of the bad qualities of their culture. I've met really insightful Mexicans (promiscuous as fuck), Peruvians (all midgets), Chileans (weird homo tendencies), Colombians (they speak as if they are about to cry), and Argentinians (all cool). And honestly the best people are the ones that can have a laugh over friendly banter.


>Chileans (weird homo tendencies)

you deserve it desu

Where do you think that came from?

Even in Venezuela they call it "criollismo", because Spaniards disseminated their mindset across all colonial territory.

People hate it the most but they fall for that often. And probably is the most hated inherited cultural thing from Spaniards, hence, them also.

Jesus fucking christ man, do spaniards cause rain and earthquakes too?

Some day fucking India will be a superpower and you will still live under a zinc roof

Tell that to the thousands of sociology works on the issue. Is not a shit we would like to live with, but it's been 500 years under that values don't expect to change it in few years.

Is such big Argentina and Uruguay, the most developed countries for decades in Latin America are conscious about it's presence on national society.

Hispanic Americans know about this like nobody else does.

spanish flu in europr smallpox epidemic in americas spaniards caused millions of deaths on two continent wherever there are spaniards there is death and misery

Who is this guy?