What are your favorite moments of Jim being humiliated?

What are your favorite moments of Jim being humiliated?

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Can I have a quick rundown?

That one where Dwight is constantly hitting him with snowballs

damn that felt good

okay i'm late to the party
but what happened to steve carell character?

Jim's wife naming the daughter "CeCe"

You mean PeePee?

Oh yeah,I love the fear

>s-stop it dwight,it isn't funny

Jim is a fucking spineless mild mannered numale tralala overly self concious beta. The only reason he got Pam and Rashida Jones is his good looks and charming smile. He's not an interesting character. Now Dwight. ..that is an interesting character

When Karen caught him with Michael and Dwight pulling a childish prank and just looked at him with pity.

Attractive people don't need to be interesting. Their attractiveness makes them that way. People will find excuses for them. Attractive person and an ugly person can do literally the same things and it will be perceived differently. If Dwight bullied Jim it would be perceived as if he is lame,trying to ruin someone's day all the time without provocation.

Jim is even worse. Jim is clearly a former beta who managed to improve himself to a certain degree. Rather than keep pushing himself to do better however, he lets being the big fish in a small pond go to his head. He clearly gets satisfaction from observing those in the office he deems as losers only to realize that his life is moving in the same direction.

When he went full autismo and revealed that Pam was already pregnant at their wedding reception. I wish more people had the morals of nana and would have shuned them.

when he says he want to put the truck in the warehouse and his idea is shit

He fell for the marriage meme and is doomed to cuckslavery. Then again so did Dwight.

Classy Jim

Just found a video of it.

Now this is some top notch kino.

It's pretty funny how much Jim triggers Sup Forums.

idris abbeba was in office? for how long?

4 episodes or so. He's got a pretty good role too.

When Jim takes over as manager for the day and tries to organize a group birthday party and gets unequivocally BTFO.

A couple of episodes, the ones where Michael, Pam and Ryan are in the Michael Scott Paper Company
It's pretty funny because Jim gets beta as fuck around him.

Anyone would be intimidated by Idris Elba.

In a commentary, pam says all women were wet over him

in your cuck masturbation fantasy at least

you forgot to mention the interracial orgy where him and Stanley fucked all the white girls

You talk tough but you would literally shit yourself the moment he looked at you. I know your type, you're all racist on the internet but a black guy looks at you and you're like "Y-yes s-s-s-s-sir..."

what the fuck is a rundown?

Nah that's just you projecting or being a nigger.

So you're asking for a quick rundown on the rundown topic.

When Robert California makes him his puppet after barely a couple of minutes
>Jim stutters when trying to talk
I enjoyed that

Its like the one time Dwight comes out on top against jim.

Their relationship should have been a little more even, but it was 90% jim smerkface humiliating Dwight

fucking easily at least top 10 episodes

>It's yet another Sup Forums self-inserts as Dwight and is triggered by bully Chad Jim episode

Even the Pam threads are less pathetic.

dwight is rich

unironically, if jim doesn't know what a rundown of his clients is, he is actually retarded.

a name, description, average sales, something like that?

lol, no.


t. ugly

>your boss asks you to do something
>you don't understand what it is
>instead of asking what your boss meant you don't do anything

jim was by far the worst employee

what an absolute fuck head you are for typing this.

that whole conflict was stupid and forced

that was unbelievably satisfying

T.got a free coffee from a barista who thinks I'm qt today :3 saved me $8

Yup. A rundown is just report of main parts of something. It doesn't have any more specific meaning in business.

Hey man what's up? My brother told me you needed a rundown

I'm sorry, but the addition of the word "tralala" elevated your post from just another Sup Forums rant to possibly the most entertaining post I have ever read. I have been laughing at it for fourteen minutes now. Now fifteen. Now sixteen. I will post when I am finished, but at this stage my chest is beginning to hurt.

what was the point even of that tralala?

To ding ding dong.

You have something against jennathreads, punk?

Ohhhhh shit, we come out of the woodwork

This is now a jennathread. Get cucked

thanks me


Micheal was the worst character on the show

agreed, andy close second

How does it feel to be a dumb dumb idiot moron

> It's a Sup Forums was bullied in high school so they hate on based Jim to feel better

Thank you for the chuckles. And ppl think the UK version is funnier. Please.

no that's stanley

Yeah grumpy Stanley sucks. Sucked the life out of every scene. Guess he was needed on the show for 'balance'.

Micheal was cringy but had his moments.

Anytime Andy picked up a guitar I wanted to smash the TV. Loved the episode where the Brit chick trolls hard him via youtube comments.

Steve Carrel got sick and they needed a white actor who looked like him to play the character in a few episodes

>comparing idris to prison mike

That's really racist.

literally the only reason to watch the US Office

how the fuck can anyone actually like Jim? he's such an unbearable cunt

Women. Literally every single woman who meets him wants his dick.
Females respond positively to alpha bullying behavior.

you mean nellie

This is correct. All characters were flanderizated and had bad jokes and arcs, but Nellie was just completely pointless negative addition to the show.


Only good parts of the show were when Amy Adams came on.

You must be thinking of a different Nellie. Nellie is the 50yr British 'comedianne'.

Michael Jackson-lookin ghoul

t. negroid

I agree


>when Amy Adams came

So ugly

reason why i had to stop watching the Office

when he's going over every prank he pulled on Dwight and he starts out all smug and self satisfied and then the realization that he's wasting his life slowly starts to creep in

>this was supposed to be a contest
really makes you think

Jenna every time.

I'm not in sales, please be nice to me

>bullying the autistic guy at work is funny and makes you likable- the show

Of course, brother

This. Later in the same episode where Jim leaves out his credit card to tempt Dwight and Dwight sends $1000 worth of flowers to Pam from Jim.

Anyone with an accent is a pussy by default. How would I be intimidated by someone who's voice cracks me up?

t. some autist who's salty about being bullied

>not identifying with Michael

The most embarrassing thing was him marrying some British slut instead of perfect qt3.14 Pam, he would have been much happier

>Jim can you get me a rundown
>I'm sorry what's that?
>you don't know what a rundown is?
>you did meet my former boss Michael right?
>ah of course

Fuck both of you to death. Stanley face > Jim face every time. Stanley is one of the absolute best characters seriously fuck off

Yes, I'm not denying that. I have empathy with other people, since I'm not a psychopath like you.

Wtf, I don't remember he being on the show?

Most Sup Forums is as autist as Dwight, but without the comedy.

God I hated that forced fucking character

>Hurr Durr I'm an English whore everyone get it?

Probably should kill yourself m8, she was Jim's GF for a while

>that time Dwight chose a nearly washed up old whore, over this literal goddess on the right

If you identify with Dwight you're a fucking faggot

Wtf? I literally just rewatched the whole show and don't remember her at all

>how about icing it? LOL
Dwight's face is brilliant

She's the girl selling bags to the office, they break up the episode when they go on the company boat trip