Why are women so evil?

Why are women so evil?


When Eve disobeyed God and ate of the fruit, she proved once and for all that women are all born evil and require a man to tame and control them.

When given freedom or "equality," women invariably go insane and lose their minds. They are like children and require a parent (husband) to control them. Without this, they cannot function.


Notice it was Jezebel who controlled her husband Ahab and then slaughtered the prophets of God in the Old Testament.

Feminist Christians will often point out Deborah who was a Judge of Israel in the Old Testament, but Isaiah 3:12 tells us that was a judgment against Israel and WHENEVER a woman is in control of a nation, it is a judgment against them.

God punished Eve with increased pain in childbirth and told her that her desire would be towards her husband. That is God's plan for woman. Childbirth and submission to a man.

In Christian society, we afford women rights and "equality" because we are naturally empathetic and our White blood makes us loving and kind like God. However God is also just and His wrath is swift. We must not lose sight of that.

Get your fucking women under control before they destroy us.


>Get your fucking women under control before they destroy us.
Easier said than done.

s-stop it desu

"wah women are wayward"

"when the collapse comes, women will be sorry and jump into our arms"

"women don't want to have interesting jobs they want to stay at home with kids"

"women have been corrupted by Karl Marx and his cultural marxism"

"women vote for open border parties like the Republicans"

"women use government services instead of relying on me"

"Women would rather fuck men with giant black cocks instead of us, lol pathetic, at least i have a 120 iq"

I agree with Queen Victoria and think we should give them all a good whipping.

Oh but what would she know lol she's just the most powerful woman in human history haha what a bimbo amirite?

Take off those problem glasses, Nancy.

"women should be forced to keep me company but this will transform into love and respect for me"

"we need to return to the nuclear family, we need to make laws to turn the clock back and have the nuclear family"

"also for the nuclear family we have to defeat cultural marxism"

"because of the mass marxist brainwashing, women want to be educated and have careers"

Have some rage

"there will be a collapse and all these Muslims"

"the Muslims will attack the women and the women will be forced to seek our help"

"women will be sorry for their feminist ways and will be loving and faithful and we will have the nuclear family again"

>White women are sluts for dating black guys, even though i sit inside and browse the internet, watch anime and play video games. What don't they see in me?!"

So how mad are you that Brexit passed, honey?

"there will be a collapse and all the beta males will be useless"

"I am an alpha male, I will emerge victorious and all the women will be sorry for their past misdeeds"

"we need a strong military to fight Muslims but there must be no welfare"

"if you lose your job you are a beta male and you should rely on private charity"

Can't defend your point so makes joke of others opinions.

you sir, i like you a lot. A-men

"women will be sorry. They'll be attacked by all the Muslims then they'll come running to us"

"I am an alpha male, I will control my woman and not get divorced. Divorce is for beta cucks who cannot control a woman"

Wich country is that veteran from?