Why does the Trump camp insist on confirming that Melania really is a bimbo?

Why does the Trump camp insist on confirming that Melania really is a bimbo?

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Goofyness has worked up til' now for his campaign. Why stop now?

Same reason people called racist don't fight the label. If the world's only going to see a you as something, there's no point in being anything else.

Fuck you Belgium. You need to worry about your precious little EU. I can't wait until the EU headquarters are shut down and turned into dorms for rapefugees.

Is it just to make Donald look smarter by comparison?

>She chose to be stupid to satisfy the worlds view

Doesn't she speak French, German and bunch of other languages?


So she obviously should be able to SEEM smart at least.

But the Trump camp never highlights any of her good sides.

They just parade her around and make her repeat Michelle's words.

It's more that she's actually intelligent, but there's no point to prove it. She's the beautiful slavic wife of a rich business man, so even if she went out and proved her intelligence in an objective way, everyone's still going to see her as a dumb bimbo. Because if you're a sexy business man's wife, all you know how to do is make sandwiches and pop out kids.

It's one thing to keep from beating people over the head with how smart she really is; it's another thing entirely to make active efforts to make her seem dumb.

The plagiarism thing is hilarious.

1. No one in America -- no one -- is going to change their vote from Trump because his wife may have plagiarized Harambama. It didn't hurt Obama or Biden or even Harambama herself when they did it. Remember the Biden coal miner speech? Heh.

2. Trump needs working class male votes. Show footage of that speech to any working class male in America, and 95% of the responses will be "damn, I'd like to nut in her." The other 5% are fags.

3. Trump and the Republican Party were going to get clobbered by the political media and the leftist groupthink for something during this convention. The fact that they're being clobbered for this rather than some nonsense about racism or sexism or something is absolutely hilarious.

I don't know how this stuff keeps happening, but Trump just keeps running circles around the old guard media and the left-wing's stranglehold on political discourse.

I don't watch her speeches.
So what exactly did she do that was stupid?

Pretty much copied an entire paragraph from a speech Michelle Obama made in 2008.


Watch it, it's pretty amazing.

Wow, you're pretty bitter, you are aware we are allowed to discuss about whatever we want on this Taiwanese origami imageboard right?

This is the typical for a Clinton smear campaign.
Look at all the women who claim Bill raped or harassed them and how they treated them.

In her entire speech, she word-for-word said like 3 lines Obama's wife said in 2008. Disregarding that she have genuinely felt that way, and the way Michelle said it was really the best way to put it. The only thing she could have done was re-word it, but if it wasn't "plagiarizing" Michelle, the media would have instead just said "Trump's wife makes a poor copy of what Michelle said!" So this entire thing is kind of stupid.

No you're not my assault dubs dictate otherwise

Well killing myself

Isn't Trump's family liberal, i am pretty sure they said it. Only Trump is non-liberal i think.

Ban assault singles

Your country is only good for chocolate. No wonder you support niggers.

"Liberal" in the classical sense, not the modern one. Pretty sure Trump is too.

My superior dubbing skills will prove you wrong.

this is why you're going to lose. you think that Trump can win the election by appealing to his existing base, and "working class males" (you meant "white" too, but you left it out)

it's like women don't exist for you guys.

this is how Hillary is going to clobber you.

African Americans + Latinos + young voters + WHITE WOMEN = landslide

fucking hell

women's conclusion from all this? Trump's own campaign set his poor wife up for failure

no one blames Melania, no one blames HIllary.

Trump's campaign did this.

Who's the leader of Trump's campaign?

He can't even keep his own wife safe from being embarrassed. You think women want him as president?

You'll say this is no big deal and I'll return to Sup Forums to gloat when you get curbstomped.

Your women will betray you. Remember that.

>women's conclusion from all this? Trump's own campaign set his poor wife up for failure

Source: your AIDS-infested faggot ass. Thanks for Correcting The Record.

Can't even keep his own wife safe

Don't you have to prep your daughter's bull or something?


>almost 2 incomplete sentences
>entire paragraph

pick one

I mean, Trump has big enough trouble with the female vote as it is.

Actively portraying your wife as a bimbo is just going to make things a lot worse.

Women out there are looking for ammo to use against Melania.
Making her parrot the current first lady is not only giving them that ammo, but putting the muzzle in your mouth and pulling the trigger for them.


The desperate lament of the Mexican political noob.

You're going back.

I have to back that user's claim. I'm American Hispanic and I'm voting for Hillary simply for the fact that Trump is a rude racist. I know 3 other people in my family and about 10 friends that feel the same exact way.

You're fucked bro, but I don't hate you.

Trump would be an actual moderate democrat. A species that doesn't exist anymore. Pence is there to "balance him out". People are tired of extremist views. Many don't want another "extremist in the office, especially hillary.

Bernie is extreme, almost too much for many liberals. Hillary is corrupt cancer, who only caters to worthless buzzword spewing buzzfeeders and shady corporate and Jewish overlords. Gary Johnson is not trusted due to the fact that votes for Johnson mean votes for Hillary, or Trump. There is a slow trickle of people from both sides heading to the Lolbertarian camp, but for the most part, people see lolbertarians (and rightly so) as a waste of a good vote.

Now comes Trump, who is by many accounts, a moderate democrat, a supporter of The Constitution (mostly pro-gun by many accounts though we still don't know for sure), an enemy of the TTIP (though if he gets in office, it remains to be seen what he will do with that horrible NAFTA 2.0), and he is somewhat nationalist, believing in an America for Americans, supposedly. Like most politicians, he is Jew-friendly. No way around that. All we have are Jews on the ballot. Also, Trump supported healthcare reforms in the past. And was said to be for a single payer system. He gives left leaning policies like access to health care (don't know about now though), to the people. And he promises to protect the Constitution from the relentless assault that it is weathering.

Right now America seems to be getting tired of the left. I am for Johnson, but I realize that a vote for Johnson is a vote for Hillary. I also sympathized with Bernie, but knew that we were not in the position to handle a Sanders presidency. I didn't agree with Sanders on guns. But one day, we may automate enough industries, that a living wage can be pulled off or might become necessary.

We may achieve post-scarcity. That is when Bernie's domestic policies (outside of gun control) will be needed.

I want trump shills to leave my board of peace

Bernie is a meme, Trump is a meme, Jeb is a meme. American politics are like promotion on television. Now think a little what you even voting for. You vote for faces the television houses present to you, so you can vote anybody you want, television told you who beforehand. Democracy is a joke, so you basically voting for a person, but behind that person are thousands of people who you don't elect, who are actually the ones shaping the laws, writing speeches for president, organizing shit for president, transporting president, advising president based on what money masters say. President might be commander and chief, but he's influenced, he's promoted before he became president. Now who decides who they should promote for candidates? That's your real ruler.

>simply for the fact that Trump is a rude racist
You should educate yourself and your family. Trump is not a racist. Left started calling him racist as soon as he started running for president. That's what the Left does. It tries to destroy your reputation with words. Don't be an idiot and see past their games.

It does seem a little hopeless. I will grant you that. But it is all we have right now until people get off their asses and change things. We can't do anything alone.

Everyone is caught up in their bread and circuses. It is what it is for right now. Trump seems like and actual, real change. More real than Obama. Something different. He might not be but he is all many of us have before Hillary comes along.

And Hillary. I know where my vote is going. I don't like any of my choices. But I dislike Hillary the most. So I feel I have to vote for Trump. Another four years. Another bleak four years. The left must be stopped. They must be stopped before they do any more damage.

It's not just that though. It's context and everything in my life xperience combined.

Trump is a Rebublican/conservative/GOP

the idiots on Sup Forums that run around calling Hispanics and blacks "niggers" and "spics" associate themselves with the same party. KKK also do the same.

There's no explanation for Bush fucking over New Orleans when Katrina happened except for by now what I consider pure hidden hatred of the minority and lower class.

Whites getting off for rape charges with a week probation while blacks get 10 plus years.

There's just many hints that have been dropped to raise awareness of the big picture which is that anyone associated with the Republican party is a fucking conservative racist for the most part. Obviously some people with the Republican party are not racist the unfortunately placing someone that is endorsed by the Republican party must embrace some racist value and that's the kind of person I just can't allow to get into office anymore.

DJT Jr is a legit conservative. Ivanka is an independent

They all look influenced & democratic to me, from A to Z in both parties.
Ever since we got democracy we don't decide anything either, nobody investigates financial crime, nobody stops migrants, nobody solves drug problems. If there weren't normal people everything would gone to shitting, since democratic politicians simply don't do anything at all, it's all market who does things. What's funny is that democratic politicians promote themselves million times more than Tito did and they need more security to walk on the streets, such golden peace makers they are.

So interestingly articles say they are loyal, but not republican, but then they are loyal in a way that they won't vote for dad.

>Trump is a Rebublican/conservative/GOP
>the idiots on Sup Forums that run around calling Hispanics and blacks "niggers" and "spics" associate themselves with the same party. KKK also do the same.
So? Sup Forums is a satire. Do you seriously think that everyone in here is racist? Also, Sup Forums = everyone in America

>Whites getting off for rape charges with a week probation while blacks get 10 plus years.
How is Trump responsible for that even if this is true? Doesn't he want to change that false image of the Country and unify people of all colors?

TLDR. There are some bad people in this world so Trump must be bad because his white.
You are a fucking racist, dude.
Think about your life and your paranoia.

With Trump you will see a shift in GOP, a new GOP that represents all people.

By the way, how can you explain all those black guys in GOP if they are so racist?

Melania is a disgrace, all that time in the USA and she still can't speaking English fluently

Why does the MSM deny that Ben Carson is a speaker of truth?

>Do you seriously think that everyone in here is racist?

On Sup Forums pretty much. At least the ones who run around conversation in some extremist tone.

?TLDR. There are some bad people in this world so Trump must be bad because his white.

No, your losing focus. If any other white person from the Republican race that dropped out (except for Jeb Bush) was the nominee I would easily have chosen them over Trump. My point (doubt you'll get this) is that it's not because "he's white hurr durr". You're disregarding all of Trumps actions and removing his personality to make it convenient for you to attempt to pin this on race. BLM strategy 101.

>By the way, how can you explain all those black guys in GOP if they are so racist?

You're seriously putting this into a technical color thing. It's not as simple as saying black - liberal democrat and white - republican conservative. That's what your attempting to paint it as. I am suggesting that I'm talking about a "for the most part" it's this way deal. Sure there will be some black conservatives and white liberals.

Also, why are you eating up Leftist propaganda?
Republicans are normal people like you and me. Check out what this party stands for. You only hear bad shit about them coming from the left. Find some real educated Republicans and ask them for their views. Pointing fingers at racists uneducated idiots is not a good idea and that's exactly what you are doing. Cherrypicking and generalizing.

Also, "nigger" != "black person" or a Hispanic.
You call someone a "nigger" when he acts like an animal with no respect to western values that built USA. A nigger burns cars, takes drugs and steals. A black men works, doesn't leave his child and is a productive member of a society. Know the difference.
"nigger" = thug, criminal, low-life who solves his problems with theft and aggression.

They can't just let it slip that bilderberg participates in the synagogue of satan

A) a majority of blacks vote democrat to get free shit
B) Trump was right for bashing those people in the past. The LaRaza guy is guilty as hell. If he wasn't a Hispanic they would kick him out of that case with no hard feelings.
C) Trump doesn't give a fuck about your ethnicity as long as you are willing to work and do a good job. Muslim ban will protect US from ISIS infiltrating the "refugee" population. ISIS does that and this is a fact. Illegal immigrants from the south are sending money back to the south and this is harmful to the US economy.
How is he wrong? If you are a legal citizen and you work you are a-ok. If you are willing to work but there are no jobs for you then you should vote for Trump because he will create jobs.
Even building a fucking wall will create thousands of new jobs. You can't argue with that.

Trump may be a dick, but he loves America and will do better for this country than corrupted Clinton. That's it.

>Check out what this party stands for.

I know what the party is advertised as. I do like what the Republican party calls for "on paper".

I think abortion is wrong and people should be punished and motivated to think harder about having a kid. I think weapon legality should remain what it is now but with more firmly enforced background checks. I think the government needs to stop giving money to people who don't work and motivate people to work harder for their success. I think the military should remain strong and with a good budget.

But just like commercials everything is presented as a wonderful perfect thing. Off paper what Republicans call for is for minorities to lose their benefits while they keep their bailouts and kickbacks to stop companies that are too big to fail and do whatever it takes to spoil the upper class and keep them in power while everyone else that isn't wealthy trying to get in has to claw their way in and even unethical and immoral behavior is fair game to get there if that's what it takes. Fuck that.

By the way,
Mexico IS sending its people to the US to get US money back to Mexico.


>but he loves America

You know, I would probably believe that if he showed it by not compromising his support for his country and give the jobs back to Americans.

Not going to happen. He only loves America when it doesn't conflict with his profits.

>Off paper what Republicans call for
With Trump you have a chance to change that.
With Clinton? No chance. You will get fucked with TPP and at some point China will ask for the money that US owns. Printing new money instead of fixing the budged will only make Americans poorer. Don't hate rich people. Now you have one of them working for you. Trump is old and a patriot. He became GOP because SuperDelegate system in DEM would fuck him up and he would end up like Bernie Sanders. He wants to give back to America. He has nothing to lose. He has EVERYTHING. He doesn't have to do this. Have you ever thought about that? He spends his money (even with all those recent donations he is still spending his own money). If he didn't give a fuck he wouldn't run for president as an outsider.

she sounds like a soviet Bond girl

>He only loves America when it doesn't conflict with his profits.
Also, so what?
He wants to build a wall. A wall will help America. He will hire American people to build that wall. He will profit and you will profit. It's a win-win situation, fool.

Also, making American production first will not help his business. Shit made in USA will cost more initially but will benefit everyone in the long run. Do you think he will make more money by buying US products instead of Chinese? He only buys Asian products when nobody makes said products in the US.

By the way, what will Democrats do to improve situation in the Country? I believe their ideas will only increase poverty and bring terrorism to the country. I, as a Pole don't want US to be weak. Weak US will give strength to Russia and Arabs.

Trump's trophy whore needs to go back.


Nope. Obviously no right-wing group is going to claim that and if it came from anywhere even remotely close to left-wing you'd just shove it aside as more propaganda. Just don't believe me, I'm fine with that.

>With Clinton? No chance.

I'm not going to disagree that Clinton is a sloppy fucking mess, as is Trump. She's all fucked up but not racist or at least she doesn't fuck the lower class.

If it were anyone else other than Trump or Bush running for the Republican party they would actually have my vote because they must be better then these two fucking clowns. Clinton is just one notch above Trump and that's fucking sad because Trump is bottom of the barrel (not taking into consideration how much money he has).

I have no problem with the wall. Like I said it's more than that. I am a good judge of character (at least I feel that's the truth) so when my brain tells me this guy is racist I have a problem with that. He can build a wall, kick illegals out, they should go. But under the current presidency and you still have white people with money getting off for rape with probation while minorities get automatic years in jail. Hell no. I can only imagine how it would end up if a racist Republican would let shit go.

>He will hire American people to build that wall.

Are you stupid nigger? He already said over and over again he wants Mexico to pay for it and (I'm assuming you know) Hispanics do the real work in construction. Whites would only get massive pay for subcontracting and hiring them for peanuts. Fuck him.

I get the all : "notice me media senpai"
But wtf. I mean, people loved him because he was speaking up. He didn't accept the diktat of political correctness and when journalist pissed him off, he said it.
But this ? Who want a bimbo as a first lady seriously ?

Manafort was rustling so many Jimmie's on CNN about this last night, his smug chuckle about the whole thing made me believe they know exactly what they are doing.

>She's all fucked up but not racist or at least she doesn't fuck the lower class.
I disagree. She hates poor people regardless of their race. Read any book on Clinton.

>Are you stupid nigger?
>These fucking racists on Sup Forums, boo-hoo

Mexico will pay for the wall and Americans will build the wall. That's how you give people jobs. DUH? Hiring Mexicans would be retarded. They would fuck it up on purpose and run towards US.

I still don't get how is Trump worse than any other politician. Do your own research and try to forget for a moment about all of this bullshit that the Media say about him, ok? The guy is a businessmen. You don't make millions by acting like a racist idiot, mkay? Also, his very high IQ indicates that he is pretending to be retarded to connect with Americans.

fuck you nigger

stop trying to ruin our plan

Rich people of all races get off easy for crimes

Non rich people of all races go to jail for crimes

You're a fucking idiot looking for racism where it doesn't exist

and moochele copied who exactly for her speech?

Have some alt-media as a gift. I need to go.


Why is the first lady relevant in USA?
I've never heard anything from our pms wife in my entire life yet the wife of the (aspiring) potus makes world news?

>claims Sup Forums is satire

>takes this seriously even though I OBVIOUSLY know he's white

>That's how you give people jobs. DUH?

OK, so obviously you're unaware of how Americans don't get jobs because they're given to people who work for less money even if they're not American. Fuck it, I don't want to explain that one to you.

>The guy is a businessmen. You don't make millions by acting like a racist idiot, mkay?

Be we all know wealthy businessmen are noble and hold a high degree of honor right?

Did you guys see Scott Baio's speech? He killed, and I mean absolutely
Garry Marshall

Yeah it's kind of weird. No fucking idea what any of my countries leaders wives even look like

You can't plagiarize cliches, guys.

That is some nice progressive liberal respect towards women right there, why can't we be more like you/S

>Americans don't get jobs because they're given to people who work for less money even if they're not American.
So? You force Americans to hire legal immigrants and fine the fuck out of them for hiring illegals. You also start enforcing the law. Illegals will move away or starve. If you continue to hire Illegals on black market than you are responsible for the death of America and I hope someone will tell on you.

>Be we all know wealthy businessmen are noble and hold a high degree of honor right?
His history shows that he has some Christian values in his heart.

In France too, she's not very relevant (knowing my president actually cheated on her lel)
But in the USA, the first lady has a social role to play. It's not rare that she takes part in humanitarian actions. Then again, I'm French so I don't really know if it's for certain.

Because being first lady is enough to qualify you for secretary of state and even presidency yourself, even if you are legally defined as an inattentive incompetant retard.

If Trump loses this shit because of his slut wife he should put her back on the streets where he found her.

>So? You force Americans to hire legal immigrants and fine the fuck out of them for hiring illegals.

If you remove illegals who's going to get take the jobs, you tell me?. Blacks?, poor blacks don't want to work for peanuts either bro. Who's going to do it? for the same pay?. Serious question.

>His history shows that he has some Christian values in his heart.

holds an interview with Playboy magazine. You believe that if you want sir.

I doubt it. I really don't think any girl half as pretty would get near his disgusting cock even for that much money.

The first shot of a very interesting detention porn. ..

Because for some reason our culture needs to pretend we respect them, as if because they married the president they too are equally worthy of all of his accomplishments. We pretend they are going to work right besides him and save the United States despite the reality that shes going to dance on a couple talk shows and bet he face of some campaign that others do 99 percent of the work for.

It's completely absurd.

You're late to the party, Hill-Shill. It has already been revealed that it was all a ruse to further reveal the communist conspiracy on the left. But thank you so much, lefty fags, for making sure everyone knew Michelle Obama said those words. No one would have known or cared if you didn't spread via every single outlet. :D


Are you judging a woman that doesn't adhere to your pathetic male gender norms, and your perfect image of what a woman "should be?" I can't even right now, you fucking cisgender sexist misogynistic shitlord pig.

Because nobody with a modicum of sanity cares if a woman is smart. It never happens and it's not their job. Leftists think they're being clever by holding Melania and Michelle up side by side, but all they're proving to the average normie is that Melania is more attractive, more feminine, more demure, and generally better at being a woman in every possible way.

>for the same pay?.
Here is your problem. Take away free shit and dedicate this welfare money to businesses. They will hire blacks and other poor people even if this means subsidizing this whole operation. Why? To teach them work culture which they lack. Those who refuse to work will die of hunger or will land in jail for destroying public property during riots.

>holds an interview with Playboy magazine.
So? He loves women and there is nothing wrong with fucking around when you are single. He never cheated on his wives.

>So? He loves women and there is nothing wrong with fucking around when you are single. He never cheated on his wives.

>men can sleep around, that's fine but women do it they're whores.

Alright, you lost your credibility. I thought you were at least 20.


>men can sleep around, that's fine but women do it they're whores.
Never said it's not ok for women to sleep with other men if they are single.
You are putting words in my mouth dude. Not cool.

You don't cheat on your wife/husband. That's a major dick move and a sin (depending on the religion).

I'm 29

OK, so you're saying that the church condones sleeping around before marriage?

The US adult labor firce participation rate is less than two thirds. There is labor to be bought without illegals. What massive immigration does is remove the bargaining power any even semi-skilled worker has to ask for better wages, more hours, or workplace improvements. THAT'S the key to improving the quality of life of the lower class, force employers to actually attract workers rather than having an infinite supply of expendable serfs who should consider themselves lucky to work 20 hours a week at minimum wage.

>the church condones sleeping around before marriage?
Most of them do, but there is nothing about that in the Bible, so fuck their opinion.

> she still can't speaking English fluently

And you was saying...

Pretty sure that was on purpose after what happened yesterday. But shills gotta keep shilling

I hope it was.

Surely there are benefits here, like Melania getting constantly compared to Michelle in the media.

I just hope the positives outweigh the negatives.

>Trump family post Kek on Twiiter
>Kinship verified with Sup Forums
>Meme magic invades collective meme-conscious
> Melania is a Bimbo (Lol not really)
> Idea spreads to rest of interwebs
> Insane Hillary SJW murders Ivanka
> Trump gets sympathy vote
> Melania raised from dead as US medical industry skyrockets
> 8D Chess

Condone does not mean condemn, but you are right in that scripture doesn't really ralk about pre-marital sex, even in old semetic law. It does strongly condemn infidelity, as it should.

Gonna need to update that pic, OP. Moochelle copied from her favorite comrade.

>It's more that she's actually intelligent, but there's no point to prove it.
Intelligent women don't get naked or partially naked in front of the camera for the whole world to see them. Only prostitutes do that. But what do you expect from America? Promoting trash for their trash people. Imagine how ridiculous would be for the first lady of """"the best country in the whole world"""" to be on the same level as porn stars and magazine girls. A great example to follow, right? The fact alone that a man is not ashamed of this, proves how low and unscrupulous he is.

Look at all the free press over this. Just think about it.