1 Your flag

1 Your flag
2 Have you ever seen one of these?

Yes, those were the standard at schools.

Yeah when I visited Thailand and it was fucking disgusting. Shit caked in the crevices and it smelled like 3 week old piss.

no i haven't seen a real one in my whole life

I even used some

Only when I went to thailand and even there only the poor locals used them.


Sure, they're quite common.

Never in Portugal but I've seen and used them when abroad. They were always dirty and stinked of piss.


Something similar, yeah, at a Hindu temple.

>not 4th world
pick one

dogs literally have a better life in Germany than Russians in Russia.

Of course

I know where they exist here... It's disgusting the smell


Yes, at school and some other public places.

Ye, they're called "turkish toilets" and were/probably still be used in schools as they're obviously more hygenic than seat toilets.

In a Korean subway. I walked straight back out and held my shit in all the way to incheon, where I unleashed a typhoon upon my gf's family bathroom.


it was in a bar in north Italy

We called it "Turkish" and it's used more in the bar when you only have to piss

Yes, in China.


Yes, in my bathroom

Why don't you westfags like them? If your establishment has proper cleaners, they're clean and don't smell (my high school has them). And I definitely prefer no-contact squatting in a public restroom as opposed to a seat toilet.

on the other hand
>be m*l*yshit
>have a squat toilet at home

only my grandparents use it
there are 4 bathrooms in my house, the squat toilet is only in one of them, the rest are seat toilets

Yup, seen them one or twice in America too. They are rare there.

Never seen one. Are you suppose to squat there or are they just to pee?

No one pisses in those things (here at least), since they're usually only found in public toilets that have urinals outside. You're supposed to squat on it.

>lose balance
>swim in your own shit

Yeah , I have 2 of those in my house.

Sure, You can fit inside it if your are a manlet.

Yes and used them in the past.

> you're not suppose to pee
How do you manage the urge? Everytime I take a shit on my western throne I pee afterwards without exception. It's a reflex to me.

Argentina is a shithole HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

I am a Slav

Rather I should have said that if you're only going to piss you don't use that. Of course taking a piss while/after doing a shit is alri.

not enough Asian genes
