Red-pill me on the state of the pedo culture in Hollwood

Red-pill me on the state of the pedo culture in Hollwood.

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Alive and well user, alive and well.


gays gotta gay


Plenty of stars have spoken out about it, but no one seems to be able to do shit about it.

Watch it.

Yep, basically if you have plenty of money in this world the laws that govern everyone else don't apply.




Stop fucking women

Start fucking underaged twinks

All lies.

Red pill me on your virginity

Project Monarch is used to brainwash celebrities and make them susceptible to mind control so the elite can force their luciferian propaganda on the masses

Look up al roker/britney spears mk ultra

I fucking knew you were a pedo Krager kys

Dan "Put Away For Life If They Find Her" Schneider

Katy Perry, Lady Gaga


Did you miss all the stuff he use to post about ryan newman when she was just out of toddler tier?

wtf i'm throwing away my copy of goodburger now

How can one man be so based?

Say no more.
Time to form a posse

Both prominent luciferians, but the ones I mentioned have had brief lapses in programming that shows the extent of their brainwashing
Also look up lohan mk ultra

Dan Schneider is a big time luciferian whose role and work in the pedo scene is nothing short of prolific. I know you guys like to joke but he's a seriously evil person. I'm talking willing demonic possession.


Is child abuse and satanic worship a joke to you?

>demonic possession
This is why nobody takes you seriously.

You fucking conspiracy theorist always mess up your conspiracies, him being a pedo is a good conspiracy, but then you have to mess it up with your satanic bullshit

Comedy gold

Dan "Get in the van" Schneider

Men who have everything desire forbidden and taboo things hence the pedo culture. It's also about power and control over people's lives like fame hungry child stars and their parents who most likely will look the other way. It's fucked. Look up Elijah Woods whistleblowing on this bullshit going on.

Why is he so smug?

You think these people do what they do for shits and giggles and not because they actually believe in what they practice? Satan is a very real figure of worship for them, demons sort of come with the package.

>entertainment industry one giant child sex ring
>satanic worship
bridge too far

fyi both are real

Every jew is a pedophile, and jews run hollywood, so there you go, makes perfect sense.

Like who? What did they say about it?

Not every Jew is a pedophile, and not all of hollywood is run by jews. Jews are no more corruptible than any other race of man.

It's complicated:

1) Some of them are just regular pedo's that power of the film industry naturally attracts. They have always been here.

2) Other ones are made to enjoy pedophilia. Through cults/executive sex parties they have to take part as initiation tests to even be allowed to have any film parts in hollywood. This is all filmed of course and used to blackmail them and take a cut of their earnings.

3) Then there is pure evil. A pedo ring made out of industrial military complex/cia and international cabals. These people buy kids from parents or steal them to be sold to whoever. They also deal in mk ultra (yes it's real - not magical mind control bullshit, but through use of hard drugs and hypnotic triggers you can control a person to do things like a dog doing responsive tricks.