As for the haters, Aykroyd said, "These people, they're insignificant gnats, they're losers...

>As for the haters, Aykroyd said, "These people, they're insignificant gnats, they're losers, they have no lives of their own, they can probably barely pay for the wifi they're using."

>He added, "I would say you're looking at obese white men between 50 and 60 who are active Klan members or member of the Aryan Nation and there are millions of them.

Other urls found in this thread:

Isn't this the nigga that thinks he was visited by aliens or some shit?

Yes, you tub of shit, tempt kek.

Tempt your own demise!

Literally who?

>the Klan

When was the last time the KKK did literally ANYTHING?


Can we burn Hollywood to the ground?

Fat Yank has been says something.

Need to water my geraniums

>I'll make a remark about racism and hatred not actually based in fact, but in sentiment

All you have to do is crack open crime stats to see where the real racist hatred is.

He's a fucking leaf. Fuck off with your garbage comedians, we're sick of them.


start a list for these cucks

will come in handy for that rope day

Akroyd is fuckinf /x/ tier, I'm surprised any publication would publish anything he says

fuck this asshole and his shitty gimmick vodka brand

>they can probably barely pay for the wifi they're using."

>making fun of people for being poor


but yeah those sexist KKK members can totally go fuck themselves!!

wtf I hate Dan Aykroyd now.

>"These people, they're insignificant gnats, they're losers, they have no lives and there are millions of them."

Watch out Aykroyd a jambalaya ghost might jump out of you boudin and abduct your gumbo ass to Mars!

Poor people are disgusting, I agreed with Dan.


If you read the article he actually says he doesn't believe Trump is racist just that some of his followers are (which I agree with).

We are the Klan now.

He's senile.

B-but those roasties are ruining m-muh Ghostbusters!


>People who arent rich like me are gnats

fuck off jew

>t. rich white actor man who can ride people's 1980's nostalgia until he dies and has enough money to avoid the consequences of policies he advocates



>"I would say you're looking at obese white men between 50 and 60 who are active Klan members or member of the Aryan Nation and there are millions of them"

There are hardly even millions of obese white men between the age of 50 and 60

Thats a pretty specific demographic

Does he really think nearly every single semi old american male is a KKK member?

>that rope day



he's a fucking leaf

Didn't he also say the new ghostbusters was better than the original? He's getting old.

>millions and millions of 50-60 year old Aryan Nation Klansman
if kykes are supposed to be so good with money, why are they always getting numbers wrong


He isn't exactly wrong though

Dan Aykroyd has money tied up in the Ghostbusters movie.

It being a flop means he's royally buttangry about how he lost shekels.

This is also the guy who shat out Blues Brothers 2000. I liked it better when it was some coked-out comedians playing music instead of 50 year old fat men and a child actor preying on nostalgia.

>He added, "I would say you're looking at obese white men between 50 and 60 who are active Klan members or member of the Aryan Nation and there are millions of them.

Another retard who has no idea what he is talking about.

I used to love your movies. Way to betray your own fans. Fuck you Dan.

His a Jew.

Save free speech, one meme and dangerous faggot at a time

Word must get out, it must become common knowledge, that Twitter and Facebook are online prison camps defined by the ideology of their owners, and not common carrier communication platforms.

There must be 40Gbps of memes shit into Twitter and Facebook mocking their users for being slaves on a digital plantation.

This was Twitter's and Facebook's fatal mistake, to ban a dangerous faggot like Milo. It's going to end the companies, bearish on their stock. The corporate board should replace Jack Dempsey and he should be investigated for his ties to #BLM terrorist #Deray4Treason. #TwitterHatesFags #FireJackDorsey #FreeMilo #MillionMiloMarch

Share your favorite Twitter slavery pics let's get the memes of production going I'll start with pic related.

#2 shit all over Twitter poopaloo.

lol he's talking about Sup Forums and Sup Forums

And just like that, he lost every last fan who still knew he was alive.

>I would say you're looking at obese white men between 50 and 60 who are active Klan members or member of the Aryan Nation and there are millions of them.

well it's a step up from virgin basement dweller.

Sup Forums is the board of peace. Don't be racist and assume that all Sup Forums posters are extremists

Can you break down the differences for me please?

>milo fans are obese white men between 50 and 60 who are active Klan members or member of the Aryan Nation
akroyd knows whats going on

You really think the majority of Sup Forums and Sup Forums posters are in their 50s-60s?

I'd say it ranges a lot more towards underageb&-30s, with a couple of old coots mixed in. I was underageb& when I first came here

Oh boy he's tempted kek, he's next to die on the celebrity death pile.

Yeah the older generation doesn't seem to realize that the angriest are the young men with ruined futures, lowered standards of living, and countries flooded with shitskins due to boomer retardation and Jew worship.

They traded our future for political correctness.

>who are active Klan members or member of the Aryan Nation and there are millions of them.
>Klan members
I think the last estimate I saw of KKK membership had them at around 30000 people nationwide.

The KKK is the left's version of the Jewish conspiracy. They genuinely believe that there is a millions-strong network of police officers, judges, politicians all across the country dedicated to white supremacy.

>they're losers, they have no lives of their own, they can probably barely pay for the wifi they're using.
>they can probably barely pay for the wifi they're using
notice how, for all his liberal credentials, Dan Aykroyd naturally reverts to 'my money makes me a better person than you' when he wants to criticise someone.

No Dan...pls I don't want to hate you

This irrelevant relic was the one who thoroughly pushed for that garbage remake following Ramis' death.

> expresses an opinion which differs from mine?


Typical limousine liberal. Also isn't Akroyd an obese white man between the ages of 50-60?

>white racist

implying POC can be racist.

check your privledge Dan Aykroyd

>"I would say you're looking at obese white men between 50 and 60 who are active Klan members or member of the Aryan Nation and there are millions of them.

These Hollywood cocksuckers are so detached from reality it's disgusting.

It's sad that generally speaking you have to adopt these kind of political leanings if you want to make it big in the entertainment industry machine of LA. This is why the media is so cucked.

the irony is lost on a guy who thinks he's living the X-files

i lost all respect for this faggot the moment he gave greenlight to the new movie

>Dan Akroyd
This guy believes in ghosts 'n shiieeet
He's the pinnacle among the JUST crew

>if kykes are supposed to be so good with money, why are they always getting numbers wrong

buh m-muh six million!

>dan tries to MO trolls on the internet
>is woefully wrong

why do people even bother listening to celebrities about anything other than acting? These people literally make a living pretending to be other people. Being believably in their illusions is their profession.

There is no justification to listen to them on any matter.

Hes a leaf, you fucking know-nothing

>"I don't think that Trump and [vice presidential nominee Mike] Pence are as racist as the people who attacked Leslie Jones, I really don't. Trump may be saying some things to go that way to get some votes but – well I don't know."

In other words Dan is under duress to make a statement to defend Queefbusters and most likely chose the most outrageous thing to say

He has a financial stake in GB2016 so of course he'd say that.

>Didn't he also say the new ghostbusters was better than the original? He's getting old.
Contrary to all the shit talk millenials get, it's old people starved for novelty who seem to be the ones praising newer shitter faster-paced special effects machines, since having seen all the good movies in their youth, crave nothing more than this obnoxious noise-filled special effects machine.


learn to read you faggots

funny dan because aliens only seem to talk to white people

Same shit non?


is that real

my blood is boiling

Yeah, you are.

Its only been the last week or so, but now i really think a small but growing percentage of you ppl are actually mentally ill. That shtick about bantz and lulz and such? You ppl are really anti-social pieces of garbage who dont realize that what you do for a chuckle actually hurts innocent ppls lives.

Youd maybe get it if you had something of substance in your own lives, but you dont. You have no one to love, no one to fuck, no one to talk to. Youre lonely, angry fucks like harris n kliebold, and if you ever have the stones to get your hands on a gun, i hope youd do the honorable thing n just off yourselves.

You should all think very seriously about leaving this board and trying to do something constructive with your lives. Failing that, like youve failed every other person and activity youve ever known, just go die.

>inb4 shill or reddit or sjw or fag or makes you think or any other hivemind, pol safe space groupthink,

fuck you

What a fucking cuck.

Fuck dan akroyd. Another libtard actor i will boycott from now on, if he still had a career to even boycott that is.

Says the autistic morn who believes in Crystal Skull paranormal shit.

gr8 b8 m8 i r8 it 8/8

>See the damn movie so I get my cut you racists

Society made these people.
This is the grave our leaders have dug.
This is what happens when you dismantle the original social order, we get people like this.
This is why you don't fuck with traditions.

Cool. I fuck u're mum figgit.


What does Ja think?

Ghostbusters, seriously? Who cares for this crap?

Spot-on if you're being honest with yourselves

>Trump supporters
>insignificant gnats

Yeah, and this is why celebrities should just keep their mouths shut. Nothing but dumb shit pours out.

>I would say you're looking at obese white men between 50 and 60 who are active Klan members or member of the Aryan Nation and there are millions of them.

Haha, oh boy. Yeah, MILLIONS of KKK and Aryan Nation members. How fucking delusional is this guy? And it's always old people with lefties, isn't it? Why are they so ageist? I'm seeing Sup Forumsaks accept young, old, faggots, niggers, turkroaches, even trannies. But the open, accepting left wing has a problem with... old people.

I mean, yeah, it's the 50-60 demographic that's using social media to harrass people with furry porn. Obviously. Fucking retarded.

Man, people on Sup Forums opposed going after this bitch, and THEY had better things to see than Aykroyd. Kind of hope that initiative to be nice to her goes through, now. I want to see Aykroyd praise us for being supportive. And I definitely know what those fat, old KKK members will turn into when they're suddenly people he agrees with.

>Fucking illinois nazis.

Every single one of you is a fat white loser

Whom do you think you're fooling?
I've seen these people (you people) in person, and you're disgusting to look at. No wonder you're so full of hate.

no you old fuck, the world is sick of forced diversity and multiculturalism and it's only going to get worse if they shove literal sheboon caricatures in movies already designed to bait those against 'progressivism'

says the priviliged american actor grrrr

>"These people, they're insignificant gnats, they're losers, they have no lives of their own, they can probably barely pay for the wifi they're using."

Here it is folks... the Left blatantly admits that theyre no longer the party of the working class.

Yet somehow libtards insist that I, as a white male, am voting against my own interests when I vote Republican...


they say that like as if we are some american history x type skins but in reality we are much cooler..put some #respekk on our name fagroyd

This makes sense because Twitter is filled to the rafters with 50-60 year old KKK members

>worst part about original Ghostbusters and has done nothing noteworthy ever since, a one hit wonder whose role played no part in
Who cares about what he has to say?

>will shit on anything and everything decent he made in order to get more money for dem seances
>sells vodka in crystal skulls
>helped bring about Blues Bros 2000 and fembusters
fuck aykroyd

>Dan Aykroyd dies from anti-freeze intoxication from drinking own vodka
>Ghostbusters (2016) box office fails to meet its budget

Better add some room.

>implying I pay for WiFi and don't leach connection fron passing satellites using a custom built canopy system
>you're a loser if you don't like shitty remakes

What a faggot. Didn't he condemn this movie at first until blackboxed into a corner by SJWs?

The guy's barely holding onto reality. He believes the crystal skulls were made by aliens ffs.





Wow, I really don't like Dan Akroyd now.

>literal millions of klan members

>They're insignificant gnats

Someone should show him what an insignificant gnat he is.

Dan Aykroyd is totally bonkers.

Still luv him tho