So.... alex jones

so.... alex jones

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*hysterical laughter*

why does Colbert have a nigger to his left, bixnooding every 30 seconds?

FCC standards, legally a POC must appear on the screen every 30 seconds.



Alex Jones.

damn he's epic

>making fun of a man fighting for his children
If that's not evil personified I don't know what is, gentlemen. Alex was right all along

why even show off Jones such a huge viewership?

jones is "playing a character" then?

>the cgi smoke on the bong

should have just smoked tobacco or somethin

Do they know that this is making Jones way more famous???

His website traffic is going up.

Jones BTFO of Colbert with class.

You'd never ever see left wing propaganda post really long videos of people insulting them before they respond.

Alex Jones is owned and operated by the CIA. This is just part of their plan to promote him.

I saw the thumbnail and didn't watch this. The first impression he made was kind of disappointing.

He shouldn't be hard to parody, but somehow Colbert couldn't do it.

>Alex Jones

Have you ever watched him before? Of course he's playing up to the audience. Doesn't mean he's wrong, just giving the audience a little entertainment, something that Colbert might want to take note of.

colbert's a faggot and so is alex jones

>you don't own nothin, goyim

He probably believes Alex Jones is just another bill o'Reilly so if he keeps making fun of him AJ's audience will come to him. Little does colbert know that he himself is the new bill o'Reilly.

A year ago they wouldn't even acknowledge InfoWars.

Now they're attacking it like it's a legit threat.

sometimes he's being ironic, sometimes genuine. alex produces raw comedy, unlike the pseudochristian colbert

More Alex Jones kino.

I didn't laugh once.

it' so difficult to watch american comedy, after every single joke the audience goes bananas with high pitched screeching and clapping you have to endure for 20 seconds

Well, yeah, same with Trump, he was treated as a joke at first.

I just can't understand why an impartial "comedian" like Colbert is doing this.......

>dude it's bad to smoke weed in states where it's legal lmao

That's just the "late night" shows.

And even not all of them do this, John Oliver, even though his humour is shit, doesn't stop to listen to the audience sperg out for 20 seconds.

I don't watch these much, but I only noticed this with Colbert.

>*tries to make fun of AJ with your own outdated brand of humour and it just doesn't work

Since when did colbert turn into bill o'reilly?

This goes on way too long, just isn't that funny. The writers for these late night shows are horrendous.

First they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.

Colbert's "impression" is so low-energy, that's what bothers me more than anything else. You can't just say weird shit in a deep gravelly voice, you need to fucking explode.

He can do that because his viewers are too dumb to figure out he's playing them for fools.

I usually like laughing at Alex Jones, but this just isn't that funny. It comes off as really vindictive and mean. The guy is in a court battle to keep his kids, it's not something to really joke about. Either he is crazy and he has some kind of unchecked mental illness, which is sad, or he's not and his wife is just doing this to spite him, which is also sad. Colbert is crossing a line here and making it was too personal all because they don't see eye to eye politically? That's just low.

I'd also say the impression wasn't that great. In general, it's kind of hard to parody something that over-the-top. It sort of makes fun of itself. You'd be better off just showing more clips and maybe reacting to them, or just showing the clips and letting them be funny on their own.

Are your Sup Forums posts reflective of how you speak to your mother? Are you playing a character then? Stop pretending you don't understand what this is about.

The American TV propaganda machine is out of control.

Since Colbert fucked some male interns. Keep it on the down low.

I think Alex Jones is a retard but who the fucking fuck would think this is funny at all?