Greetings, /k/omrades!

This general is for leftism! Not neo-liberal, capitalist, SJWism, but socialism! Communism! Anarchcism! Marxism! All these anti-capitalists are welcome here

So what is communism? Communism doesn't just mean sharing a whole bunch of shit. Communism as we need to remember first off is something very tangible and real. It means that the people who use the means of production to produce the wealth society rests on seizes the means of production uses them democratically, not to mention use them more efficiently.

So how do we acheive communism? Post-scarcity, everyone provided for by replicators, therefore there is no need for the capitalist mode of production? Perhaps, but we do not have the ability to do that today. Or do we? After all, the US alone produces enough food to feed the world. But can we distribute it?

What are your thoughts on acheiving communism? Thoughts?


KYS, pinko commie cocksucker.


I'm going to cut your throat like a dog in Beijing OP

/k/ only exists as a liberal Sup Forums. Just go home faggot

Why wont you save and invest carefully, instead of insisting that we appoint a committee to make sure we have shortages, and to prevent me from working hard?

noguns confirmed



As soon as can finally get into business for myself instead of making fucking mattresses, these fat neck beards vote to make it harder for me.


lefty Sup Forums please stay in your containment site.

Gonna post this every 5 minutes? Fuck off OP we don't have time to waste talking about the biggest failure of societal reform. SAGE THIS FAGGOT ALL DAY

You created the disease
You own it.

You are literally the least interesting people in the entire political arena. Communism, fucking anarchism, seriously. Go back to your universities where you belong

Kill yourself homo

>the US alone produces enough food to feed the world. But can we distribute it?
No free rides
Plus its more efficient and sustainable to "teach a man to fish" so to speak.

Yeah, seriously why can't they just go collect their dole and shut the fuck up. I want to work, and take my own risks, suffer my own consequences, and reap my own rewards.

>why is that wrong, if I can give value to people

Communism is a Jewish conspiracy to bring down the White Man

This isn't /k/
But you aren't welcome there either

>living in literally greatest country ever known to man
>being a filthy commie

Honestly i hope Trump sends commies back too!


Produce the worlds food supply
>legislators make it free
becomes worth no one's while to make food
communism not even once

Yeah, fuck off. Just see for yourself how any openly communist nation ended up or where is heading. It's not inherently a bad ideology but it always fails irl for obvious reasons.

idgaf if you tards call me a leftist

communism is gay, btw

Enough of that horseshit. Communism is inherently a bad ideology.

This is b8, remember to sage

Communism is the most severe form of the mental illness we know as "liberalism" or "leftism"

These people are beyond help. Don't get me wrong, they're not just sick mentally but also stupid. So their problems are just infinitely compounded. But sort of like with autism sometimes you have idiot savants like Karl Marx

The most complicated book these people could read was (lol) the Communist Manifesto and they built their whole life around it, it would be just sad and pathetic except the Jews found they can easily con these sick people into killing hundreds of millions of people, and have throughout history.

>let's try it j-just one more time
Kill yourself, you kike-loving degenerate communist cuck.

There was once a Wolf who got very little to eat because the Dogs of the village were so wide awake and watchful. He was really nothing but skin and bones, and it made him very downhearted to think of it.

One night this Wolf happened to fall in with a fine fat House Dog who had wandered a little too far from home. The Wolf would gladly have eaten him then and there, but the House Dog looked strong enough to leave his marks should he try it. So the Wolf spoke very humbly to the Dog, complimenting him on his fine appearance.

"You can be as well-fed as I am if you want to," replied the Dog. "Leave the woods; there you live miserably. Why, you have to fight hard for every bite you get. Follow my example and you will get along beautifully."

"What must I do?" asked the Wolf.

"Hardly anything," answered the House Dog. "Chase people who carry canes, bark at beggars, and fawn on the people of the house. In return you will get tidbits of every kind, chicken bones, choice bits of meat, sugar, cake, and much more beside, not to speak of kind words and caresses."

The Wolf had such a beautiful vision of his coming happiness that he almost wept. But just then he noticed that the hair on the Dog's neck was worn and the skin was chafed.

"What is that on your neck?"

"Nothing at all," replied the Dog.

"What! nothing!"

"Oh, just a trifle!"

"But please tell me."

"Perhaps you see the mark of the collar to which my chain is fastened."

"What! A chain!" cried the Wolf. "Don't you go wherever you please?"

"Not always! But what's the difference?" replied the Dog.

"All the difference in the world! I don't care a rap for your feasts and I wouldn't take all the tender young lambs in the world at that price." And away ran the Wolf to the woods.

There is nothing worth so much as liberty.

>socialism! Communism! Anarchcism! Marxism!
none of these works

Only good leftist is a dead leftist. Kys

Communism has nothing to do with Liberalism.

Only the US considers leftists to be Liberals.

Liberals in Germany are fighting the minimum wage and are arguably the party most in favor of Free Markets (alongside AFD - their economic plans are pretty similar).

But sure, keep calling leftists Liberals and therefor endorsing them.

And then wolf died, alone, scared and hungry, and in his final moments he realised that this was the only option his 'liberty' gave him.
And doggo lived a happy life with his his friends and big family.
The End.