The elite are mad at Trump because he's going to take away their cheap illegal immigrant labor and their cheap...

The elite are mad at Trump because he's going to take away their cheap illegal immigrant labor and their cheap outsourced labor. That's why the corporate media is attacking him so hard.

>B-b-but Trump has his ties made in China.

How do you respond to this?

>Obviously the answer is that his policies as a businessman are not the same as his policies as a president, and his policies as a businessman have a small effect compared to his policies as president, and Trump as a businessman is competing within an environment that makes outsourcing more efficient, but as president, he is wanting to change that whole environment to make the playing field favor those who hire Americans.

But all of that is so much more complicated than "Hurr-durr, muh ties made in China," so how do you make a complicated idea beat a simple idea when you're talking to simple-minded people?

>Obviously the answer is that his policies as a businessman are not the same as his policies as a president

So, when he becomes president, he will divest all of his business interests?

how are you so deluded, holy shit

did clinton cease her activities with her foundation once becoming secretary of state?

lol the doublethink

In order to compete in the fashion/clothing market you pretty much have to use cheap foreign labor. It's the shitty reality until companies like Addidas move back with automation.

Real trump merch is made in usa shill

>did clinton cease her activities with her foundation once becoming secretary of state?

That's not relevant. But yes, that would mean there could be a conflict of interest if her foundation was involved in affairs she had influence on.

>He's willing to sacrifice his business to save his country
What's the problem?

No, (s)he's quite right.

He already has, his name was his brand. Going through this election has dragged his name through the mud, making it a lot less valuable.

He denounces doing it, but does it himself because he's not a stupid business man. The best type of person to fix the situation is one who has a clear understanding of the problem which obviously he does.


Why would he do this? You're hinging this belief on behaviors he's yet to show when he's shown he's a miserly shit. You're like a kid who gets in the back of a pedophiles van because you're told there's candy back there, and you e fallen for it about a few dozen times.

Trying to rationalize hypocrisy isn't "right".
What a joke.

His name brand is the whole reason he can't lose this election. He would be mocked and become a business failure. Someone as intelligent as Trump wouldn't get into this race if he thought he might lose, there's too much at stake. That's why I think him being a plant is dumb too, he wouldn't throw away everything to help Hillary get elected.

Lemme explain how the garment industry works.

Basically, every bit of clothing you see is made in asia.

There are giant factories that house machines that are computer controlled.

Essentially, you load the machine with the string you want, adjust the settings to control how tight the thread count is, then push "start".

The same factory that makes high end Polo, is also where department store brand clothes come from.

It was all outsourced years ago. You could not realistically start a nation wide clothing company in the US, because there is no manufacturing center big enough to handle it.

Boutique or lower ("custom" t-shirts online companies) only.

Trump could not make a clothing line domestically unless he wanted to spend millions in the manufacturing facility first, and no single clothing line can support the manufacturing costs.

And faggots don't get why he is running for President.

Source: was a department store buyer

>He's pretty much right.
Literally the hardest time the Musk is having with his Tesla project is building the factory -here- in the US.


It's not hypocrisy. Trump is not saying businessmen should not do what is in the best interests of their business. He is saying that what is in the best interests of business should be changed by government.

If the media wanted to explain this, they could and would. But they don't want the public to understand, because the way things are now is in the best interest of corporations at the expense of the public.

Trump is just proposing to shift the balance of police a little bit away from corporations and toward the public. The elite are going nuts over this. He's the only politician who dares go against them. That's why Republicans and Democrats are for amnesty, and none of them will talk about the trade deficit.

That's the real reason Trump is being called a racist and Hitler. It's not really about racism. It's about labor costs. The elite can't admit that, though, so they play it like it's about racism to get the public to go along with it.

But we're still left with the problem of explaining to the public the difference between what one businessman does within the existing status quo, and what would happen if that status quo were changed. What one businessman does is irrelevant, but if the status quo were changed, that would make a big difference.

An analogy I have thought of is a sport where the athletes dope. In that case, only doping athletes can compete. Anyone who doesn't dope will lose. So what if the top athlete, who dopes, comes out and says athletes need to stop doping? Do we ignore him because he dopes too? Or do we say, he dopes because everyone dopes, and the way to change this is not to vilify one doper, but to change the entire system so that no one dopes.

That's what Trump is talking about, changing the whole system, so that no one dopes. But the response is that we can't allow him to do that, because he dopes, even though the reason he does that is because it's the only way to win in the current system.

>>B-b-but Trump has his ties made in China.
>How do you respond to this?
Businessmen choose the best and most profitable paths. As President, he wants to make sure the most profitable paths are operating and producing in the USA.

Being forced to produce in China to stay competitive with all the rest is one of the reasons Trump is running for President in the first place, because our leaders are idiots who are letting better smarter people trample all over them and the American people.

His brand will only be worth more if he loses. Regardless of the outcome he will at least double his worth

This sentiment needs to be spread.

Trump doesn't make clothes in China because he wants to.

It's because he has to.

Everyone accuses him of racism towards Mexicans, but 10 minutes online will show that if there is any breed he actually has contempt for, it's the chinese. He has literally been yelling about them for 30 years, and the effect they have on American jobs.

If we go to war with China, we're going to need to build up American business more than ever.

It seems that in deciding who to vote for, all that matters is the candidate's policies. Either vote for Clinton who will have more pro-corporate/anti-labor trade and immigration policies, or vote for Trump who will have more anti-corporate/pro-labor trade and immigration policies.

Theoretically the choices are two:

1. If Clinton wins, Trump will keep doing what he's doing, and immigration and trade will stay balanced pro-corporate/anti-labor the way the status quo is now.

2. If Trump wins, immigration and trade policy will shift in a more anti-corporate/pro-labor direction, and this will impact all businesses, including Trump's.

So if you are pro-labor/anti-corporate, the way the Berniebot Occupy Democrats say they are, then you would logically vote for Trump, and "where he makes his ties" is irrelevant.

But that is way too complex to explain to the public, unless you control a TV station and you can harp on it every day and help the public get up the learning curve. A single sound bite can't get that across.

We'll infact be in a weakened position on a lot of fronts because they clothe all of their population and more. We would have to build additional manufacturing facilities to make up the shortfall.

>So if you are pro-labor/anti-corporate, the way the Berniebot Occupy Democrats say they are, then you would logically vote for Trump
But my friends and social media and TV told me he said bad things that I haven't listened to myself!

And Hillary is a woman!

He's already said if he wins that his businesses would go to his kids and advisors to run. From there it's up to them to decide how to run them, but if Donald succeeds with his economic plans and makes it more profitable to hire/produce in America then the Trump brand will produce in the US. Both benefiting the country and making money.

*clears throat*


Gas the (globalist) kikes
Race war now