FRANCE GENERAL /fg/ - Parliament votes police State Edition

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After 7h30 of debate at the Parliament, the Emergency State has been extended over 6 months.

Some of the laws proposed during this 7h30 debate (mainly right and far right proposed law) include

No sentence reduction for alleged terrorist
House arrest extended to 24h for suspected terrorist
Outlaw funding of house of cult suspected to have link with terrorists
Preemptive detention for suspected terrorist

Most of them were rejected due to the socialist majority of the Parliament, which lead to violent verbal exchange between right/far-right deputy and French socialist PM
Laurent Wauquiez : "the real difference between us is that while you refer to the terrorist Rights and Freedom, we say that enemy of France shall have none"
Manuel Valls : "What separate us M. Wauquiez is this fundamental difference in regard of democracy and I will never let myself be led by an opportunist on this way"
Gilbert Collard :"If the Emergency State was effectively applied, the Nice murdered would not have there. And I WILL TELL YOU, wether you like it or not, you have blood on your hands and you will be accountable for that"

To the proposition : “Should we ban islamic mosques ?” the parliament voted 164 NO, 139 YES


Nice, just after the days following attack
Go back where you came from
I was born in France
You are an horror for France

A mosque in Bron (near Lyon) was tagged with "You leave or you die".

Other urls found in this thread:


Généraux de la Fronde : Generals are rebelling against the socialist governement

"Our leaders are more suited to campaign for elections than to make war" said general Didier Tauzin, French candidate to the presidential election of 201

"I don’t get what you are doing here. Is this a war of professor and lawyer?"

French deputy asks for policemen and soldiers to have the right to carry their weapon at all time even when not in uniform

French deputy asks for the creation of a French Guantanamo

Hi frogger/pol/
How's the atmosphere where you are right now?
Is the heat making everyone twice as irritable thus leading to another habbening?

this is actually the only thing stopping us from a military coup in France

wtf is that?

MI6 ? DCRI ?

I don't even care anymore... weather is nice, which is a plus if you want to go outside

When the military realizes they're loyal to the nation, not to the government

european franco-german brigade stationned over the Rhine and ready to storm in France, Germany and Belgium in case of a social collapse to "protect the population"

You made the right choice brits

I'm not a shill pal, i'm here from brit/pol/ to hang out with you guys
Genuinely have a soft spot for your country and it pains me seeing it in such disarray

Kek is a frog, so he will grant us a military dictatorship soon

martial law now

Go frogs go.
Smash the globailist scum

please make this thread in french

why ? when we talk in french it is always to talk about the jews, always !

cause i miss it, it makes me feel like i was still a kid learning french in high school :^)

>Should we ban islamic mosques ?” the parliament voted 164 NO, 139 YES

Wow. A lot closer than I would have thought.

ikr, just wait until the poeple are fed up with the socialist majority and a general have to seize power

sounds familiar ?

What about UK ? Is such a thing possible ?

Kek be with you.
No,such a vote is completely unforeseeable, let alone that kind of NO turnout.

Oui, monsieur

Can I recommande this this fine french movie to practice you skills ? It'as about Algeria war and torture by french soldier on muslims terrorists

Can't a Mechanized or Armored regiment stop them dead in their tracks?

Who is this QT 3.14?

nationalistwaifu to the rescue

joan of arc

far-right deputy of Vaucluse (Nice region) Marion Maréchal Le Pen
she reacts to the PM being booed at the commemoration

so britbro... where is your nationalistwaifu ?

It will never happen, generals and politicians come from the same cookie cutting factory and the army has no independance whatsoever.
Do you really think they haven't learned their lesson in 200 years?

I wish we had one Baguette-friend, but Nigel and his banter make up for it.

Allahu akbar, Omar.

t. ghost of Mohamed Bouhlel.

and I wish we had a Nigel... oh wait, we have

no comment on the nose, he is honorary aryan, watch as he ridiculises a cultural decadent marxist with a similar nose

this man is an epic banter, I wish he could make a speech at the parliament

welp, thread is fail, too much text in the first posts

only one thing to do left, spam Sup Forums with our national qt


Nigel was more than bants, he was actually convincing (and also a politician).
Zemmour has game but he wouldn't go far

Do you want to make France great again with me user ?

You know you want to

Silly user, of course I can make the muslims go away. Believe in me.

so wait, france will go full facist this time and invade germany? Godspeed frogs, godspeed.

France, how do you reckon the le-pens manage to produce a solid lineage of uncucked kids?

it is already Kek will Hanz

but you can contribute by bumping the thread are help us meming a general to power in France

>Not my wife
>Stuck in a country full of murderous sandniggers with a lazy cunt of a president


he is Sephardic, for Aschekanazi he is not master race

Marion is Jew

>To the proposition : “Should we ban islamic mosques ?” the parliament voted 164 NO, 139 YES


here take this free marion get

when Trump will win, she will come to the US to ask for support and you will meet her

is it Kek will ?

iktf, it's a pleasure to read but I hate speaking it.

Someday I hope to have a nationalist QT like her

official new from the parliament archive

unofficial result on a parliament journalist's twitter

islamic mosques means banning mosques in general? Or the ones linked to terrorism?

M-m-maybe, Pierre.......

Please no happening today, it's too hot

They already banned burqas, so I don't need see how banning Islam isn't the logical next step


"Tout lieu de culte où sont tenus des propos d’incitation à la haine, à l’accomplissement d’actes de terrorisme ou qui constitue manifestement une menace pour la sécurité et l’ordre publics fait l’objet d’une fermeture administrative."

How would a french civil war look like?
Do you french think the reason the EU army is happening is due to the coming French civil war?

How can the EU army happen anymore without the UK? Wasn't the UK the country with the strongest military in the EU?

Political Waifus?

Ayelet Shaker is my new Israeli Waifu.

Marion and Ayelet should team up.

You know her auntie once came to the US to meet Ron Paul but was denied an interview with him because MUH RACISM.

However, I'm sure you will at least see her. Our presidential election is in 2017. You won't approach her, and will stay behind the security but she will shyly wave her hand at you if your bring a french flag.

You must believe user. And make Trump win, or none of this will happen.

The coup of the OAS wasnt so long ago, and it still is present in a lot of the older population mind, a military coup won't happen in the near future.

So this is basically a marion le pen general? Yes lads.

Reaction to islam is radically different in South of France, mainly because it is less cucked than the multicultural region around Paris and is usually more traditionalist. Some muslim have thrown rock to firefighters in Corsica few months ago and the next day, a crowd was angrily protesting in front of muslim appartement blocks.

As you can see, the fire rises (OP) post. When civil order will be threatened, governement will have to deploy military, but the muslims will be more agressive. Eventually, the soldier will choose the right side and will start refusing to protect muslims. After that it all depends on international community reaction... So wether it turns out in thousands mini-Sarejo, or a general seize power before it's too late and promote patriotic values to avoid radicalization by changing school History books and recreating the national guard conscription.

>google Gilbert Collard
>see this

The ones that preach Islam a bit too much, radicalism or whatever it is called in english.
Not always linked with terrorism

actually a general president general

Do you hear the people sing...

a far right deputy in Gard (same region as Nice)

Gilbert CONNARD!

De Gaulle was a general who basically came to power thanks to a coup

Are you implying De Gaulle didnt deserve to be President ?

hello mohamed

Gay as fuck song

Well, in that case, I guess I could keep an eye out for her.....

Just that he was a general and came to power thanks to popular demand and support of military

However he betrayed 1 million french settler. Even if there was no other choice because French Algeria would have implied giving the same rights to sandies, he betrayed the french settlers...


aka the hat guy.
Don't let his legacy die, use a Bigeard hat when the revolution comes.

I am not even nationalist or do I support such ludacris movements of coup at a even if fake "democracy".

But those legs are fucking amazing, to see them again and again I would vote for her.

Yes I am that shallow.

Just like Napoleon gave Alaska away because he just couldnt keep it

What to expect of the french election next year?

What the fuck are you talking about?

Second round will be Right vs Far Right (FN)
Right will win with 59% of votes

MDR Louisiane Pardon*

>again no Le Pen


greatest subversive idea I saw on Sup Forums so far

If there isn't a civil war before the election, the traditional right will win probably Juppé, the medias already decided about that. I think all the far right parties (except FN) would ally with him and betray the FN
Or general Tauzin win the support of other general like Piquemal and form an alliance with the FN


More like 80%.

Military Dictatorship in France when ?

Praise Bigeard

Military coup will never happen. Nothing will happen. We are fucked. Bye shitty Francistan, I’m out

I know what you want Sup Forums more Marion for you


I know that's probably not her but it's still some good shit

Proper thread theme-

Also, I just got a fucking ban message from January 2014???

This is amazing and really shows how far along the process is in France.
If you can almost win a ban on mosques, I don't think you realize how close you are to either
1) a nationalist electoral victory that actually brings meaningful change


2) civil war/severe unrest

Don't lose heart Frenchbros. You guys often don't know it but I've studied the situation and you're actually the most uncucked country in Western Europe (other than Switzerland) in terms of the political environment, presence of a philosophically healthy and politically effective far right, a mainstream strong nationalist party in the FN, etc. YOU ARE EUROPE'S FRONTLINE AND YOU HAVE MORE POWER THAN YOU THINK. France has a long history of great right wing thought and action, from de Maistre to Action Francaise to de Benoist.

The Muslims are gonna hit you again, soon. And again. Make sure you don't let it go to waste. Make sure you're in this fight. Because you're Western Europe's best hope, I really believe that. Either the fight back starts in France or it never starts.

Our armored and artillery regiments are stationned in the east and north of France, what a coincidence

>posting Masonic republican bullshit

That's how things got into this mess roodypoo

This is actually the opposite, if we can't pass a ban on mosques 2 days after a deadly attack we will never pass it once we get used to these attacks (as our PM said we should be).

if it's about military patriotic song

but I agree with the theme thread Jeanne d'Arc when ?

hits me right in the feels every time
tho tb h I wish Hitler and france had been butt buddies from the get go in WW2 and didn't have to go through a fucking annexation to get some of us on their side

maybe history would have been different if we'd just seen from the same eye, and the entire west would have ended up way less cucked as a result

>get used to these attacks

Wouldn't it make more sense to put the german flag in the upper-right and the french one in the lower left side of the badge ?

You know, because of geography ? Little bit of an OCD here...

Hitler hated France as much as Jews user.

Every mosque will be monitored, and those who go a bit overboard will get closed and their imam imprisoned.

>King Nigger constantly makes up excuses for derkaderkas
>Hollande is just fucking retarded

No wonder these guys succeeded.

Thanks, Ameribro. It soothes my heart to read this.

Banning mosques is very radical. It's the ultimate rejection of the "not all Muslims" meme, which is the cornerstone of globalist multiculturalism in 2016. It is a fatal blow to the Muslims and the ones who want to "remake" Europe by bringing them in.

You're almost there. Just think about having that vote again, after a few more attacks and an FN victory in 2017

>FN victory in 2017
FN has a very long history of being hated in France, as we speak 30% of the people support them, 10% have mixed feelings, and the other 60% would rather die (literally) than vote for the FN.

The vote didn't pass because there's still a lot of socialists in the parliament.
Obviously in a year at least half of them will get out and the same vote could be successful.

Though it's not a vote to ban all mosques but to monitor them and to close every mosque and imprison every imam that goes a bit too overboard with islam.


You will never get complaints about that francios