Women prefer roid babby efron

>women prefer roid babby efron
how? why?

He looked best in Neighbors. His look here is just cartoonish.

He looked best in Highschool Musical when he was eating prime Hudgens ass

the tone of this movie seems weird as fuck

His body looks absolutely ridiculous here.

They're clearly trying to go for a 21/22 Jump Street vibe but don't have the talent of Lord and Miller or the likability of Channing Tatum.

How should we cast this?

>how about 3 bland roastie normie whores, the rock, some boyband looking guy and some fat nerd for comic relief

funny because i was gonna use 21 jump street as my example except this doesnt seem as overtly comedic

me on the right

True, this does seem a bit more focused on being an action movie.

It's all about the abs for them.

>painted on muscle deffinition

how do I get Zack efron ripped?

Jesus, at least post the unshopped pic

getl fit then just dehydrate yourself to near death

>fat nerd-jew got bigger tits than the women

The biggest thing that throws me is the inclusion of that guy on the right and the two girls to the left and right of Daddario. They seem completely out of place, which throws off the chemistry of the entire cast.

She's still pretty sexy nowadays albeit a bit thicc on the right places

lol why did they feel the need to add this massively obese lardmonster to the group?

So you would have a character to relate to.

Women who literally don't sit on their ass all day stuffing their face don't have big tits, newsflash.

You take that back right now you f*cking *sshole


Why is Daddario so perfect?


Also the Rock is ETHNIC, his SMV goes down by 2 points from that alone. No HAIR

i dont want to watch this. they are corrupting my pure daddario

>trapped under a fucking sports bra
>theyre supposed to bounce

why did they get a bunch of homos to write this?

Jewish men are low test

>roid babby efron
You mean Zac ''nose job surgery and Jaw Reshaping'' Efron?

So the nerd will end up saving everybody with his hacker sk1lzz and get Daddario. If the movies goes into full porno at this point I'm okay with it but else it's just the age old question "why make this" (money).

Did anyone else realize she had a face?

I would fucking cum in the spot if the nerd gets Daddario's virgin for himself.

I actually have a friend that liked Efron more when he wasn't ripped as fuck, and finds him disgusting now

Efron is one hundred Chad thundercock, perfect face and body


>being so insecure about your physique compared to the rock that you have to get dehydrated before shooting scenes

dialogue should've been
>did you just look at my boobs?
>yes, I can't help it. I'm a manlet and your boobs are at eye level

>jaw reshaping
he just roided

How could you expect any more from Baywatch

Cuz a dude is stud !!!

>gear changes the shape of your jawbones
>in your thirties of all things
Totally not the case. Is more plausible saying that he got surgery, which he probably did.

face has a lot of muscles
a well developed masseter makes your jaw more square and manly looking
it's a pretty common occurrence for roiders to "improve" their features and jawline

Your jawline is still dictated by your bones and your fat% mostly.
Unless he did some serious masseter routine he didn't get it due to roids.

"le omg so underrated XD upvote"

it is, muscles help a lot

>serious masseter routine
you do realize that you grow more muscle when you sit on your ass than people who train when you're on moderate doses of test?
chewing is enough to make it visibly grow

They do, look at ftm trannies, they end up with jaws like olivia wilde. HGH also changes facial features


5'8 is the height of kings

the shorter you are the closer you are to the devil so chew on that

5'11 master race reporting

>you do realize that you grow more muscle when you sit on your ass than people who train when you're on moderate doses of test?
>inb4 the graph
Go ahead and post it, that has nothing to do with anything anyways and if anything it proves you are wrong.
The difference is insignificant and you are not going to get a chiseled jaw just because you are on roids just like you don't get canonball delts.

You wanna believe it's possible to get a chiseled jawline just by taking a bunch of rids be my guest though.


>mfw 6'2 manlets try to convince themselves they're tall cuz at least they aren't a 5.

Dude needs to do more overhead work

He has high blood pressure. Can't do overhead work.

>height starts with 5
>master race of anything

>muscles you don't really use grow on gear
>nothing to do with anything
>proves you are wrong


he's pretty balanced desu
delts kinda look like that when you're super lean and not a roidfreak

>half-assed """"""retort"""""
The fact that you don't know why it proves you wrong only makes my point stronger, more so considering I pointed out exactly why in the very post you quoted.
Stick to kino discussion and spare you the embarrassment next time.

I'm not even trying to argue with you, yet you act like some self important cunt.
kys, seriously

They don't. On screen he's a pretty face. In real life they notice he's shorter than all his female costars and their panties turn to waterfalls when the Rock comes towering over them.

Is this what you tell yourself as you cry into your pillow?

haha what a fucking manlet
t. 5'9" receding hairline god

It's 21 Jump Street/Chips.

It's full self-aware comedy now.

...yeah, they should have got Meryll Streep and Daniel Day Lewis.

The real question is, why the Rock is the only one with shoes? Is he afraid of his feet?


My height fluctuates between 5'11" and 6ft due to spinal compression.

>"You people?"
>"You don't get to say that you're just tanned"

dropped like a motherfucking hot potato


"manlet" here (not. i'm actually 5'8 1/2 you know the average american height)

why do you niggers hate us so much? i never see this hate threads besides on Sup Forums and /fit/. this is the primary reason why i stopped posting progress pics on /fit/.

fuck off

That's only for shitskins, average white male height is 5'10

Thank god they have that fat slug on the far right or they'd completely alienate 80% of their American audience. Is there a fat sow on this show too?


>tfw 6'2" and only one of my cousins is taller than I am in this area and he is 6'4"

Everyone else is under 5'10" and my last gf is exactly 5'.

laugh'd und lost

I don't know what her face looks like, but from this angle he's leagues above her

why does efron's face look 87 y/o?

>i dont know what vanessa hugdgens face looks like
pajeet please

Literally the shortest person on the set.

I like The Rock as much as the next person, but he's flown too close to the sun on this one.

Nobody takes the place of The Hoff.

Its literally paint on his body to create artificial shadow. Cant blame him for insecurity standing next to Rock I guess.

I think it's because he cut too much, or whatever the term is? Like he needs more fat.

Fucking hell Grandad.

It's the rock. No one cares about the Hoff anymore.

I want the rock to be my dad

why didn't they make Doc Savage with the rock as lead

>Fat Jew wears a shirt during the "Slo Mo Beach Run"

Do the directors even know what they're doing?

His body is not aesthetic at all, that cleft inbetween his breasts are disgusting



What's a roastie?



just some fuck with little knowledge of american celebs, except for the internationally famous ones

>Her face

Shit tier genetics

He looks roided and he's doing the dehydration thing. It makes him look like a 50 year old.

They both look ridiculous and not in a good way.

Nothing wrong with her face

>perfect body
I guarantee you he'd trade for a 6'1" skinnyfat in a heartbeat.

So is this movie going to provide proper fapping material or is it going to fill the cast with attractice women then fellate itself over how 'woke' it is?

So delusional

maybe because his benis hasn't inverted from all the roids