There is a theory gaining traction that sexual fetishes are induced by pornography consumption and masturbation...

There is a theory gaining traction that sexual fetishes are induced by pornography consumption and masturbation, and that they can be healed by abstaining from them for long enough to "reboot" the brain. (

People who abstain from pornography and masturbation for long enough also report the following benefits:

Increased joy; renewed self-respect; more articulate; clearer thinking; better memory; increased energy levels; reduced depression; deeper interactions with others; no social anxiety; increased brainpower and mental endurance; experiencing natural highs; reduced anger; feeling intense emotions without being ruled by them; and many more.

What are your thoughts on all this, Sup Forums? Is pornography responsible for the effeminate, unprincipled, lifeless men we see in the West today? Are we collapsing in part because we are becoming like all the other societies of the past that did so once they became sexually deviant?

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Porn is degenerate.

IDK about masturbation.

On the one hand, no fap builds resolve and character. It makes women more attractive and boosts drive.

On the other, I don't want to bust 90 seconds after getting it in because I haven't fapped in 10 days and I'm on a hair trigger.

Lol why not? Just power through

wew that really made me think and go hmmm i guess im a #cruzmissile now

it doesnt really work that way. sexual stamina has less to do with how recently youve come, and more to do with overall health. thats from my experience anyway.

Autism + watching porn on a daily basis don't mix well.




Good thread. Porn is harmful.

Whoa there, Hemmingway, do you really expect me to read all that?

lol no, sell a book faggot

Well you should. But never mind here is the short version.

sounds accurate to me. had the same thoughts before le science.

Thank you

Eating is an instinct. Food is the bait. Don't eat.

Eating = essential
Food = essential

Sex = essential

Pornography = ????

try harder

Everything is bad in excessive amounts. The fact that the average Sup Forums neckbeard doesn't have the self-discipline to not fap to porn 6 hours a day, doesn't mean that there is something intrinsically wrong with watching porn.

Drugs are also bad for you, but in small quantities and the correct dose, they also save millions of lives every single day.

The ability to moderate and self-discipline is what people lack.

God damn, this really makes you think (meme not intended), this should be the sticky of Sup Forums maybe it shows some light to the anime fags too.

>Sex = essential
For survival of the species? Yes. For your own personal survival? No.

Toilet paper is also not essential, moralfag.

Nothing is essential beyond the bare survival, idiot.

it's true

deny it all you want, you're probably just addicted :)

Just going to leave this here.

can't speak for anyone else, but all my fetishes and chronic masturbation were pre-internet. i had a few playboys hidden under the mattress. guess i'm just a degenerate. i was raped as a kid though, so that might have something to do with it.

Fapping takes my energy away
when I dont fap, I start to work out , do meaningful things

fap can really fuck you up

I'm addicted
its like a drug man


No one cares what your moral beliefs are. Doctors advocate for masturbation. But surely you know better than people who spent years studying the human body? You honestly should've been a cumstain on your dad's sock

Problem with that, is that when Lewis wrote that in 1930, good women actually existed.

They don't anymore, and there's literally nothing of value to chase, hence you're better off just jerking off.

Wow it's almost like we were talking about porn and not masturbation and you just made yourself look like a retarded ass

Slow and painful death?

I posted some stuff to provoke the though, don't take this religiously, just think about it and take your own conclusions.

Here is another interesting one.

Stop now and never look back.

>In a thread filled with nofap people
Right. Porn and masturbation kind of go hand in hand, if you want to provide valid sources for your claims go ahead. (.gov or .org pls)
Otherwise you're just a moralfag. None of your business what people do in the privacy of their homes

Is Sup Forums essential, faggot?

If you're against all non essential activities then remove yourself from Sup Forums.

You moralist pieces of shit are the reson why conservatism has a bad name.

Op is right. I still fap cause my body makes me but I don't watch porn. Having endless degenerate visuals shat into my mind was fucking with me, and now it's gone. HIGHLY recommend no-porn fapping.

If women are really better than porn then they will have no problem competing with it. If they're not then it's good they're being replaced by better alternative. Just stop being secretive commie and let the free market fix it.

>If women are really better than porn then they will have no problem competing with it.

This. Applies to fembots, too.

Did I get you all worked up because of some posts? Calm down, I never said I was against anything here...

Centurys of people masturbateted without porn.
Give it a try it can be really great.

>I still fap cause my body makes me

That is called being weak willed.

As far as the science, No Fap and No Porn have not been born out rigorously. They are at the hypothesis/prospective research stage, with the main authors being prone to hyperbole, as if this will be a new scientific paradigm.

Nothing conclusive or causal.

>There is a theory gaining traction that sexual fetishes are induced by pornography consumption and masturbation
I'm skeptical, because I've had my fetish since I was a super sheltered little kid who had never done either of those things.


Honestly the only bad affect I've had from porn was being unable to get very hard for real sex and that came about from a bit of depression where I masturbated multiple times a day to increasingly worse porn. It went away after like a month of me talking to girls again and now I can still watch the same depraved shit with no side effects. I think people look to porn too much and not the reason someone is watching so much porn.

motherfuckers were floggin' logs since way before porn.

it's not an addiction. you gotta get that cum out. it gets uncomfortable. it's either that or get violent. and of course option 3 was always open.

raping a cavebitch.

Bate without a trap is not bate.

Though I agree with the discipline. Just because you can eat fast food all day everyday doesn't mean you should, but neither does it mean you completely abstain from it.

Women can't be better. There is now way you can compet with the ability to see tausends of different women doing anything you want without having any needs.

I know a women who tried that and in the end it dident help anything.

In other news:


>tfw fapping multiple times a day

I really fucking need to stop.

I'm gonna start hitting the gym soon since I'm figuring out my new work schedule. Hopefully that will kill my urge.

If the have to rely on posting a link to a book rather than a collection of studies then you've already lost.

I want r9k to leave

I do all the time, not any harder to cum from that imo. I just don't understand why OP doesn't want the people that like porn to use it in their home. It shouldn't be anyone else's concern if they're looking at porn. Honestly OP get a life - there's bigger things to worry about then your neighbor jacking it to a vid

I also developed a fetish before I had access to the internet. I didn't even know it was a thing; I thought I was the only one until I looked online.

>eliminate social anxiety


>This self loathing
This is what's unhealthy.

I agree that it can't and shouldn't be forbidden by law.

But it's good to speak out against it. Just tell your story.
My story is that porn addiction is fucking up my marriage and my job.
I just wish I would have never seen porn my life.

i have a ridiculously high sex drive which is supposedly linked to bipolar disorder and I am just never really sated by sex even if I have it all the time so i dont really know if this applies universally to people. sex is also basically detached from my conception of myself so it doesn't figure into my psychology much. desu i think people spend way too much time thinking about it

There is correlation between religiosity and falsely assuming porn addiction.

your expierence fucking sucks, beating your dick occasionally can help with control.

>tfw fap to interracial porn

at the same time, I would never date a girl that has been with a black guy

I think I'm aroused by the fact that it's degrading her, which is why I can only fap to "abusive" genres like rimjob / anal / deepthroat / cum-swapping / etc

I should really quit fampai

Agree. I often think to myself "I need a wank", get home and realise I don't want a walk at all, I just want to watch porn. It's similar situation with food - are you hungry or do you just want to satisfy a sugar craving?

>I think I'm aroused by the fact that it's degrading her, which is why I can only fap to "abusive" genres like rimjob / anal / deepthroat / cum-swapping / etc

Interracial porn is hardcore degradation porn with a race angle. It's based on the basic concept that screwing a negro is a deeply degrading act.

If you can't get laid from time to time, it won't do yourself any good. Would've gone berserk over things i don't give 2 shits about without fapping (2weeks)

And i'm not even that degenerated not to get laid - but in reality unless you have a steady fuckbuddy (grill) you don't get laid constantly.

I have pretty much got rid of porn during the last year. I also try not to fap but after about a week or 1,5 it gets really difficult to fall asleep. You are like constantly thinking about women or sex for 2-3 hours before you fall asleep. Don't know if it's optimal to fap then or if the testosterone levels go down after a while if you don't

It's probably true, I doubt I would fucked so many hot traps if it wasn't for porn. I feel like I'm incapable of feeling love anymore.

Fuck it, embrace the dystopian cyberpunk world you live in.

I actually last longer on nofap.
Feels like my prostate gets stronger from not releasing all the time

Same here, I was hardwired to a transformation fetish before even knowing about internet porn and the places where my fetish could be satisfied.
The internet fucked me up tho because I fapped almost exclusively to it from 12 to 18 years old (ofc i'm still a virgin and only slightly attracted to girls).
I tried to leave this stuff, 1,2,3 days, but eventually came back. However, by repeating it enough, I noticed that my sexuality was slowly normalizing itself, as I could more easily jack off to a nice girl's ass. I do not believe that I can erase that completely, as it was already part of me during the key events of my teenage years. I also noticed that my own fetish was more about key parts of a normal sexuality and other fetishes such as domination, but projected on unusual furry stuff.

Fuck this shit, I'm giving it a decent try now. I will completely stop for a week from now and I'll see what happens.

I had a fetish long before I discovered porn (back when you could only get porn in printed form from a physical location). I got my fetish from mail order clothing catalogs and the women's underwear section in clothing stores. To thing day I love panties and all things associated with them. If you want to blame someone for giving fetishes it's mostly sexual partners. I dated a girl who was into scat and now i get hard to girls shitting their panties. the internet just means I get to look ant more different kinds of panties and see what other people do with them.

But I can't have sex. Pornography is the closest I can get.

Just a theory, if you fap too much does your organism interpret that as if you were a successful male with alot of female at your disposal? If so you tend to not improve yourself.

Toilet paper is not essential you disgusting piece of shit slav
>he doesn't use water and soap to clean his pooper after chopping logs
>he LITERALLY smears shit around his asshole, convinced that he's actually cleaning it

You could have sex if you just saved up your autismbux and went on vacation to Asia to fuck brown whores for 3$

Maybe you could bring one of them back so you don't have to beat off to porn that makes you even more of a pathetic loser

Amen. I only watch amateur group and forced Porn

nah you're literally just a retarded underage m8

I stopped for 6 months and nothing changed.
Fucking placebo bullshit for you favors trying to get an easy fix for your shitty life.

Best way to solve all that is healthy diet, exercise, keeping your brain busy but giving it breaks now and then and actually talking to people.


I always thought that site was Pseudoscience but reading that article makes me fucking staggered at how badly he understands human sexuality.

What he thinks are "fetishes" are actually paraphilias. You think somebody who decided to dedicate his life to pseudo-scientific sexuality research would have at least figured that out. How stupid is this Gary Wilson guy?

Guess I can't expect much from somebody that dressed up the old "hairy palms" argument with a bunch of broscience.

Porn is degenerate and should be abstained from for many reasons, as tie source makes clear.

Fapping is fine since you evolved to do it. However, avoid doing it too much and going no fap will help you build resolve.

>he sticks his hand up his ass to clean it

Basically. Fapping all the time saps your motivation because your brain thinks you've won already.

Can someone tl;dr this shit?

Women can make up for that by actually being productive in relationships instead of wasting money and being terrible mothers who go around fucking everyone to divorce you in 5 years.

Only if you use porn. You won't be able to masterbate more than once a day anyway if you abstain from porn, so you'll be fine.

Sorry but no.
What does this have to do with anything?

We are talking about sexlife. And if you cant even start a relationship with a women because you prefer porn over the person from the very beginning maybe you have a problem.

And nothing that woman does will change it.
You have to change.

Porn can't possibly be responsible for the west's downfall. The average Sup Forumsack faps 3 times a day and we're all perfectly fine

Anyways if you want to know the causes of Paraphilia, rather than this broscience neo-victorian nonsense, I don't know anybody that sums it up better than Wiki

It's correlated with having other brothers, high prenatal estrogen exposure, being left-handed. Paraphelias are presumed to be formed early in life, and then reinforced when you act on the paraphelia further associating it with sex and pleasure.

They're really badly understood TBQH because they're probably one of the least harmful psychological abnormalities. Fetishes specially refer to fixations on non-living/non-genital objects or body parts, but are again among the least harmful of all psychological abnormalities and aren't all that well understood.


yesterday you said tomorrow.

dude seriously...unless you are in an all male covenant or dont have a penis you CAN have sex.
no more loser talk go fuck something

>Not using dildo soap to clean your ass.

I feel the urge ( not really so strong but annoying ) to masturbate now.

I also feel a stronger desire to commit myself to no-fap, what tips do you have? I'm genuinely looking into this - give links and theories please.

I quit smoking last year just because I felt a same desire to commit and it worked. I've smoked a cigarette last week, but tasted like shit, made me feel like shit and made me realize how retarded I was for smoking.

Im skeptical of nofap.

I know first hand why porn is harmful, it fucks with your expectations of sex and the fetishes can seriously be a massive slippery slope (you'd be surpirsed how quickly a harmless enough uniform fetish can devolve into a full on fetish for seeing women getting raped and abused) and thus when it came to sex i, found it boring due to the fucked up shit i watched

Anyway, two years porn free and i have a girl friend but i still fap quite a bit. We have sex on a weekly basis at the moment (only get sundays free together so thats designated fucking day), if i fap every day during the week it can take a fair while to cum (pro) but i dont get super erect (con), conversely if i dont fap even just the 3 days before sex and my dick becomes a 12 inch diamond with the thickness of a lumberjacks upper arm but lasting more than 60 seconds takes severe concentration to the point im concentrating so hard on not cumming im not really being able to enjoy the sex

pick two and only two

>I've done research on why pornography is degenerating men
>Just kidding, here's a bunch of vague opinions that are mostly based on abstract ideas

Jesus Christ if you bust in 90 seconds jerking isn't a cure all practice makes perfect. Learn to hold it.

Can confirm OP. Into quite a few fetishes that all disappeared and disgusted me when I hadn't watched porn in like 2 months.

Why don't you find a middle ground? Just every second day for example?

Also the first time i tried no fap by day 8 i was so fucking horny, i was full aware this fatty was trying to seduce me, i allowed her to succeed. Then dragged her off to a disabled toilet and wanked about a litre of semen all over her tits.

Feminist propaganda horse shit. The ugly girls are pissed that they can't manipulate men anymore.

fuhrer-tastic post brother

I mean, I was dressing up in my mom's panties and fingering myself long before I found internet porn
So idk