Quote from 1994

>quote from 1994

Holy fuck, she's getting desperate for ammo

Other urls found in this thread:


How is Trump not right in saying that?
Would women like to come home to an abusive man? No?

>this is literally the best she has

play her lying to congress side by side with Comey's announcement and it's sure to stomp her into the ground

This. Also the fact that [a man] is in brackets means that she has probably taken some liberty with the quote to make him look even worse.

>Also the fact that [a man] is in brackets
this also

>Using something from the 90's

Why isn't the media (even anti-Clinton networks) reporting on the shit Clinton did in the Balkans, more specifically in Serbia back in 1996-1999? There's a clip of her LITERALLY lying in front of everybody.
That stuff is much more serious than Benghazi.

My bad it's actually a gif, full thing here

Lil' Donnie didn't even write those books, so how can she be mad at him? She should give his ghost writer a call.

fuck still not working, full vid here


Trump literally said nothing wrong.

What's wrong with what trump said exactly.

Who needs that noise? Man or woman?


Jesus Christ almighty shut the fuck up and get the fuck off of Sup Forums already you goddamn annoying shills. Nobody cares about fucking Trump or Hillary. The whole god damned country hates both of their guts and anyone on Sup Forums supporting either is literally a paid shill. This place is fucking cancer for YEARS surrouning American elections. God damn I wish 4book would fucking ban American electoral threads. Sup Forums would be totally transformed.

>A man needs support at home, not someone who is always griping and bitching

What exactly is wrong with this statement? Does a man not deserve support at home? Tell me any person who would want to deal with a woman who is constantly bitching.

Are we all ignoring the fact that she added "and women" to the constitution? Because it never says that

>implying Trump isn't right

>Implying it matters

New to politics?

>A man needs support at home... not someone who is always griping and bitching

you said it brother!

But trump said that in 1997. How is that 168 years later?

>omg we landed and had to run through sniper fire! we almost died

She just fucked up. If something he said 19 years ago is fair game then so is her shit.

and vice versa, show me a woman that would want to come home to a man that bitches at her all the time

So Hillary now supports spousal verbal abuse?

She's not quoting the Constitution, user. Read the image.


>You have to treat like shit.


That's really heteronormative of her to assume Trump meant the partner at home was female. It's 2016, gay couples exist!

holy lol


she opened the flood gates

Now all he has to do is handle it correclty and bring in the Robert Byrd shit

What he said was 100% truth

Did he really say that? How fucking sexist and bigoted. Frankly disgusting

>ignoring her
>refusing her money

Those two caught my eye. I don't even want to read the rest of that bullshit.

>Making her polish the soles of his shoes
>Timing her movements
>Driving the car at her
>Sending unwanted gifts
>Making her lick dinner plates clean

WTF I'm voting for [Clinton] now!



So what is she saying?

>vote for me and i'll put a whiny fucking twat in every home!


Is Clinton suggesting all women are gripy and bitchy?

I take offense. My husband and I are a team. I don't want griping and bitching from him anymore than he wants it from me.

Clinton really is just stuck in the 90s. She thinks being a successful woman means wearing $12,000 coats and trying to get her husband's old job.

ikr it's unbelievable to think some people don't like bitchy women and want them to be respectable

Isn't this true for both men and woman?

If you're coming home to a bitching partner, might as well divorce.

(((A man)))

I like how desperate she seems.


If she is back do 90s, it means her husband is on the job until late with other woman, right?

it's probably just "he" because the passage didn't want to repeat "a man" from a previous sentence

either way I think he's correct. maybe expecting a hot meal and a back massage every day after work is antiquated but there's no reason to stay with someone who just exacerbates your work stress, man or woman.

first smart thing donald has said

Also don't forget it is [current year] so the person at home could be another man, or an otherkin or an attack helicopter.

>trump cucks have never used a hillary quote from the 90's

It was referring to the affair haha

Both are a problem. Big business pushes for immigration because it means cheap labour, and the immigrants take jobs and homes.

Where does it say men AND WOMEN are created equal?

Sennaca falls was a women's rights thing in New York

They accomplished nothing and centuries later there is still no mention of women in the constitution or declaration

>couples should argue instead of supporting each other

Wow thanks media that sounds great

men and women are created equal. Haven't you ever sucked your wifes cock?