So apparently, Superman doesn't want us to think of him as American anymore

>So apparently, Superman doesn't want us to think of him as American anymore.
>And really, why would we, aside from the Red-and-Blue costume and because - I don't know - he has one-third of the USA's initials on his chest.
>The reason he's not wearing the declaration of independence as a cape is because he thinks it's too on the nose.

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why did so many news and television personalities make cameos in that movie

I liked it. Felt more immersive, more realistic that way.

Based Snyder!

That's my least favorite part of the movie. It broke the immersion for me.

this is literally no an argument.

I wonder how much Snyder paid him to shave?

This is worse than Martha IMO.



>wolf blitzer
>soledad o'brien
They're used to reading fictional scripts, they do it every day.



It's in the original comic

If the majority of viewers stopped to consider why this was in the Ultimate Cut, but not the theatrical release, they'd realize that there was an "oh shit" moment behind the scenes at WB, and why they rushed a cut-down version out instead of the original.

If run-time was a consideration, my bet is that it was distant second to the real reason.

How narcissistic are Americans to not notice how many other countries use red and blue as their colours and contain the letter S? You could use those arguments for calling him Captain Slovakia.

That's why that scene is there. It's driving home the point that it's dumb to think of Superman as an exclusively American symbol. It leads to the question, "If he's not a symbolic stand-in for America here," then what does he represent?

Watching this movie and disregarding any possibility of metaphorical content is a mistake, A damn big one.

Because the movie examines the impact someone like Superman would have on our society and using real media personalities lends it a postmodernist element that connects it to reality.


>le dropped meme
Sup reddit

Why is the joker so buffed

bet you like dick too

It's a joke, you retard.

He's a fucking rancher, you dolts.

>le why is he american eksdee

because americans have self-respect.

What he is and personally believes and what he represents in the story aren't necessarily the same thing, totally different, in fact.

I know, but Superman IS american at his core.

Absolutely. But never forget:

We are a nation of immigrants.

>We are a nation of immigrants.
and thos eof them that do rise to thte top without coercion all follow the same american values. So no, it's not about a people, but an ideology, a sense of life.

Wonderman was better anyway.

because Batman V Superman is real, bro.
It is not some fake comic book universe like kiddie Marvel flicks.
Snyder set these in our world. Superman is realer than real, bro.

You're not wrong, but think of how long it takes any "newcomers" to America to be accepted by the majority, and how quick we are to make them "the alien" all over again. Just look at how Asians that had been part of our country for better than a hundred years got treated during WWII. Hell, look at how Germanic people got treated too, for that matter. Xenophobia is a bitch.

so Jon Stewart is canon in the DCEU?

>thinking Dark Knight Returns was "the original comic"
Batman V Superman is a bastardization of one scene from that book.
Snyder is an illiterate fuck that did not understand that book at all, he just liked the pretty visuals.
Even Frank Miller has more depth and storytelling skill that this retarded Bay wannabe. Hell, even oldsenile frank who did ghat DK2 shit.

I prefer Guy Gardner

>Batman V Superman is a bastardization of one scene from that book.

It's essentially the same story with Batman and Superman's roles reversed.

He is as illegal an alien a thing can get.

I think this is a brilliant commentary on the false logic and manipulation so many MSM shows employ.

The audience who watches the movies (i.e. those who are knowledgeable of the facts) will know that the "S" is not a letter, but an alien symbol. But the ignorant will willingly believe the media because he's funny and popular and they have no reason to question him.


you know marvel has Wonderman, right?

Yes. So is black science man and charlie rose

Yeah, but the good thing ids that most of them have equal legal rights.