17 year old catholic girl fucked the priest and went pregnent

>17 year old catholic girl fucked the priest and went pregnent
>the priest got away with and everyone is ok with it
fuck this country

What is the problem?

I suspect you are just jelly.

That´s your biggest problem in your country right now? Weak Poland. Dosnt know, how real problems look like.

I don't see any problems with this if they stay together but unfortunately I don't think they will now that they've gained media attention

Age of consent in Poland is 15, what were you expecting?

>tfw I will never be a priest marrying a qt

You don't see a problem with a religious leader acting in a degenerate way?

You don't see a problem with a man swearing to dedicate his life to God and celibacy who instead goes off and fucks a child?

What kind of degenerate animal are you?

Didn't he step down? I mean I agree that it's kinda fucked but at least he fucked
>a female
>someone who can have kids
>a qt
>he stepped down

This is just like in one of my chinese picture books
>Young woman gets fucked by a fat old man

dont care. whites are immune to all crime

just think. another white on the way

You're looking down on Poland because their problems are only a tiny fraction of the problems that Germany has? That must be the kind of logic that got your country in so much trouble in the first place.

Not a huge deal but he should be defrocked.

They have refugee rapists to deal with like you, Germany.

Lucky priest, atleast he didnt fuck a boy.

Didn't he leave the priesthood and marry her? That was what I heard last time.

Because Poland is, unlike your heathen country, also catholic and catholic priests have to stick to the celibacy.



>get excited
>search for source
>is fake
fuck you OP

Pic related?

this guy gets it

better than being a cuck country bending over for the woman

abolish celibacy

Some fat ugly cunt who should be a virgin fucks fresh hot pussy I can only dream of.. Not sure how to feel about that

This is a lot easier to tolerate than the Catholic church's recent history with priests having sex

Plus she's pretty cute

Is pic related? That girl is fucking beautiful. How did that fat ugly fuck manage this? I want to an hero now...


You dont get the point, like allways, you incestuous Paki/anglo hybdrid. I am not looking down, i am just making funny, because OP gives up on his country, just because of this trifle.


>God wants me to fuck you Magdalena!
>O-okay Father...
Pretty sure this is how it happened.

whats wrong with that? 18 isnt the standard age for every country on earth.

Abolish Catholicism. It's a cult for niggers and cuckolds.

Lucky dog

Who cares?

Whatever, the Catholic church has become anti-white and I think the public is recognizing this finally.

The demand that priests be celibate was never a realistic, healthy, or strongly followed one. On top of these, we need all the white children that can be created now.

I'm technically a Catholic, but the religion died when we got a politically active Communist as Pope.

Honestly I was raised Catholic in northern Ireland
And I want to explore other parts of Christianity
But its taboo here

I remember poland is well know for loli qt

Fuck off you feminist cunt

What's the sign say?

When are people going to realize all religions are trouble

>17 year old
What's the problem again?

Priests should be able to have children.

Catholicism has been around a LONG FUCKING TIME. Growing up in the 90s with priests and bishops raping boys and shitty popes really fucked up the shindig for us to represent being catholic though. On top all the anti-white shit, I'm not rooting and tooting about being Catholic at the moment. Embarassing.

Tortilla on monday
Or the fatty dies

Absolutely disgusting. Sinful times are upon us.

>both white

I'm okay with it.

No, his priest hood rose

just some story about a spanish pedophile in poland who took picture of his school class girl

Not even once

it's an improvement over fucking 10 yr old boys

baby steps

I dunno man in usa/illinois the age of consent is 17 and thats what it should be.

Because if a girl gets knocked up on her 17th birthday she'll only have 3 months of having the child before she's officially 18.

Not much time for the parents to be forced to deal with the situation.

how did that fat fuck get with that qt?

This is a bait by the way

But you know what, there is a reason OP started this topic actually

Because this vision of his, simply turns him on. He is attracted to this petite girl and he imagines how would she look like having sex with somebody older

Myślałeś, że to nie wyjdzie na jaw zboczeńcu? Do takich wideło sobie fapujesz?

16 is the age of consent in UK Abdul, you don't need to pretend that you aren't a pedo. Now piss off back to Pakistan.