1. John Bartholomew
2. Peter Svidler


3. Chessexplained
4. Jan Gustafsson
5. Ben Finegold
6. Simon Williams
7. ChessNetwork


9001. chessbrahs

Put Jerry higher please.

0.0000001^∞. Watching people stream fucking chess

is this people who live stream chess or people who post videos about chess online in general? I've liked agadmator's videos on youtube, although they're not as in depth in analysis as some other analysts' videos.

I also remember liking Gustafsson's and Trent Lawrence's commentary on chess24 during big tournaments.

>tfw like chess but too big of a brainlet to get good at it

Anyone can get decent at chess. It's all about pattern recognition at lower levels which can be trained

>played chess since I was a kid
>still make stupid mistakes, like moving pinned pieces

>Anyone can get decent at chess. It's all about pattern recognition at lower levels which can be trained
>his rating is probably 1300

Put Jerry higher.
None of those other plebs has ever given checkmate via en passant

To be fair if you are training "pattern recognition" you are also training tactics and strategy.

En passant is an underhanded jewish trick.

why is svidler not first?

Oh no you summoned them

Let's just hope that it's the dick on stick posting one

based fuck machine jew

This, I’ve been playing off and on for years and still make dumbfuck decisions trying to out plan myself

>No Anna Rudolf
You gay or something?

I'd let her mate me any day

whose turn to move now?

Black to move, goal is to mate without losing Harry or Hermione

judging by the green squares, it's black to move.

And you're supposed to sacrifice Ron for a checkmate to make it match the story from Harry Potter

What would white do after
1. ... Rc1+ 2. Rxc1 Bb2

Oh, never mind, I see Rd1 as a possibility.

Rd1 blunders since you can't capture the bishop once you move it to d4 without losing to nh3 mate.

1. ... Rc1+ 2. Rxc1 Bb2 3. Rd1 Bd4 4. QxBd4 Nh3#

There's plenty of other refutations to Bb2 though. An engine analysis suggest Rxc6 as the way to go. Already Rc1 is a mistake, since there's no actual play to be had after that move.

>Ben Finegold
>not top 3
pleb tier opinion

The truth hurts

not a sport

that's what they said about ski jumping threads and yet they're here to stay

if /chess/ general also makes it it's gonna be glorious

ski jumping is a sport
chess is not

also, how 2 improve

I've progressed from 1200 to 1500 on chesstempo yet rating is still unable to break 1300

>tfw when I was on the chess team just to hang out with my friends
>tfw I could only beat the bottom third of the team
>tfw I always got my teeth kicked in at tournaments
a-at least I got a cool T-shirt with an Emanuel Lasker quote on the back out of it

>start all right, have material advantage and positional advantage
>20 minutes in, get bored and start doing reckless shit, lose
every time, i need a course on how to close a game

/chess/ was around for a while couple years back, some norwegian who liked to suck carlsen off made threads that got around 20-30 posts on a good day.
no idea what happened to that autismo, hope he's doing well

En passant was added together with the rule allowing pawns to move two squares on their first turn, which in turn was added to speed up the game. I guess Jews like quick games?

Last I checked his threads started to get deleted on sight.

you literally have to play into it

he usually posts during important tournaments still. There just hasn't really been one in a while.

He was around for the Saint Louis Open a few months ago and he makes a ELO ranking shit post every now and then.

You may only reply to this post if your country has had more than one chess world champion. Not so fast, Norway!

How many does Turkey have?