Well Sup Forums?

Well Sup Forums?
Your favorite fag said this in 2012. How do you feel about it?


lol and he got banned from Twitter
Succ levels of iront right 'ere

He's not my favorite.




How hard is it for him to make another account?

Milo is opportunistic, but that's okay, as all alliances are ultimately situational and temporary.


This is SJW/Globalist trickery.

>Your favorite fag
ive no favorite i hate all fags equally. this is my progressive side


Well back in 2012 I had a completel different political and religious views, plus a personal philosophy that was quite different from the current one.

I'd say... Well, I mean he's either an hypocrite or just changed his mind. Either way it's not like it'll impact what he is actually saying nowadays or the people that will give a shit (or not).

you realize this was from his years as a "real" journalist , which is what he has been a massive critic against right

Well I guess he's my favorite fag, but he's still a fag.

Serves him right for writing dumb ass shit like that. It only proves his current character was never genuine

He could but if he claims it as his own Twitter could just ban that one. He could go totally anonymous but that won't help his wallet.

Scratch that "a", oh and a add a "y" to "completel"
I need to stop typing in a hurry.

Why so many anti-Milo threads? Somebody's trying too hard...

>How do you feel about it?

sorry man i didnt like him to begin with. a kike is a kike

it wouldn't be, but it would be able to get verified

>free speech
>people being this up as a relevant comparison

>this wasn't his plan all along

>He could but if he claims it as his own Twitter could just ban that one. He could go totally anonymous but that won't help his wallet.

What if we pull a Spartacus?

The muslims probably helped him see the light.

>What if we pull a Spartacus?
Then the rest of us will laugh at you.

>Go on twitter
>Start breaking community guidelines
>"What the fuck why they ban me?"

> feel
I feel nothing anymore, thanks Obama I mean pol


Putting other people's lives in danger by drunk driving = hurting someone's feelings by saying something they find outrageous.


He's the biggest troll there is. Either he didn't mean that or he changed his mind a lot

> CNBC is covering Milo
> a literal Sup Forums lurker who got big during Gamergate
This place is leaking out everywhere. All fucking over.

Milo Yiannopoulos stood outside the RNC yesterday dying his pubic hair yellow, screaming “BLONDE POWER” over and over again.