Can he be considered French or German?

Can he be considered French or German?

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he's french-german


German but William the Conqueror was French

Neither. He would identify more with germans though.


He's clearly Norwegian

Given the pigmentation, definitely a KANG


inb4 that autistic Belgian guy


He's a Frank, so he's Germanic.

Frankish. The closest thing to Frankish nowadays is the Dutch language.

Frank. A germanic population.

French. Zud zone is full of arabic garbage and disgusting narbonoids bastards. Not France

German, he was a Frank

He is Austrian.

>he is Frank
>France in Deutsch is Frankreich
>empire of the Frank
>he is French.



He is greek, you subhuman

How so?

considering most english speakers (the people that matter) call him charlemagne, he's french

Not to deny that Charlemagne was German too as he French for me.
But merovingian kings who were frankish are the founder of the France, that's why we say that the birth of France is with Clovis the first frankish king. Also frank nobility were born in actual France. I mean the father of Charlemagne is born in France (Maire of Paris), his grand father too.
And I honestly don't think that german kids learn that merovingian was their ancestors. Carolingian, yes it's understable.


There was no such thing as french or german during Charlemagne.


probably because it was his imperative to unite all Germanic tribes which in the end he did while also collecting Germanic song books that were later burned by his heir because they were too paganist

>And I honestly don't think that german kids learn that merovingian was their ancestors
Of course they do, after all 1/3rd of Germany is Frankish and speaks a Frankish dialect,

He was Germanic and spoke a Germanic language, was known to cherish Germanic traditions, sponsor Germanic art and watend to unite the Germanc tribes?
Meanwhile the French are culturally Romanic and despise all things Germanic as barbarian, prefering their Roman heritage.

german page of Clovis
french page of Clovis

What do ?

>German internet
It doesn't

>Clovis est un prénom masculin d'origine germanique. Il est issu du moyen bas francique *Hlodowig, composé des éléments hlod (« renommée », « illustre ») et wig (« combat »)
>French turn it into Clovis

Are you fucking kidding me they try to claim Charlemagne as theirs?
FUCK SAKE GUYS you already have Hitler and Bismarck

Pas compris le rapport. No one denies that frankish were a german tribe.
Germany does not have the monopoly of german tribes

Reich means realm/regné

I mean it's kinda like Italians claiming Napoleon

I don't say he's German, I say that he's Germanic to the core and France as a country that looks down on Germanics is hypocrital for claiming him as a national hero.


All Western Germanic people descended from Germans. Germanic and German are synonymous.

Yeah but several things now

- Franks were in actual France since the IIIth century

-Latin language always prevails in Western Frankia because of the prestige. I don't know if you know but speak a germanic language in early middle age was considered as barbaric. Many people get rid of this language except in the East where barbarians were still present. That's why Chalemagne conquered the East.

-French language did not exist in early middle age. It's a bastard creation which tend in Latin precisely because of the prestige.

>- Franks were in actual France since the IIIth century
Only a minority of Franks went to France, most of them remained in Francia.
>-Latin language always prevails in Western Frankia because of the prestige. I don't know if you know but speak a germanic language in early middle age was considered as barbaric. Many people get rid of this language except in the East where barbarians were still present. That's why Chalemagne conquered the East.
Weird considering that most cities Karl the Great resided in were mostly German speaking, that the Nobility of Francia was German and the court of Charlemagne either spoke German or Latin.
The reason why Karl the Great conquered the rest of Germany was because it was in his interest to christianize his homeland.

I can respond but you say exactly the opposite. Maybe germans and french learn different things about that.
It's useless to debate and discuss because it's too different. It's like you say (to me) UK dropped nukes at Hiroshima

Dude you have Louis XIV as a perfect example of French ruler
Maybe the most Chad King ever lived
The Sun King

Karel de Grote was a proud Dutchman


You can keep your little man
We French are the offspring of Troy

he was nordic

Germany, France and the (greater) Netherlands are all heirs to Francia
as for Karlamagnús himself, he was definitely Germanic

it's been a while since i saw that autist
did he get permed or something?

No idea I haven't seen him in a while
But I have taken over as shitposting, too bad I don't have the pics he used to post though
This should help you out when the archive doesn't suck dick
Also this might backfire a bit but oh well, /his/ is a shithole either way

If he belonged to any modern nation, he would unironically be Flemish.

the flemish are a fantasy nation not a modern one

Flanders produced artists van Eyck, van der Wyden, and van Dyck, was the birthplace of the Northern Renaissance (which happened before the Italian one), has a rich history and culture.
What does Iceland have?

What does Iceland have?
a national identity and a country

>the Northern Renaissance (which happened before the Italian one)

definitely Belgian

born in Herstal

>inb4 Belgium didn't exist back then

so didn't France (it was Gaul) and Germany (shitload of tribes)

>France as a country that looks down on Germanics

Where do you get that stuff?
Don't tell me Sup Forums banter.

Except that France was only found after Charlemagne's death and the splitting of Francia into 3 parts.

Clovis found Merovingian Gaul.

and Clovis too was Belgian


He was born in today Belgium. So he would have been Belgian, so closer to French. He was a subhuman though who killed so many people.

bruh your national identity boils down to being fish niggers and "we're not Danish"
Meanwhile Flanders is over a 1000 years old with loads of history and culture

>with loads of history and culture
that's where you're mistaken

>He was a subhuman though who converted so many people.

Saying that he is french or German is a lie and makes no sense.

It's like asking if a common ancestor of humans and gorillas is a human or a gorilla.

He was from the kingdom that gave birth to France and Germany later : the Frankish Kingdom.



We mock Ch'tis and Lorrains for being shit.

Only intelligent post ITT
Karl de Grot was a Dutchman unironically

For the ch'tis not because they're Germanic obviously.
It's because they're retarded.

I never heard something similar about the Lorrains, maybe it's something specific to your region.

What? HE only killed those who deserved it, namely rebelling pagan S*xons.

He's literally the greatest man Europe ever brought forth.

Look at this subhuman fishnigger open his mouth. Flanders was the centre of European trade through the High Middle Ages, the damn stock market was invented here (in the house of the family Vanderbeurze in Bruges). We brought forth the finest painters while your inbred forefathers were bashing skulls in on your shitty little island.

what is this fabled """flemish""""" culture? how is it different from the netherlands? why isn't flanders a country then?

You know you shouldn't talk shit if you're as dumb as bricks.

Also we were more apart from the Northern Netherlands than together during the last 1000 years, but when we were together, except for the 15 years of UKN (1815-1830) we dominated them. Look at the Bourgondian times, epicentre was again Flanders.

why don't you form your own countries brus otherwise you will always be bullied

We have our own country, just that it's in continuous need of reforms until we reach the Swiss system where the 3 different regions (Dutch, French and German speaking) have maximal cultural autonomy. In that sense we're almost there, but the sheer bureaucracy, inheritance of former years of "waffle politics", and Brussels getting uppity, all those things are our cross to carry.

Than again a Swiss system would be far more preferable to an independent Flanders in my personal opinion. The rest of Belgium were always part of the Southern Netherlands too.

He's Frank, so German.

French have nothing to do with him.

They're simply celt cucked by germans.

Their country is a Germanic creation.

no you don't, belgium is not a real country and even if it were you share it with dirty w*loons

Actually if you look at the names of the tribes that made up the original (Salian) Frankish confederation you'll find that half of them have Gaulish names (Tencteri "the faithful", Usipetes/Assipetes 'good horse-riders").

Franks are Celto-Germanic if anything. Frisians are Germanic. You can easily spot the difference by just looking at them.

>Franks are Celto-Germanic


Spout memes all you want we're still here. And 1/3th of Walloons have Flemish last names, and vice versa we are genetically 3x closer to them then to the Northern Dutch.

They just need to stop voting for those dirty red baron socialists but that is mainly in the poorest region, the axis Charleroi-Liège.

And there's nothing wrong with the people there, it's just their politicians.

>let me tell you about your country

m8 us and the (Northern) Dutch can pick each other out in a mixed crowd without hearing anyone speak. They've even tested this on television.

You country isn't even real.

piss off will you leafshit