"Reality has a liberal bias"

"Reality has a liberal bias"

How do you respond? (Pic unrelated)

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ur mum's pretty liberal with my bias desu

Those feet are awful

You must be right because everything is horrible.

Don't get your news from comedy central kid.

the Daily Show is not reality

"benis :D"

dat force choke

>Pic unrelated
Not unrelated to my erection

In response to your statement though; reality is racist, sexist and xenophobic. Reality teaches that people are different and groups can be predicted on behavior at a large enough scale. Human's mental gymnastics counteracts this

If reality has a liberal bias, why do you have to force so much of it into law?

>"You have a liberal bias"

with stats. It is every Sup Forumsack's sworn duty to have FBI crime statistics memorized

Your ability to entertain dumdum thoughts rests entirely on artificial, man-made institutions and principles that shield you from reality, themselves allowed to exist only in times of relative economic prosperity ayy ayy sit on my dick


If you get your philosophy from a comedian, do not be surprised if it is a joke.

Reality is cruel and unfeeling. You have reality. It's up to you how you react to it. Compassion without sense is idiocy. As is the denial of reality because it happens to be inconvenient. Pretty much everyone on this board is wrong, and you're all going to hang yourselves.

All you have to do is be decent. Not a bleeding heart. Not a zealot. Not a retard. Not a greedy monster. Just be decent. Help one another. And if someone violates that, fuck them up real good.

Post a pic worth looking at

Quit watching John Oliver.

>fat eddy van halen ripping a solo in the background

Who is this?

where did you get this skank from?

What the fuck does that mean? Alligators tear baby zebras guts out while they're still alive and somewhere in Africa a starving girl (or many) is being mutilated and raped. Is that liberal? This phrase makes no sense.

Reality does have a liberal bias though. A bias against.

Reality has a bias toward increasing entropy, disorder and death. I use my life to actively fight against these tendencies.

>tfw no /fit/ gf

I don't need a she-hulk. I just want a woman with an aesthetic body who would go to the gym with me.

I just want a woman who will crush my head while I eat her out. What better way to die?

When someone says this it's clear they get all their information and talking points from mainstream media. Trust in the mainstream media in the USA is what now, 6%?

i am aware of this feel

How is this true at all? I'd argue the opposite is true.

Reality has a conservative bias. Why? Because in the animal kingdom, only the strong are able to survive. Animals do not take into account feels but rather just survival at a very basic level. Similarly in times of fewer luxury, you HAD to have a thick skin just to live day by day.

You have to be rational in order to survive. That's it.

>talk show host "comedian" says this stupid quote
>liberal media take it seriously and think its a "really makes you think" type of quote

I forget which self absorbed liberal cuck said it but its obviously an opinion not a fact

It's just a snide shitty thing leftists babies say when they don't have facts to back up their positions. They're parroting it from other leftist talking heads on the television. When someone says this you know right then and there that they are an unthinking bootlicker who believes the garbage coming out of television and off leftist hivemind websites like salon, huffpo, the guardian, LA times etc. They might as well say 'i believe everything the government and big corporations tell me'.

to add to this:
>Reality can't have a liberal bias because liberal ideas violate survival of the fittest. You can't have social safety nets protecting those vulnerable while also claiming that your ideology is reality.

imagine how cool it'd be to eat her shit right from the asshole, guys

Go and stay there, faggt.

buddy, calm down.

Transient states and entropy are pretty natural so yeah I agree!

Then why aren't inner city ghettos paradise? They get shit tons of welfare and benefit from all kinds of liberal policies. Why is Provo, Utah, often considered one of the most conservative cities in the US, a safe, beautiful place that is great for raising a family, while Detroit and Chicago are more dangerous than Iraq?

It all came from an unattributed statement allegedly made by Karl Rove during the W years:

>The aide said that guys like me were "in what we call the reality-based community," which he defined as people who "believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality." ... "That's not the way the world really works anymore," he continued. "We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you're studying that reality—judiciously, as you will—we'll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that's how things will sort out. We're history's actors…and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do"

Leftists quickly latched on to the "reality-based community" label, gladly claiming it as their own.

This is the sort of mistake you will never see Trump making.

>tfw she deadlifts more than me

whys boris visiting mexico?

Sure is great to be >Other

I think all Asian girls have that sexy little gap between their big toe and ring toe.

Warrior. Gene.

92% of academia is liberal. While this doesn't make much difference for the actual sciences, it makes a yuuuge difference for the social pseudo-sciences. Since it is these fuckers that "measure" "social reality", why would we be surprised that "reality" has a liberal bias?

When they say that reality has a liberal bias they do not point at reality(which is not possible), but at some sociological "study" performed on 30 or so students on campus.

>china under mao wasn't part of reality
>china's revitalization under deng wasn't part of reality
>venezuela under chavez and maduro isn't part of reality
>argentina under the kirchners wasn't part of reality
>brazil under dilma wasn't part of reality
>north korea wasn't part of reality
>chile's prosperity compared to south america isn't part of reality

OP's statement ignores a lot of reality

You bring up an important point.

>the institution of slavery is a liberal ideal since reality has a liberal bias

Every bad thing that happens in the world can be blamed on liberals now.

Im not even a foot fag, but I want to rub hers, they look so red and sore :(

>delicious emily

It sucks we'll never get anymore material of her
