For fuck sake I just want to live comfortably in a first world country

For fuck sake I just want to live comfortably in a first world country.
When will this nightmare end?

Other urls found in this thread:

>le israel is a bad country send more money goyim meme

yeah nah you live in a nice country

Soon enough. Syria is collapsing, Iraq is nothing, Saudi Arabia is a paper tiger full of useless males. Greater Israel will come soon enough.

>When will this nightmare end?
When you start to so something to move to 1st world country instead of crying on Sup Forums.

We are doing, I'll get a college degree hopefully and we'll save up enough to move.
It still seems so far away though, I can't stand living here anymore.

Shut up and man up, the you Tel Avivian sissy faggot boy! Sure this country has a shit ton of down sides but it is our goddamn country and our goddamn responsibility I make it better!

based jew. I haven't been but obviously it can't really be that bad can it?

I often see you these days
Israel belongs to a first cunts doesn't it

It really isn't that bad when you start to actually realistically compare Israel with other counties. People here love to whine and complain about anything, and most reasons are pretty valid, but moving to another country and starting from zero because its not Paradise here is just idiotism.

oy vey

oy gevalt


fuck off Sup Forums

If that's not enough for you I don't know what is.
And obviously you don't straight up move, we've got like 4-5 years to save up and then we'll be able to move to Canada in better terms.

I'm moving to Israel next year with my gf : )

We all know your little tricks, Shlomo

Still anal-anguished, are you?

Serve you right, slav kike. Stop being a leech and get out from the land, maybe?

I pity you

no you're just fucking cringe by posting that shit
this one was funny though

I'm not even a j*w, better luck next time, guys.


Daily reminde that modern """"""""""""""""Israel"""""""""""""""" is literally little Ukraine

are you a muslim?

Then what the fuck are you doing there? Or are you a fucking proxy fagggot?

I can't see how those two are cringy and that one's not

True it is kinda bad but if you're smart than you can get around it and find all what you need in low prices.
>Rude Arab culture
True it's cancer, but it is equally bad to nigger and Western PC culture
>Mandatory military
That's one of the best thing here
>Terrible climate
True but it is not equal everywhere here
>No guns
Wrong, you can own your own gun
You think that's not the same everywhere?
You hate leftists but want to move to one of the most left wing cunts out there?!

you deserve to live your life out in hell here on this world as well as the afterlife.


even some cancer shit can be funny sometimes. Idk like the one where the jew is baiting the american with a burguer, and some satanic priest is doing the same to the jew but with money, and a reptilian to the priest with some mystic power sign.

can you use your jew powers to give me citizenship in israel instead

This too
God forbid
It's a long story
Refer to

what are you friend? just a secular guy? are you ethnically jewish?

He's a Russian Israel, just like me, but a lazy Russian who doesn't work hard enough to fix what's around him and prefers to simply move to another place and expect better treatment.

I'm sure Israel is way better than russia right?
dude you guys get a lot of shit for being jews on Sup Forums. I think a lot of those insults weren't unironic

Stay based m8

You think you can fix Israel at this point? don't be delusional I beg you.

It is better economically and in the quality of life, but the culture can be seen as pretty shitty to many. About 5 years ago I had the same mentality as that dude about leaving Israel but then I realized that this is my home, it welcomed me with open arms and gave me everything I needed for relatively comfortable life and tools (IDF, for instance) in order to improve myself. Now I see it as my duty to help and improve the country as much as I can and in whatever means possible.

all nations in the world are going to shit stop complaining so much

Good luck with the uncultured Mizrahi apes
Good luck with trying to fix the climate
Good luck trying to fix the unending corruption

I believe everything is possible no matter how unlikely it seems

Only one of those you can't put in front of a firing squad is the climate :^)

make Volk your gf and you can have Russian Israeli babies

This is volk m80

what's so bad about the climate?

>25-30c most of the year
>A humid nightmare most of the year
>No snow


Дa я Pyccкaя

what about regular rainfall?


Fuck off muhammad

Здoхни ты yжe cyкa бля

So you're a girl. I bet you can find someone to arrange marriage in the states or Europe. Shouldn't be that difficult.
Cкaжитe, чтo пoмeнялocь в Изpaилe зa пocлeдниe 8-9 лeт? Кaк жизнь тaм ceйчac?

You're referring OP?


Cдoхни твapь.


the JIDF has arrived

fuck off at least you don't live in africa

The fact that Israel is better than your African shithole doesn't suddenly make it first world.

what's wrong with israel ? jews here brag how great it is

They're delusional to the point of no return.

When you admit your State is a meme and your country and religion have thrown the world into chaos.
Your country and people have started every major war in the last 20 years. Repent.

sage the thread and stop giving this whore (You)s faggots

I don't give a damn about this country and I'm not a j*w I just want out

If you're not a Jew what are you
Also your country's grimmy hands have extended their grasp worldwide, their is no escape

>If you're not a Jew what are you
A fine creation of the Slavic Gods


Do you have Steam, Volk?
I want to coordinate Israel shitposts with you.

I do, but for what purpose?

So people can talk to you since it is clear you are incel tier autismo and need some social contact

Give Steams then



>sata euroa
Come home fingolian.


>ww1 ended in pre-Israel
>ww2 ended in now-Israel
>ww3 will end in greater Israel

Finland is not a comfy country, remember that. Maybe southern europe would be comfy if they stopped fucking up.

Also russian speaker here, Steam ID BW.


He чeгo нoвoгo вcё гoвнo кaк былa тaк и ocтaлacь :(


Oh look it's the whiny retard making yet another thread.

>Apиэль Pyтeнбepг

фy чтo зa имя и фaмилия

Dont cry, one day you'll get what you deserve...

The answer is death

Israel's fight for peace!

Good for them

are you this?

Grew up there and felt miserable the first 34 years of my life. The notion of basic human respect, decency and equality doesn't exist there. Being reasonable and rational is percieved as weakness and will get you trampled on. People won't wait for others to come out of the bus or elevator, they'll just shove each other. Higher classes are no better. My lawyer(!) lied to me and tried to exploit me. You either devolve to an aggressive beast to survive, or forever be ignored and ostracized. Anyone who's remotely human moves away to Berlin the first chance they get.

It took me half a lifetime to realize that it's not me who's fucked up, it's everyone around me. Literally everyone. I met one guy in all my years there who I consider to be a decent human being. One guy. You just learn that being attacked is the norm and either act like a loud gorilla or live in perpetual anxiety. Communication there is aggression first, and then more aggression.

Nationalism is shoved down your throat from elementary school and most people never grow out of it, even the intelligent ones. The government and media monger constant fear of the "enemy" which justifies financial corruption.

Israelis love to look down on Arabs but Arabs are infinitely better, both Muslim and Christian Arabs. They care about their fellow human beings. With Israelis there will always be someone ignored and ostracized in any group. Always.

Their culture and "art" are shit as well, because they have no compassion.

Never going back there again.


Fuck off cute slut

since when isn't israel first world?

I think we have met on a server. What a coincidence.

Thank you

>Terrible climate
How about: No.