What's exactly keeping you from killing yourself, Sup Forums? No, really, I'm serious

What's exactly keeping you from killing yourself, Sup Forums? No, really, I'm serious.

If you are worried about abstract concepts like race or morality I can guarantee you things arent going to get better. White nations will be a thing of the past pretty soon and degeneracy will take over.

Forget about finding a virgin wife and having a stable marriage. If you have a daughter be ready to meet her boyfriend Tyrone as soon as she starts wearing make up. Your son will be more interested in gender studies than in playing catch with you.

This world is going to hell pretty damn sure and I dont plan on staying for the show.

I don't want to make my parents sad.

i bet that girl is dating an Asian guy

Fear of attempting and failing suicide and being worse off than how I am now. Also a fear of hurting my loved ones. Other than that, nothing.

>White nations will be a thing of the past pretty soon

Dream on nigger.

>i bet that girl is dating an Asian guy
Same couple as above


The minute they're gone, I'm out of here.

because life hard enough where I dont need to be the one keeping myself down.

Waiting for a large irreversible happening. Who knows what could happen?

Going to live innawoods when the shit goes down.

I don't plan on getting sucked into the degeneracy the Jews, SJW's and Blacks caused.
They ruined the planet, literally. Some stories have a bad ending.

Because that's delusional thinking.

When I go outside I don't see whites with blacks running all over the place.

Hell I dont even see black people except for one who acts whiter and classier then even me.

Get yourself out of the hood. Maybe things will get better.



People have been predicting the total extermination of everything they love forever, but that doesn't stop hope. I'll always have certain things to enjoy in life even if things don't get better, and if I don't, I'll have hatred and vengeance to keep me alive.

I want to live for the ultimate happening.

Collapse of global economy and WWIII keep me going just bc i want to witness it.
After that ill probably quit.

I like to play video games and have sex. That's about it, really.

Why kill yourself? Why not taking out the ones who are making your life hell? That's one thing I never understand, if I would be so filled with rage or despair caused by others that I actually kill myself, I would do all in my might to take them down with me.

Important shit's about to happen


1. I only get one life, regardless of what you believe, this is the most likely scenario, so, considering I'm healthy, young and have money, I'm going to enjoy it while I can

2. I had a GF for 8 years, teenage romance, both of us were virgins, so I can deal with not having a woman by my side for the rest of my life (an actual partner I mean)

3. my nation is shit already so I don't care much about other nations going to shit, can't be worse than fucking Brazil

4. I don't plan on having children so your cuck fetish of having a daughter who fucks niggers is literally impossible in my case

5. You say the world is going to hell but as I said, if I am doing fine, why care? I only care about myself and my parents at this point, while we're doing well, it's fine

6. I don't want to make my parents sad. Maybe when they are gone if I end up fucked I'll consider it, maybe, I don't know.

Are those enough reasons for you OP?

The possibility of Hell existing

itt weak beta virgins and /x/

quit being pussies. the race war is just about to begin and the kikes will be gassed by kek rolls

Not you again...

Defeatist shill is defeatist.

>1 post by this ID
because there are at least a few things I enjoy in life, that alone makes it worth it.

Holy fuck those tits look gross

Oh and go out more, girls aren't 100% like how they're portrayed in Sup Forums. A fair amount are, don't get me wrong, but there's still good ones just like there are redpilled and bluepilled people.
I won't kill myself ever because:
1-That is the cuckest and cowardest thing someone can do
2-I have a wife who I've been with since we were 14 and I can assure you I'll be her first and last
3-Breeding kids and growing them properly so they grow up redpilled and able to survive the shitstorm to come
4-I'd hate to die and lose the ability to do all my favourite shit

This and I'm too much of a pussy to do it.

I also have a lot of nieces and nephews I decide to live for and try to make happy when If i can't be.

If I didn't have family, I don't think I'd be around now.

Because killing yourself would have the exact same result for you, and cause less pain for everyone else?

I plan on dying in the RaHoWa.

I would like to visit some remote place before I go. I was thinking maybe the desert in Australia or the fjords of Norway. I'm just saving up for a trip to see some purity in this world, then I can go into the long night peacefully.

I don't want to go on living but killing myself would be such s drag.

If you kill yourself over politics, you are literally retarded. That's what I never understood about these spree killers. Don't they have jobs? Friends? Anything interesting at all going on day to day? I bet none of them have had pussy in years.

The only 2 things that keep me from offing myself are:

1) i dont want to ruin my family, we've already had a death in our immediate family

2) why kill myself when i could stick around and watch the chaos ensue? And when it does (which it will) i wanna be one of those people who give people what they deserve. A bullet through their fucking skull. So i figure that instead of killing myself ill be a part of the chaos. Now that is what i live every day for. I cant wait tbqhfamilam, gonna be great murdering people who deserve it! :^)


Life didn't get the best of me. A girl did. And I don't need to live here like this. Just waiting til I can't disappoint my loved ones.

Stupid question.

We've all hit the cosmic lottery by even being born. Out of the billions of dead stars and trillions of dead planets in the Universe, your snot nosed unworthy ass hit 6 numbers and the bonus. Fucking enjoy it as long as it lasts.

Who fucking cares about normies and Chads and Tyrone. Fuck 'em. If all you do is play video games and drink Mountain Dew for the rest of your life, it's still a lot better than never having lived at all.

Get over your stupid day to day concerns and stop looking a gift horse (life) in the mouth.

Or fucking off yourself, I don't care, just do it far away from me.


Anyone willing to roll the dice on that one is shit for brains tier

Ahh shit forgot to crop the photo. Fuck it

Because I consider it an incredibly weak thing to do.

Should one act on that vengeance if they have nothing left? Is murder or mutilation of those who've hurt you ok.

this isn't a natural order. eventually things will go back to normal.

is she still doing porn? i only saw her on that facialabuse scene

i plan to have childs and that will be the only reason i live and lived for

The fact that my husband and I have an adopted son from Mexico and that he loves his dads.

I'm doing alright in med school. Plus I have more friends than I realized.

Still, the thought that nobody wants me around has been popping up for a decade now. It's getting annoying.

Anime desu. That and fear of what lies in the afterlife.

lol you deserve suffering a long life. Fucking idiot.

Shotgun to the dick bro

Balkanisation is inevitable and even if it doesn't work, I want to live to see it happen


It would've been better if i would've never existed in this shitty reality.

I cant wait to watch this world fucking BURN!

whats her name?

>1-That is the cuckest and cowardest thing someone can do
Explain this
>2-I have a wife who I've been with since we were 14 and I can assure you I'll be her first and last
I'll take your word for it.
>3-Breeding kids and growing them properly so they grow up redpilled and able to survive the shitstorm to come
You know the intricacies of the human brain and how it develops, and exactly how to manipulate it so that it turns out how you wish? That's impressive.
>4-I'd hate to die and lose the ability to do all my favourite shit
It's not like you'd miss it.

I didn't know Sup Forums hurt like I do. Love you guys.

The world is burning and it's suddenly become incredibly amusing to watch. I think I can stick it out to see what the ashes look like

felicity feline

Spoken like a true normie, get the fuck out.

thanks user

Murder or mutilation to those who wronged you ok?

Of course! How else will they ever face justice! Our judicial systems are fucked and if you're one of those "hurr durr he'll get his in the next life" then you're cucked beyond fixing.

What I dont understand is you guys all clearly hate humanity and just want a gun, a dog, something to fuck and live in the woods. What kind of life is that? if you hate everything the world, and people have to offer, why not just kill yourself?

I feel like it's a cowards way out and can't deal with that. I also know I would destroy my brother and he would probably do the same.

Sometimes though, it just is all too much. Life has not been good to me for five years.

It gets better anons. No matter what your ideology is, health, wealth, whatever. Join a church and a gym. I know that sounds cliche but it's the easiest way to meet people to talk about normie shit. All that does is make you not think about the stuff that keeps you down.

What a beautiful face and eyes. Sadly ruined by a shitty tits and tattoos. Still hope for her given modern medicine and willpower.

I'm too much of a coward to kill myself.

Life is joyless. There are brief flickers of real joy or pleasure, but not nearly enough to make up for the constant feeling of hopelessness.

One day I'll get drunk and find my courage.

Friends and family think I don't drink because I'm a control freak. But the real source is the fact every time I drink to being really drunk. I start to find that courage.

Plus, with a wife and 2 kids. Killing myself is too close to being a nigger.

Shuffle on weary souls. Shuffle on.

I want to live forever. I want to see what happens in the future and how bad things can get. Id rather take a lot of people with me than die alone.

Tbh the only way Id consider dying would be in ww3 or something

>we are all going to die
>i'll just end it all now

well men for some reason have decided to just let it all happen
theyre too stupid to stop it while its happening so theyll just wait for it to get unbearably bad and then start a revolution
as whites have always done
go read some history books

I hope for transhumanism to become a reality.

jokes on you guys, I'm raising my kids Jewish. If you cant beat em join em

"Join a church"

You really should kys christfag


I don't want to suffer, or fail.
I don't want to hurt the feelings of my few friends.
I still have some small measure of hope that I can get my shit together.

One thing that helps is when someone I hated dies. Or just someone I didn't like. While I'm over here breathing and shit posting, they're down there, getting dirt thrown on them.

Feels good.


My parents, my sister, and my grandparents love me and would be devastated. No matter how worthless think I am, I know that they want the best for me

You can tell she has a small dick fetish just by looking at her?

817 here bro....where you?

Reminder that pol is a Christian board

Everyone dies alone, it doesn't matter how many people die with you.

Honestly I just want to see if Trump gets elected. After that I can finally rest in peace.

This might be the best advice you ever read here

>t. Edgy pagan


Cause killing yourself would be a waste. If you are gonna die soon anyway why not die in a creative way while having some fun first? Like, go to Washington, stick some explosives in your ass, don a clown costume, try to assassinate Obama by honking a bycicle horn at him, when security tries to cuff you detonate the explosives.

It's really a Mormon board.

Life has infinite possibilities. No matter how shitty things are now, there is a chance that things will get better, even if it's just 0.0000000001%.
Suicide is the pussy's way out.

Reminder that Sup Forums is a national socialist board

Because of my family, and because of the people that gave me something when I had nothing.

Even if I dont "love" some of them, I have to honor their appreciation for my presence and whatever it is they see in me that I dont.

So I cant and I wont. Because I care too much about them.

Yet again I don't want to drag my entire family through the mud. Life is hard. And gay.

I hope things get better, I'd like to see if they do or don't.

The fact that pic related exists shows me that the bad outweighs the good in life.

I didn't hit the Powerball, I won the draft lottery.

>Demotivation shill

I would at least like to see Sweden uncuck itself in my lifetime.

About a month or so ago I had a flashback to a time about someone I had a bad experience with in school and I thought to myself how much he deserved something awful to happen to him. A week later he dies in a car accident. Life is weird.

Human instinct *self preservation*

Suicide is a mortal sin and I don't want to go to hell? Also just because I'm a lonely virgin with no future doesn't mean that I'm unhappy since Christ is enough to fulfil me.

>What's exactly keeping you from killing yourself, Sup Forums?
That is what ``they'' want me to do. As ``they'' try and try to make me do it, it will only bring about the end that much sooner.

Is this the same black Chilean who refers to himself as "black" and masturbates to videos of women being beaten up?

Cuck. You'd kill yourself even while millions of people are being enslaved?

I know burgerbro

I'll pray for you

Yes. Violence is an inherent part of human life and a categorical refusal to resort to it dehumanizing and frankly kind of pathetic. I can see why pathological pacifists would resort to suicide instead of righteous slaughter, but that doesn't mean it's right. It's a mental disease, really.

I'll pray for you. May Allah be your guide.

Find a wife and have kids!!!

Find a wife you can control!!!

If you cannot find a female you can control then suicide Is probably the best option as controlling dumb bitches is easy so long as you aren't a cuck bitch.

also, crush your enemies, see them driven before you and hear the lamentations of their women.

this is all your fault burgers
this wouldnt have happened without the asian immigration you allowed