Serious question, is he retarded? Not even politically, but just read that post...

Serious question, is he retarded? Not even politically, but just read that post, it reads like a Mexican 3rd grader's report on how hard life is

Yes, he's a ((socialist)).

I thought white people didnt know what it was like to be poor.

Bernie isn't white he's (((white)))

>Hating based Bernie
You niggers need to be gassed

>Worried about spending money due to the possibility of losing job
Keep thinking that, you fuckin jew.

Can't tell if jealous commie or just (((special))).

>Mister Metokur

That guy is a fucking faggot.

he's old.

he was probably reminiscing about the good old days and came out of a daydream and had to jot down what he remembered before he could forget about it while hopped up on old people drugs and lack of sleep trying to stay up and watch the RNC

>my Jewish father was a cheapskate

Wow, what a fucking shocker!

Is that why he is so awful with money despite being a jew?

well, the father had to provide for Senator Bernie until the man was in his 40's, because let's face it - he was busy guiding a political revolution.

k, bernie lost fgt

he certainly sounds retarded to me

I can't look at that fucking picture without hearing curb your enthusiasm music

>a politician is speaking at a level where everyone can understand him

good find sherlock.

Tweets aren't exactly the best prose. This is how he thinks and he didn't edit it because the back button is too much of a pain in the ass.

That fourth sentence is grammatically incorrect, there's no independent clause, he just hooked two dependent clauses onto a subject, and left the reader to try to figure out what exactly it was that "the fear" did. Presumably it has something to do with the fact that jews are incredibly apprehensive about ever losing their jew gold.

It's clearly a facebook post

>fears of not having money
>jealous of people with more money

The man is a walking meme, he doesn't even try to break the stereotype.

>overturn citizens united
>Republigoys who are shit with rights and economy
>overturn abortion and gay marriage!
>overturn open carry bans!
Ok! Face it. You got a choice between an orange douche and a pantsuit sandwich

Orange Douche got my vote. Fuck Democrats.

he later corrected it.


tip kak