This is the best horror movie made in the last 40 FUCKING YEARS and not ONE SINGLE THREAD ABOUT IT

Get your fucking shit together Sup Forums, youre supposed to be a fucking film discussion board

Other urls found in this thread:


It was terrible. Watch better films.

>remake of a remake

I love the Ring series but I've heard this is ass

It sucked.

Its shit


>This movie is the reason we are getting no more Friday the 13th films.

Well done.

Yeah, youre all just jaded assholes desu.

The movie was great and felt like a breath of fresh air to the horror genre, it literally broke new ground and held it's own in an era of shitty ""horror flicks""

Also, it was Vincent D'Onofrio's best performance which says something, the man literally gave his all for this.

Personally, I give it a 9/10 and its the horror genre we're talking about so a 9/10 is like giving a movie a 30/10

>White Christian males are evil
>That G rated violence

Jump off a bridge

This new Samara has to be the scariest movie monster we've seen in years. Literally years. There's a scene in this movie that absolutely sent shivers down my spine. When Samara opens her mouth and it becomes really long. What a build-up! I nearly pissed myself.

>White Christian males are evil
What is it with you retards injecting your agenda and persecution complex in EVERY SINGLE PIECE OF ENTERTAINMENT you come across?

Fucking KYS or seek professional help ASAP you fucking defective human waste of space.

Is this a real shill thread or a bait shill thread?

>if someone disagrees with me theyre a shill
OP here, I stand by everything I posted in the OP, whats youre beef? Do you even have an argument to make?

This is the best horror

unless we're talking about 'film student horror film by guy who has no idea what he's doing and the result is cringe AF'....then, its alright I guess

>calls it cringe in a Rings thread

>a real genre

pick one

it is

Well, you've just shown you are not worth talking to. Good luck, user.

that's some impressive yoga

Imagine fuggin her in that position.

I'm not said user but I do realize that you are on Sup Forums. Maybe you should go back to /red/itt and circle jerk the other SJWs?

It was God awful. 1/10

mediocre movie for mediocre people.

You showed youre not worth talking to when you suggested that pos movie as a great one but here I am trying to educate you, because unlike you pleb, I consider you a charity case. Even defending that shitty movie in the slightest makes me 99.9% sure youre it's creator. It was shit m8..but its ok..you can always try again. Just try and learn from your mistakes.

>Also, it was Vincent D'Onofrio's best performance

Damn, I didn't even know he was in it or I'd have already watched it.

>What is it with you retards injecting your agenda and persecution complex in EVERY SINGLE PIECE OF ENTERTAINMENT
This is literally the exact question I have for jews.
I'm as tired of pointing out shit like this as you are of hearing about it.

> Rings (2017)
> Ring (2019)
> Ringo (2021)

Peace and Love

>brings up "le white christians le being oppressed" literally out of nowhere while having to do literally nothing with the movie we're discussing

Ye maybe if you've only seen horror movies released in the last two months. Fucking dumb ass

>I'm as tired of pointing out shit like this as you are of hearing about it.
when has this ever happened lol
you guys are psychotic

I'll think about it.

>Thinks we're happy to have our race and gender run into the ground in every form of media in the world
>Thinks its fun that the only response even when you prove the intentional nature of these efforts is "oh well, you deserve it"
>Calls other people psychotic
You should thank god that Trump saved you from civil war, cuz yes, we're sick of it.

digits confirm

nigger where did this occur at all in this movie? what the fuck are you even talking about?
>all white cast
>a white person is the villain

I donno. You started talking to a new guy here: I just point this shit out when I see it, like the other guy you were talking to.

Funny it took you this long to condescend to talk about substance though, you fucking prick.

Yeah I talked to him about his persecution complex in a movie which it doesnt exist and then you jumped on to that. How fucking insecure can one person be? And if you think this whole industry is against you, why the fuck do you keep consuming it's products and then whine about them? Fucking unreal

This thread is autistic as fuck


yes, unironically well done

It was fucking great

>why the fuck do you keep consuming it's products
I'm choosy about what I pirate, thank you.

evidently not

>Just finished telling you I didn't see OP's movie
Try to keep up.

Shill harder you cunt

you are the one shilling

>Horror movies


has actually been a good year for horror movies so far.

>This is the best horror movie made in the last 40 FUCKING YEARS and not ONE SINGLE THREAD ABOUT IT

Because you're lying in order to try and trick people into watching it because "LE EPIC TROLL DUUUDE HAHAHAAHA!"

>6% on RT
hard pass

0/10 bait. Tried way too hard


Film is dogshit watch Get Out or The Void this is literal Freddy Vs Jason tier trash.