Stop being homophobic

Stop being homophobic

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stop being

God, I can't stand Bill Nye, the Science Lie.

this, I hope he's driving home and gets in a front end collision and his steering column fails to telescope properly and fucking impales him through the lung
If you watch this Larry Wilmore episode (I know that sounds bad already but stay with me) where he has Bill Nye as a guest, perhaps you can see the actual moment in history where Bill Nye snaps and caves into the whole SJW agenda

Stop being a white male
more like stop being heterosexual

You know, this hatred of Nye is good for Sup Forums. For the first time in a long time, everyone can hate him and rejoice in unity and brotherhood. You can be a real scientist, climate denier, religious person, hipster hater, hater of hipsters, millennial hater, angry millennial of just want to join in the fun!

Bill Nye the Jewish Lie

Bill Wye didn't you stay in the 90s where you belong the no longer relevant guy

Start having homosexual orgies


You know who's irrelevent?
People who deny science.


Stop thinking there are only two genders and one non-degenerate sexual orientation


This whole thing has been massively disappointing. I don't care about Sup Forums tier shit, but when you wheel out the likes of Wil Wheaton, assert that the planets people problem can be solved by empowering women and bringing a corporate guy on to mock him without actually listening to his side of the story. Outwardly politicizing what could have been a fun science show you've lost me, tackling controversial issues is fine, but creating a show to pander to literal Reddit behavior of preaching to an audience that already agrees with the host in smug satisfaction is shit.


Why does this sound like something out of a dystopian scifi novel?

I'm bisexual and Nye's attempts at halting homophobia are turning me into a bigot

>things I disagree with is politicizing

Any more rhetorical bullshit, Sup Forums plebs?


>appeal to emotion

Because the propaganda in the west has reached dystopian levels, with each of these idiots (including ITT) caring more about "Beating the other team" than what's actually true.

Holy shit, what an asshole

but it is what the fuck?

it's not political if you agree with it?

that's actually more retarded than anything a poltard would say, nice dude

watch the whole thing

is he black pill?

Oh, and before anyone tries to create a false equivalence with the left and right, only one "team" owns the media that keeps the sheep in line.


Rhetorical? what was rhetorical about saying i'm disappointed in the way this show was done? Do you even know what that word means.

You don't like that I didn't like the show, so I must be a Sup Forums poster. Fuck off.

>hey, 2+2 = 3
>you're wrong, it's 4

That's you.

That's...oddly specific

*tips fedora*

>he thinks he's being subtle


smart people

I want this to be a real quote.

Is he a kike or just the goodest goy?



So, Bill Nye, where it conflicts with his politics.

Bill won't shut the fuck up about gender, homosexuality, cultural appropriation and other shit that doesn't have anything to do with science. He's pandering to politically correct bullshit and you know it.

Not surprised desu

>bill nye the science guy
>doesn't actually do any science

How is it not science? It's about the human body and brain.


What's fucked is I can't tell if this is real or not. He's said things equally as retarded on his show.

Transgender bullshit.

You actually believe in strict monogamy? Seriously? You believe it's a system that works?

>giving children sex-changes is progressive

Liberalism has lost it's collective mind, we have 4 year old that have barely mastered their ABC's being given sex-changes.

Doctors injecting 7 year old boys with hormones so that they'll grow tits.

Men saying they are women so that they can go into women's bathrooms and expose themselves to kids.

And it's all being cheered on as some amazing progress and anyone who's like, 'hey maybe this doesn't sound right.." is some horrible bigot.

Traditional Gender roles are evil and being straight is bad. Shits gone off the rails. Nuclear holocaust will be a blessing. Good luck everybody.

>God isn't real!
>Oh and by the way you should still treat people well because of muh fee fees

He's anti-nuclear

He believes in tranny & faggy pseudoscience

He used to be anti-GMO and changed his mind after getting bribed

>you shouldn't treat people well if God doesn't exist

Christfag right here showing he has no morals or empathy.

Of course it works you dumb cunt.

What does cultural appropriation have to do with science?

>I just got here from reddit and don't understand the fedora meme

Just opened this thread to post this


Tell me about these objective morals my atheist friend.

everybody knows you can only be a decent human being if you believe in a 2,000 year old capeshit character

What did that ice cream cartoon teach about the human body and brain? There wasn't any science in it whatsoever, it was pure pandering.

I don't see any examples of science denialism.

Right it just has a 50 percent failure rate. Tell us more about how homosexuality is only ever a choice and how women should stay in the kitchen you fuckin relic.

>God isn't real!
>There is NOTHING after death!
>Get over it! You don't matter!
Then who gives a fuck how gays get treated?
>Whoa whoa whoa dude don't you have any empathy?

Gender = sex. End of discussion, all of this "YOU CAN BE WHATEVER GENDER YOU WANT" shit is pure nonsense that isn't backed by any real science. Trannies are mentally ill.

Please. Most of Sup Forums are fat fucks who've worn a fedora at some point in their life. It's not full of skinny winners you fedora tipper.

But don't you get it? The world doesn't need meaning when it has FEELINGS!

>passes anti-islamphobia law to protect a religion that beheads women for not wearing burkas, throws fags off roofs, multilates womens gentitals, whips women as punishment for being raped, and commits regular jihad against anyone who isnt muslim or isnt muslim-enough.
>injects 8 year old with hormones to make him grow tits.
>the modern liberal

Bill mocks corporations, only reason he has his show is because of them

>you disagree with me so you're a repulsive neckbeard

>Thinks the fedora meme has to do with actual fedoras
Like I said. First day here. Now get out.

No u

>he thinks it doesn't have to do with the type of person to ever wear a fedora

I've been on Sup Forums since 2006. Get the fuck out of here you post 2008 piece of shit.

>Love the Lord and Saviour, who gave his son to die for the world - dedicate your life to him, become a priest
>Molest small children on a daily basis
>the classic and modern theist

fags are alright, they don't pollute the planet with more mouth breaking retards (yet)

>Right it just has a 50 percent failure rate.

In the degenerate West infected by SJW bullshit, yeah. Not the rest of the world.

Homosexuality isn't a choice, it's a mental illness. So is being a tranny.

Women's first duty is to raise a proper family and support the husband.

These are the foundations of a functional society. The West is going downhill because they've forgotten this.

>Unown F

>I'm not a real scientist, but I play one on TV

If Bill was a real scientist, he would be kicked out from the scientific communities. Now that he's just a "tv scientist" he can say whatever he wants without fear of being kicked out from anything.

It's painful. It's painful watching the field of science get coopted by social engineers who want a new god to replace the old god because the old god fell out of style.

Well said Mohammad

Poor Brainlets

>Bill Nye shows up on stage riding a Segway with periodic table decals plastered all over it
>crowd cheers and starts chanting BILL BILL BILL
>"Alright guys, we're gonna do some SCIENCE!"
>crowd erupts into a frenzy
>electronic dance music starts playing as Bill mixes two flasks of identical looking liquid and produces a blue solution
>the audience is turning genderfluid nonbinary as he's doing this
>"As I mix these two compounds, I want to remind you that, just like this liquid flask I'm holding, race is a SOCIAL CONSTRUCT!"
>chants of Black Lives Matter roar through the audience, whites are checking their privilege en masse
>suddenly a voice from the back of the audience says, "But I have data proving there's differences in IQ between the races!"
>the music stops
>the crowd turns immediately silent
>"Who said that?" shouts Bill Nye as he steps off his segway. "Who fucking said that?!"
>A lone white male stands up in the audience, with two charts showing intrinsic differences between the races
>"The facts speak for themselves! Blacks have lower IQ even when adopted by white parents!"
>deathly quiet tension in the air
>suddenly somebody starts chanting "Hate facts, hate facts, hate facts!"
>the crowd joins in
>they start encircling the white male, their chants getting louder
>a Pansexual Fairy Sprite starts screeching and hissing in demonic tongues about privilege
>this is the signal for the crowd to rush the poor white man and tear him limb from limb
>as this happens, Bill Nye drops his pants and starts masturbating at the carnage, using the flask he was holding earlier as an anal pleasure tool
>the audience joins in and partakes in a massive orgy of semen and the white male's blood
>in the midst of this, an AfroAsian queerkin finds the papers used by the white male and burns them with his bong lighter
>crowd cheers at this spectacle
>Bill Nye shouts, "That's science!"
>roll credits