Absolutely based

Absolutely based.

Other urls found in this thread:


>get cucked off stage

go to bed rato

rat man is a traitor to the world, he seemingly wants Hillary to win.

>united the entire party against himself and behind donald trump
>own supporters in the crowd even outraged

That's not how it works, rato

>own supports outraged
[citation needed]

I'm a #CruzMissile now




This, wouldn't cuck himself for Trump.

That was pretty based actually

My mom supported Cruz throughout the entirety of the primary season. She isn't a never Trumper, but she isn't exactly his fan either.

She was visibly upset by Cruz's pettiness tonight

All jokes aside, it was a really amazing speech and the crowd was eating it up until the trump shills chimped out at the end.


Keep it to one thread you literal retard.

This. Either way, theyre all controlled by the jews anyway so who cares.. : (

He really is the only true conservative left

A $hillary presidency was inevitable from day 1. She's a horrible traitorous pile of garbage and way more good would have come from Trump than her, but we are too deep in our own shit to have any sense. Say hello to madam president, America.

Yeah, right, faggot.


You are a faggot

>trump is the nominee
>"trump shills"

The only thing in this thread are shills, period.

Attacking the nominee in any way is fucking moronic and is not how Nixon or Reagan managed to get elected president in 1968 and 1980. Even when Goldwater was talking about completely defunding the government entirely and other unelectable shit Nixon still backed him and the party remembered that loyalty. In 1976 when Reagan lost (because of Manafort) due to delegate shenanigans he backed Ford even though Ford was a liberal Republican and Reagan was a conservative and Reagan was elected in 1980.

In 1980 John Anderson, a liberal Republican, actively ran against Reagan and it destroyed his political career.

Loyalty to the nominee in a given year is loyalty to the party. Disloyalty to the party is suicidal.

>it was a really amazing speech
it really wasnt it was the most basic speech there ever was with including muhh feeels, muhh 9 year old child, muhhh murrricaa
It could have been literally from anyone and gave the feeling of having it heard a 100 times already in the past.. and i say that without even being american.


There is only one king, and his name is Cruz.

Trump supporters are all traitors to the crown and should hang by the neck until death.

you could never give a speech 1/10th as good as cruz

thailand is based,never conquered by europeans or jews or other chinks, good job
too bad yer all lady boys now

Although, most people who support Trump don't say anything about it because they don't want to hear all the bullshit from regressives, but come election day their voices will most likely be heard once and for all. So I might really be a faggot. Only time will tell.

Of course which is why he took donation from Trump himself

That's how you know we're not Muslims or Communists.




Tha fuck am I looking at? It's all blurry!

Just another neocon.

American hero

Wtf? I'm a CruzMissile now

Time for some glasses, gramps

haha fair point, i'll give you that

Senator Ted Cruz in particular made the key point that we need to elect the Trump Pence Republican ticket.

Ted is a legend. He will go down in history books.

well, tbqh trump approved his speech only to knife Cruz in the back. Trump was a dead set on ruining his political career-this was effectively a political knee-capping.

Your mom's visibly upset by the sale of the last jog of cheese balls tho.