We push the blacked meme around here a lot but how many men do you think are getting cucked by supposedly "man's best...

We push the blacked meme around here a lot but how many men do you think are getting cucked by supposedly "man's best friend"

She's cute, post moar.

obviously your dad is one of them

my parents are divorced lol aren't you a fucking idiot but I wouldn't expect anything less from an indomonkey

Are you either going to post more photos of the cute girl or the cute pupper or what? I've got dick in hand for the former but I'll have a wank later if you're going to post cute animals. Either way, don't leave us hanging, man.

I'll throw you a bone mate.

girl is probably underage and dogs are universally ugly long snouted fucks

It's my understanding that a lady will never tell you how many knots she's taken

dogpill is a micro component of the blackpill

white women would rather fuck dogs than fuck ethnic men and sub 8 white males

Cheers but on second thoughts 犬星 is more appealing at the moment. Have a bump though.

>girl is probably underage
Legal age is far too old for me, user. Meat left out in the sun isn't good to eat.

>dogpill is a micro component of the blackpill
top kek

doubt many of them take knots, but I wouldn't doubt if they've at least tried the peanut butter thing

Would fug

Do that peanut butter thing bb


get help


Just do the peanut butter thing

when you're so insecure and free from actual problems you start seeing animals as competition

you're weird

>Why are you out of breath? And why is rufus wearing socks?

when you're a blue pilled cuck who doesn't knowabout the dogpill

Based Aussie

the worst part is i cant even tell if the poster behind the flag is either involved in pedo ring or just simply a muslim

>says the muslim

Having some hebephilic thoughts doesn't mean you rape kids, friend.

based aussie