Realistically speaking, what is to be expected from a Clinton presidency?

Realistically speaking, what is to be expected from a Clinton presidency?

I'm not looking for, "Hurr durr 4 more years of Obama." Based on her policies and her position on the global stage, what could we expect to see take place in terms of American economics and domestic/foreign affairs?

8 more years of Obama.

Lots of pro-Wall Street legislation and probably some prolonged boots-on-the-ground war in the middle east, based on her track record.

More white genocide

Middle eastern refugees will enter your country, put their dicks in your women by force or request, your rapes will soar and your dindu's will be radicalized as islamic recruits against you and then the US will turn into a shitstorm

Hillary would go down as the president that killed America

More of the same, her platform is by far the closest to Obummers. Much of the democratic machine is going to stay right where they are right now, in power.

If she's elected, you'll be the new France/Sweden.

It will be like the past few years but worse.

And then you can count on the complete collapse of America when her appointed judges get to work.

This shit is no joke. She is easily one of the worst politicians to ever be considered for president. Which speaks to just how fucked and stupid the population here has become.

i suppose it'll be more bombs for the middle east, and given kikes seem to just love messing with white people big time, they will push for more enrichment until euros finally go full berserk and fight back (there's got to be a limit, there's got to be, i mean, i've read many creepy as fuck things regarding the "progresiveness" going on there on this site and others). As for your cuntry...well...errr.. she will just say. TPP is great, let's get it ratified and you'll be having more juanes/pacos, cholos and criminals moving to your country, such decision will destroy what is left of the agriculture and significantly compromise dairy sector. You will iport raw niggers and muslims because you have to be good goyim and well, pretty much what many on this board complain about all the time...Brazil 2.0 but more dangerous because your sandniggers will actually blow themseles up

Racial tensions will increase.
Clinton is actually weak as shit and relies on the machinery behind her to deal with civil unrest.
USA becomes more plutocratic.

The end of white america.

Economically and the broader picture - another term of establishment economics that caters to corporations and Israel. Further erosion of the middle class. Socially, you'll see more racial division, gender identity politics and other smoke screens used by the establishment to distract the masses from the broader picture

Hillary will not be President, Obama will get a third term, then one of Trump's kids gets it after.


You'll get 4 more years with no leadership and increasing levels of racial tensions. More refugees, more mexicans, escalation of US force in Syria, and very likely a real war in Iran.

I'll be beyond shocked if the country survives. While she's evil, she's also massively incompetent and makes obama's arrogance look humble.

Well, the if question is pointless. She is the next POTUS and we're going to have a first man, which should be interesting.

Let's see. I think we can expect a few things.

1) Expansion of public education to include pre-school. As to why it doesn't already is sort of a mystery. Huge benefits have been demonstrated. It's not like a vague or fluff thing.
2) Improved college financing. The mechanics will depend on how badly Trump harms the senate/house republicans. If they lose as much as is expected, it will be entirely federal. If not, the private sector will have some kind of role in it (and of course make it worse).
3) Expansion of Obamacare to include more mental disorders. Currently you cannot get ADHD medications through Obamacare. This is hugely stupid. Many people who earned 100k+ but went off their meds cannot get them covered again if their life collapses, so they remain burdens rather than assets. Mental health is the biggest public health issue.
4) Refocus of War on Drugs towards addiction treatment.

Unlike Donald Trump her policies are all easy to access. You can just go to her website. They are there. You should probably get familiar with them, because they may actually happen (depending on how much the republicans drag their feet).

open borders and amnesty for illegals. those open borders apply to anyone willing to make the trek. including radical muslim extremists. higher taxes to pay for all the government handouts. supreme court appointments that will do all they can to nullify the bill of rights. not just guns, all of them. war on multiple fronts. namely syria and russia, possibly including iran. pushes for laws to give wall street and big bankers free range to do whatever they want as it pertains to gambling fdic money. policy that will push more production jobs overseas. public school will become even more of a lefty indoctrination camp.
something that makes this election so important is that the globalists and socialists are almost in the end zone. if she is elected, be ready for war, both on our shores, and on foreign land. i'm not even fear mongering here. these are literally our future if she's chosen.

>mo money for dem programs
>more division
>open borders

Hi Hillary

You will be democrat for ever.

I would go on and on and on in a multi post encaping thing

but in the end, for real, no bullshit or memes, 8 more years of an Obama style presidency, they agree on practically everything, and Sanders pushed her even farther to the left.